Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Check out my BRAND NEW video, fresh out TODAY (Feb 2nd!) – If you’ve been struggling to lose weight, or you’ve lost weight but you gain it back (plus more), you’ll want to watch this video.

I’ll give you 3 simple steps to break this vicious cycle and lose fat fast. You’ll learn the one thing you MUST do before you start a weight loss program, why cold turkey doesn’t work, why I’m anti-diet, how “healthy” foods might be hurting you, and the hidden cause of most weight gain.

You’ll learn how swapping out 7 foods can be a game changer for weight loss and feeling better.

And don’t worry, I’ll show you how you can STILL enjoy your favorite foods and beverages… without the guilt.

Links JJ mentions in the video:

How to Do Body Measurements:

Easy Swaps for Foods That Cause Intolerances:

Want to learn more about nutrition & weight loss? Me and my team of holistic health experts have put together this playlist just for you –

Any one of our videos have the power to transform your body and your life so make sure you never miss one by clicking here to subscribe

Hi I’m JJ, welcome to my channel. If you’re looking to lose weight, boost your energy and look and feel fabulous and fit over 40, you’re in the right place.

Here you’ll find the healthy recipes, fitness routines and the nutrition information you need to achieve healthy weight loss that stays off.

Welcome to the family!

NEW FOR 2022:





#JJVirgin #WeightLoss #FatLoss #HealthyLifestyle #Health #Diet #Fitness #Wellness


Are you tired of dieting? Are you frustrated because you can't seem to lose weight and keep it off? If so, you're not alone. Millions of people struggle with their weight and many turn to diets in an attempt to lose weight. But the truth is, diets don't work. They often lead to weight gain in the long run. So what does work? The answer is simple: just stop dieting! Instead, follow these three steps to lose weight and keep it off for good.

1. STOP DIETING – It's Time to Make a Change Once and For All

If you've been struggling with your weight, then I have some bad news. You're not going to lose all that weight in 30 days or six weeks. And if you think you are, then the odds are you're just on another diet. This means it's time to stop everything and finally change your life for good! We need to learn how to make permanent, lifestyle changes instead of quick fixes.


The main reason most diets fail is that they limit or reduce our food intake. When you slash calories, you're left feeling unsatisfied and hungry, not to mention deprived. And this leads to cravings, binge eating, overeating, and even more weight gain in some cases. The real problem isn't the amount of food you eat—it's what you eat. Some foods are ” fattening ” while others are ” slimming .” Some will make your belly fat disappear while others will pack the pounds on faster than anything else.


How do we lose weight? Losing weight is easy. The problem is keeping it off. Yes, the idea of “dieting” isn't new. We all know that to lose weight we just need to eat less and move more. But that's easier said than done. It's simple in theory, but not in practice. This is why so many people fail with diets time after time—they're too complicated, constricting, and frustrating.

With food…not diets! That means no calorie counting or measuring. No low-carb or low-fat restrictions. No avoiding snacks or fattening foods. Eat what you want when you want it. Sounds good, right? After all, this approach works for eating disorders like bulimia and binge eating disorders, as well as for those who struggle with obesity.

You don't have to look far to find real-world proof that this approach works. Just take a look around any weight loss support group online or at your local community center and you'll see countless success stories of people who lost weight using these three steps. And they still follow them today!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. It’s been too long guys, but I’m back now 😉

    I hope you enjoy this one and all the rest to follow!

    Do let me know what you think?

    • Omggg JJ Virgin, hellloooo

    • Hey JJ, i start my day with a shake everyday. This is what i put in it. Please tell me if it is good. Almond milk, teaspoon fiber powder, chocolate protein powder, teaspoon peanut butter, 1 banana, half avacado.

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