How To Burn Fat vs Sugar | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Diet & Weight Loss

How to burn fat versus sugar…. 1) Stop snacking 2) Opt for HIIT versus hours of cardio 3) Ditch the sugar & artificial sweeteners 4) Quality sleep every night 5) Incorporate intermittent fasting 6) Go low-sugar impact — If you enjoyed this video, check out my dedicated

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How To Get Rid Of Your Sugar Cravings! | Weight Loss, Diet & Health | JJ Virgin

The #1 question I get from folks who are trying to lose weight, eat better, and get healthy is “How do I get rid of sugar cravings?” And I have the answer! Sugar sneaks into everything nowadays, and getting those cravings under control can seem like a

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How To Sleep Better | Sleep & Weight Loss | JJ Virgin

You may not be able to diet your way to weight loss. In this episode, you’ll learn how sleep could be the missing link to losing weight and feeling better. Just one night of poor sleep can throw your stress hormones out of balance or increase sugar

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Top 6 Most Common Food Intolerances | #Shorts | Nutrition, Diet & Weight Loss | JJ Virgin

In this funny #Shorts video, the one and only JJ Virgin is *anything but* tolerant towards food intolerance! Click on to find out the top 6 most common food intolerances – we hope you enjoy it more than JJ’s family 🙂 — Most common food intolerances: Sugar

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Are You A Sugar Burner? | #Shorts | Nutrition, Diet & Weight Loss | JJ Virgin

Are you a Sugar Burner? Here’s how to tell 😉 1) Are you often hangry? 2) Do you snack throughout the day? 3) Do you crave carbs and sugar? 4) Do you struggle with belly fat? 5) Do you seldom feel full or satisfied? If that sounds

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Top 5 Ways To Get off Sugar for Good & Lose Weight Fast | Nutrition, Diet & Weight Loss | JJ Virgin

It’s my mission to help you get off sugar! In this video, you’ll learn 5 ways to lower your sugar impact to flip the switch, drop fat fast, and keep it off. Unfortunately, sugar is sneaky: It hides in strange, unsuspecting places and in “healthy sounding” names.

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