5 Supplements Post-Menopausal Women Should Be Taking Daily

These are the best supplements for post-menopausal health. I started taking these daily after menopause. From bone strength to heart health and more, learn why and how they help… Watch more videos like this 👇 Feel Great & Lose Weight After Menopause!: The #1 Secret to Losing

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How To Lose Weight During Perimenopause {TIP: Low-Carb Lifestyle}

Welcome to MENOPAUSE! That’s me this week. I’ve arrived! The definition of menopause: the time when there has been no menstrual periods for 12 consecutive months and no other biological or physiological cause can be identified. I’m not gonna lie – you older, wiser ladies had me

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How To Lose Stubborn Weight During Menopause.

Watch to see how YOU can lose stubborn weight when you are in the menopause. Weight gain during menopause and perimenopause can be a problem for many women so what IS the BEST way to lose weight safely and effectively? Overthinking food and weight loss especially when

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What Can I Eat to Lose Weight During Menopause?

Full Plate Nutritionist Diana Fleming shares crucial changes that must happen in order to lose weight during menopause. For more information, check our Dr. Fleming’s post at: We’re all looking for a way to lose weight and live healthier. This blog will outline the best foods you

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Menopause: A Weight Gain Perfect Storm and What to Do About It

I often refer to menopause as The Perfect Storm for weight gain because at that time in a woman’s life there are many factors that converge to encourage weight gain. We cannot change everything, but we can change enough to interrupt the storm and reverse the consequences.

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Losing Weight after 60: Get Back in Shape after the Dreaded “Middle Age Spread”

Losing Weight after 60: Get Back in Shape after the Dreaded “Middle Age Spread” Why is losing weight after 60 so hard? After all, by the time we get to be 60-years-old, most of us have a good idea of how our diet and lifestyle affects us.

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How to Make Weight Loss Easier After Menopause/Perimenopause

There is no doubt that menopause changes things. And, while it doesn’t prevent fat loss, it does require a unique strategy. In this video, I discuss how fat storage changes as we move into menopause and how to work around those changes to make weight loss easier

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