You want the weight loss? What it really takes to lose weight in Menopause

You say you want to lose the weight, but are you doing what it takes? You might be surprised…. Free training – “Why the Weight Gain Over 40” (2016/17) Free training: “How to Prep & Plan to Eat Healthy All Week” (2016/17) Facebook Community for women over

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⚖️ Losing Weight AFTER 50 and Pregnancy – Diet That Works! 🤰🏼

Learn how I lost 25 pounds in midlife—after six children, 11 pregnancies, and post-menopause. And how I’m still losing! My magic bullet costs nothing and anyone can do it. But will you? ♡ ♡ ♡ 🐳 Please subscribe ♡ ♡ ♡ See more resources and ideas on

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What does it really take to lose weight during perimenopause/menopause

Free video trainings: “Why the weight gain over 40 and what you can do about it”: So what does it really take to lose weight during perimenopause and menopause? Well…I can tell you what worked for me and what has worked for my clients…. Perimenopause weight loss.

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