Simple Diet Plan to Lose Weight During Menopause

Surprising Reason why you might put on more weight during menopause, and how to easily start to lose the weight. Click here to access the FREE 4-day cleanse and detox to help you with the best diet plan to lose weight during menopause. Book an Online Strategy

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Ditch The Seed Oils & Be Healthy! | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Diet & Weight Loss

One of the fastest ways you can upgrade your health is to make an oil change! This means getting rid of those damaging seed oils – canola, corn, cotton seed, sunflower & soybean oil. What do you have to do? Swap them out for healthy fats that

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You want the weight loss? What it really takes to lose weight in Menopause

You say you want to lose the weight, but are you doing what it takes? You might be surprised…. Free training – “Why the Weight Gain Over 40” (2016/17) Free training: “How to Prep & Plan to Eat Healthy All Week” (2016/17) Facebook Community for women over

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How To Stop Dieting As A Hobby | Nutrition, Fat, Diet & Weight Loss | JJ Virgin

Want to lose weight, but the word diet leaves you feeling defeated or frustrated? Tune in to this episode, where JJ gives you 7 strategies to break the diet cycle and find a faster way to fat loss. Here, she reveals what to focus on to trigger

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Why Blood Sugar Matters For Weight Loss! | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Diet & Weight Loss

Keeping your blood sugar balance and your insulin levels low is incredible for keeping your hunger and cravings at bay. Eating by the plate is the single best way to do that. When you eat by the plate you’re getting clean, lean protein, healthy fats and bire

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Don’t Turn Your Salad Into A Sundae! | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Diet & Weight Loss

That ‘low fat’ or ‘light’ salad dressing is loaded with sugar and it turns your salad into a sundae! Swap it out for a great no sugar option, like Primal Kitchen. — If you enjoyed this video, check out my dedicated Shorts playlist – Any one of

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Losing Weight After 50: Anti-Inflammatory Eating to Gain Energy and Lose Weight After 50

Why is losing weight after 50 so difficult? What most of us may not know about losing weight after menopause is that, over the years, we have likely amassed a significant inflammation problem. And if we want to finally lose weight, reset our metabolism and gain energy,

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Track These 3 Things To Upgrade Your Health | Weight Loss & Metabolism | JJ Virgin

How do you become metabolically healthy? In this episode, JJ explains why metabolic health is so important for weight loss and so much more. She shares 5 lab values that you want to pay attention to, the best way to monitor your blood sugar levels (and why

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The Daily Habits Of A Fat Burner | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Diet & Weight Loss

If you want to burn fat, then try following these simple daily habits… – Weight yourself in the morning – Meditate – Break your fast with a loaded smoothie – Work out – Take a cold plunge – Go for a walk – Eat by the plate

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Why Cheat Days & Snacking Are Bad News | Weight Loss, Diet & Health | JJ Virgin

Do you believe that healthy snacking or occasionally having a pizza and beer can help keep you on track with your diet plan? Then you’ll want to listen up to this podcast, where JJ talks about why snacking on even healthy foods and taking cheat days can

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