My Husband Lost 20 Lbs & Got Ripped in 6 Months Doing This…

My husband transformed his body, losing 20 pounds and getting ripped in just 6 months… Surprisingly, it wasn't a painful process, instead he prioritized the importance of balance and I think this may help quite a few of you in long term relationships and marriages if health

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8 Fat Loss Myths You Should NEVER Fall For 🙅‍♀️ (Esp Over 40!)

Struggling to lose weight after 40? Don't fall for these ridiculous fat loss myths and scams. In this video, I'll share the truth about common misconceptions with fat loss over 40 and help you find REAL solutions to achieve your weight loss goals. Watch more videos like

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The Things People Say… | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Health, Diet & Weight Loss

Things you've probably heard on your health journey – "eat keto", "more protein", "go paleo", "try going vegan", "dirty keto is fine", "eat more fat and less carbs", "carbs are bad!", "don't eat fruit" – sound familiar? — If you enjoyed this video, check out my dedicated

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7 Steps To Weight Loss! | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Diet & Weight Loss

Here’s JJ with her 7 top steps to weight loss 😉 1 – Start eating by the plate 2 – Pull out Hi-Fi foods 3 – Lower your sugar impact 4 – Get your blood sugar under control 5 – At least 30g clean, lean protein per

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Are You Skinny Fat & Want To Get Lean & Toned? | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Exercise, Diet & Weight Loss

    Are you ‘skinny fat’? But you want to get lean & toned? Here’s JJ with the answers 😉 — If you enjoyed this video, check out my dedicated Shorts playlist – Any one of our videos have the power to transform your body and your

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So You Want To Lose Weight? | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Diet & Weight Loss

Want to lose weight? Balance your blood sugar by… – Going low sugar-impact – Reducing stress – Incorporating cinnamon, green tea, apple cider vinegar – Supplementing smart – Stop snacking — If you enjoyed this video, check out my dedicated Shorts playlist – Any one of our

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3 Secrets To A Better Diet | Nutrition, Diet & Weight Loss | JJ Virgin

Losing weight and getting healthier doesn’t require dramatic or difficult changes. Here, JJ reveals 3 simple hacks that help you get healthy, lose weight, and feel better fast. You’ll learn why intermittent fasting can be the best way to lose weight, how to maximize your fasting results

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Can’t Lose Weight After 50? | Energy and Weight Loss Blocks

Can’t lose weight after 50 or during menopause? Energy & Weight Loss block #1: Living in a Calorie In Calorie Out Mindset Calories, points, tracking how many calories you’ve burned, whether you’ve earned an ability to eat or need to exercise more to burn off, as if

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A Little Motivation from JJ On Your Health Journey! | #Shorts | JJ Virgin

Things I hear from people starting their health journey – “this is too hard”, “I’ll never be able to stick to it”, “I can’t do this”, “I’ll never reach my end goal”. Reminder: your mind believes everything you tell it! — If you enjoyed this health journey

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Why You’re Not Losing Weight… | #Shorts | Nutrition, Diet & Weight Loss | JJ Virgin

Why you’re not losing weight…you’re snacking! You’re not getting enough protein! You’re a sugar burner! — If you enjoyed this ‘nutrition, diet & weight loss’ video, check out my dedicated #Shorts playlist – Any one of our videos have the power to transform your body and your

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