Fat loss – Myths vs Truth! | #Shorts | Nutrition, Diet & Weight Loss

Fat loss – myths versus truth! Myths: – Only calories matter for fat loss – You have to do hours of cardio – Stress doesn’t affect your metabolism Facts: – Eating good helps you lose fat – You can stay lean and fit in your 30s and

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How To Make a ‘Loaded’ Breakfast Smoothie (For Weight Loss & Fat Burning) | Recipes | JJ Virgin

Breaking your fast with a loaded smoothie can help you lose weight and it keeps you full, focused, with steady sustained energy for hours. In this episode, you’ll learn how to build the perfect loaded smoothie. JJ explains what makes her smoothies “loaded” to help you lose

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Get Intermittent Fasting Results Without Suffering! | Nutrition, Diet & Weight Loss | JJ Virgin

Rather than using dieting as a hobby, I want you to see it as a therapeutic tool to be metabolically flexible and lose weight. And intermittent fasting is an amazing tool for fat loss, supporting healthy blood sugar metabolism, gut health, and so much more. In this

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Menopause Weight Loss | Tips for Losing Menopausal Weight Gain

Menopause weight loss can be tricky due to the changes in your body. Today, Deborah Maragopoulos will explain why you gain more weight during menopause and share some tips for losing menopausal weight gain and reversing insulin resistance. ✔️ Get my free Change of Life Checklist!: ✔️

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How To Sleep Better | Sleep & Weight Loss | JJ Virgin

You may not be able to diet your way to weight loss. In this episode, you’ll learn how sleep could be the missing link to losing weight and feeling better. Just one night of poor sleep can throw your stress hormones out of balance or increase sugar

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6 Effective Detox Strategies | Nutrition, Diet & Weight Loss | JJ Virgin

If you’re struggling to lose weight, detoxification may be the answer. Holding on to too many toxins might stop you from being the best fat burner. In this episode, you’ll learn the “neon sign” that you may be carrying a toxin burden, why eating from the rainbow

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Weight Loss Post Menopause

Weight Loss Post Menopause. For Healthy Eating and Losing Weight for Postmenopausal Women. Click here to see the 3 Biggest Lies You Have Been Told About Weight Loss: Menopause can be one of the toughest challenges that a woman goes through in her lifetime, both physically and

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Knock Out Self Doubt! | Nutrition, Diet & Weight Loss | JJ Virgin

  Don’t let self doubt stop you achieving all your goals! Things to get rid of: limiting beliefs, the word ‘can’t’, bad habits, toxic people and….excuses! Watch as JJ Virgin knocks ’em out one after another 😉 — If you enjoyed this ‘nutrition, diet & weight loss’

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What Are Hi-Fi Foods? | #Shorts | Nutrition, Diet & Weight Loss | JJ Virgin

What are Hi-Fi foods? Well, foods which most people consider ‘healthy’ are often actually quite bad for you and can cause HIgh Food Intolerance (= Hi-Fi). If you suffer from gas/bloating, joint pain, headaches, fatigue, skin problems, cravings, weight loss resistance or inflammation then quite likely you

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How To Lose Weight During Menopause – Women’s Healthy Hormones

Question: How To Lose Weight During Menopause As a physician that specializes in bio-identical hormones and hormone replacement therapy and specifically treatment of menopausal symptoms, one of the most common symptoms that I hear is weight gain – that’s very common. The average weight gain in menopause

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