BOOST Your Metabolism! | Lose Weight During Menopause

Are you struggling to lose weight during menopause? Today, I'll show you have to boost your metabolism, look trim and stay in shape after 40! What might have worked when you were younger no longer works for you now and knowing the causes of weight gain and

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7 Ways To Support Your Metabolism & Lose Weight! | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Diet & Weight Loss

Here's JJ with the top 7 things to support your metabolism when losing weight… 1) Stay hydrated 2) Incorporate cinnamon, turmeric & ACV 3) Intermittent fast 4) Cross train your diet 5) Get enough protein 6) Do HIIT/burst training 7) Manage stress — If you enjoyed this

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How to lose weight after menopause

Learning how to lose weight after menopause can be challenging, but it's impossible if you understand why you've gained the weight in the first place… then you can do something about it! Understanding cortisol levels and how your hypothalamus work is the key. Today I'll show the

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The Things People Say… | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Health, Diet & Weight Loss

Things you've probably heard on your health journey – "eat keto", "more protein", "go paleo", "try going vegan", "dirty keto is fine", "eat more fat and less carbs", "carbs are bad!", "don't eat fruit" – sound familiar? — If you enjoyed this video, check out my dedicated

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7 Steps To Weight Loss! | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Diet & Weight Loss

Here’s JJ with her 7 top steps to weight loss 😉 1 – Start eating by the plate 2 – Pull out Hi-Fi foods 3 – Lower your sugar impact 4 – Get your blood sugar under control 5 – At least 30g clean, lean protein per

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Ditch The Seed Oils & Be Healthy! | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Diet & Weight Loss

One of the fastest ways you can upgrade your health is to make an oil change! This means getting rid of those damaging seed oils – canola, corn, cotton seed, sunflower & soybean oil. What do you have to do? Swap them out for healthy fats that

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How To Stop Dieting As A Hobby | Nutrition, Fat, Diet & Weight Loss | JJ Virgin

Want to lose weight, but the word diet leaves you feeling defeated or frustrated? Tune in to this episode, where JJ gives you 7 strategies to break the diet cycle and find a faster way to fat loss. Here, she reveals what to focus on to trigger

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Why Blood Sugar Matters For Weight Loss! | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Diet & Weight Loss

Keeping your blood sugar balance and your insulin levels low is incredible for keeping your hunger and cravings at bay. Eating by the plate is the single best way to do that. When you eat by the plate you’re getting clean, lean protein, healthy fats and bire

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Why Cheat Days & Snacking Are Bad News | Weight Loss, Diet & Health | JJ Virgin

Do you believe that healthy snacking or occasionally having a pizza and beer can help keep you on track with your diet plan? Then you’ll want to listen up to this podcast, where JJ talks about why snacking on even healthy foods and taking cheat days can

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To Lose Weight, Don’t Focus On Weight Loss! | Weight Loss, Diet, Exercise & Health | JJ Virgin

Make it your goal to build and retain lean body mass for healthy, lasting weight loss. The law of attraction says that if you focus on the thing you want, you will attract that thing into your life… but did you know that weight loss is the

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