6 Things I WISH I Knew About Fat Loss 20 Years Ago…

Are you frustrated with your weight loss journey? Here are 6 fat loss tips I WISH I knew 20 years ago… From debunking weight loss myths to what actually works best for fat loss over 40, watch this video to learn how to get better results much

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How to lose weight after menopause

Learning how to lose weight after menopause can be challenging, but it's impossible if you understand why you've gained the weight in the first place… then you can do something about it! Understanding cortisol levels and how your hypothalamus work is the key. Today I'll show the

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Losing Weight After Menopause Isn’t Fair… But *You* Can Still Do it!

Losing Weight After Menopause Isn’t Fair… But *You* Can Still Do it! When I was a teenager, I could lose weight at a pizza party. Now, I look at a cake through a shop window and gain a few pounds. Do you feel the same? So, in

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Weight Loss After 50: 5 Weight Loss Mistakes Post-Menopausal Women Make

Weight loss after 50 is tough. In fact, this is an issue that I personally struggle with. That said, I’m always torn when it comes to talking about weight loss. On the one hand, I know that many of you groan when you hear the words “weight

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10 Easy Remedies To Relieve Constipation Fast

10 Easy Remedies To Relieve Constipation Fast Constipation is a condition in which the passage of stool becomes difficult or painful, and often occurs with hard and lumpy stool. The most common causes of constipation are dehydration, lack of physical activity, poor diet habits such as inadequate

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10 Probiotic Drinks That Will Make You Poop

10 Probiotic Drinks That Will Make You Poop We all know that consuming more water is good for the body. And while most people get enough fluids from drinking plain old H2O, there are a variety of other beverages available to help you meet your quota and

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10 Simple Ways To Clear Your Bowels Every Morning

10 Simple Ways To Clear Your Bowels Every Morning If you want to be healthier, lose weight, and feel better every day, there are some simple things you can do in the morning. One of these is drinking a glass of water before eating anything. This will

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10 Simple Ways to Get More Fiber And Eat Your Way To A Regular Stool

10 Simple Ways to Get More Fiber And Eat Your Way To A Regular Stool How to get more fiber in your diet: A high-fiber diet can decrease your risk of heart disease and colon cancer, help you avoid hemorrhoids and varicose veins, improve blood sugar control,

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