Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
If you're shopping and on a tight budget, here are some straightforward things you can do to save money and eat better (and I've time-tested these myself, because I was a single mom on a very tight budget once myself)!

JJ Virgin's Top Food Shopping & Money Saving Hacks:

1) Go to the farmers market, get to know your local farmers, and figure out what you can get there from them direct.

2) Go to Environmental Working Group ( and see what you HAVE to buy organic (versus what you can get away with not buying organic)

3) See if there's any kind of CSA or community collective where you can pay for your food and get things delivered to you (because those are also cost savings)

4) At the store, keep an eye out for savings! Sure, you've got your list, but you should also be looking out for things on sale that you can stock up on and put in your pantry or freezer. This is especially true for things you cannot afford to skimp on – things like clean animal protein where you need to make sure you're getting grass fed and finished, pasture raised, wild.

5) The other place you can't skimp is on good, healthy oils – olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil – get those when they're on special and make sure they're clean, first pressed and organic!

6) You can save more money still by simply not buying things that have been processed – let's be honest, what really costs money is having poor health! So get yourself things like beans (which you can soak and cook) and stock up on raw vegetables.

7) Lastly, the biggest area people waste money is on not using the things they already have! So make sure to at least cook things before they go bad (and you can always freeze them thereafter).

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Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

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