Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
This week Eileen takes a look at why weight gain around the middle is a common problem for many menopausal women. Plus, she offers her tips and advice on how to lose stubborn menopause belly fat.

As we age, we tend to gain weight in our midsection. This is due to the hormone changes and the slowing down of metabolism that occurs during menopause. But there are ways you can fight this belly fat and get rid of it for good! Read on for some tips on how to lose that extra belly fat.

This can be done by taking herbal supplements daily or going the conventional route and being prescribed estrogen pills or patches that are supposed to regulate your hormones. They work well but they do have side effects that may not suit everybody so you need to consult your doctor first before making a decision.

Another way to fight menopause belly fat is by adding more exercises to your weekly routine. A combination of cardiovascular workouts and strength training will help you lose the fat around your waistline as well as tone up those flabby areas. You can try walking at a brisk pace for 45 minutes every day, biking if you enjoy it, swimming, dancing. You can even try to do water aerobics since you'll be fully supported by the water.

You also need to cut down on food intake especially those that are high in fat and sugar. They will only add bulk to your waistline so you must eliminate them from your diet if losing belly fat is what you want to achieve. Don't worry though, because you can always substitute these with healthier alternatives like fresh fruits and vegetables which provide all the necessary nutrients for your body's needs.

Stress management is equally important when it comes to reducing menopause belly fat. You need to find ways of coping with stress or learn how to relax so your hormones will not get out of whack and lead you to eat more than what your body needs. Avoiding stressors turn out to be the topmost reason why some people gain weight more than others.

Cut down on your salt and sugar intake and increase the amount of fiber in your diet to avoid bloating or any uncomfortable feeling that makes you want to move around all the time.

When it comes to menopause belly fat, there is not one person who can say that he or she does not have it. It is a universal problem with people as they age and as such, it affects both men and women alike. However; we cannot deny the fact that we need different measures for losing this type of body fat because estrogen levels play an important role in determining whether you will gain weight easily or not during this period of your life. Keep patience and believe in yourself and you'll be able to lose those extra pounds that make you insecure. You will feel so much better and healthier by doing it.

Menopause is a natural process that every woman will experience. It can bring on many of the signs and symptoms associated with aging, including weight gain in some women. However, there are ways to combat menopause belly fat for more youthful-looking skin and lower body mass indexes (BMIs). There are plenty of resources available from lifestyle changes to medication options if you need help getting your waistline back under control when going through perimenopause or postmenopausal stages.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Thank you so much for an excellent explanation -I now feel I can stop the struggle and move forward in my quest to remove my belly fat!

  2. Thank you for the video. I had a hysterectomy because of a five pound fibroid in the uterus and a cyst on my overy. I am struggling with my emotions and weight. Depression.

    • Hula Girl So sorry. How are you doing now? Hoping better. 🙂

    • Hula Girl Aww, I hope you’re doing better.

  3. That’s so true. I’ve just come across your channel and I’m so glad I did. 4 years ago I started putting on weight, it seemed every other day I had put on an extra kilo…14 kilos all up, to be exact. I would walk 7-16 kilometres everyday (depending on my day) and the weight remained the same. It was so depressing.
    This year, I started eating vegetarian, not strictly, but mostly, and generally feel so much better.
    I still have my occasional fried food (meat & fish), feta cheese and goats milk in my coffee (can’t give that up yet, but have it down to 2 cups a day max). Although I’m working on eliminating all dairy as I’m told dairy is a real problem with the hot flushes and insomnia.
    I do relax and take out time for myself everyday. All my blood tests are 10/10 (my Doctors exact words).
    And the weight is practically melting off. Without really doing any exercise, apart from a short 20-40 minute walk a few times a week. I’m so surprised and very thankful, I’ve lost 6kilos without really trying. However I do suffer from the hot flushes 24/7 and have insomnia, which started 3-4 months ago and couldn’t work out why. I’ve always fallen asleep straight away in the past. I’m a bit moody but snap out of it straightaway. I’ve decided to go on Premisil as of tomorrow, as it’s a natural herb to combat these symptoms. See how I go. Thankyou for your advice and video. You’ve helped me understand what’s going on with my body and mind. It all makes sense to me now. I’m definitely subscribing, to learn more. Many blessings to you.

    • I take Sage capsules for hot flashes and it works great, two in the morning and I only get the occasional flash now.

    • Kon Stance hi there. I am in this predicament too..does Premisil have good effect on you?

  4. LOVE the colors on your set…very uplifting! Thx for info!

  5. 7:15 is where she gets to it.-magnesium, herbs, no stimulants, salt, sugar. Relaxation-30 mins., reducing cortisol. Eat well-no cutting calories. High protein, low carb. Snack smart. Easy exercising, keep active.

    • rocky mountain lass q

    • Thx for sparing my 13 min. So basically nothing new 👍🏻


    • High intensity interval training, not easy exercise.

    • Thanks rocky.

  6. Very interesting video. Thank you!

  7. I had hotflash and now my tummy is big and I was so depressed. I started walking daily for 30mts.i am going to try the tips u said.thanks

  8. Thank you!

  9. Weight training is so important to help prevent fat gain, I’m 46 and for the first time in my adult live my weight is sable and I am happy with my figure, going plant based as well has helped with this also.
    Great video, except for labelling all carbs as bad, whole grains help and are healthy, avoid refined carbs definitely.
    I love to do at least 15 mins of yoga everyday at home, following YouTube yoga, this helps keep me calm and focused, as well as the physical benefits yoga. Sometimes I use the guided mediations too, when I get stressed.

    • Hi Vickie, thank you for your feedback. I totally agree, unfortunately for many people the focus is on the wrong type of carbs and reducing refined options can often be a good start point for many of us, whilst of course, not forgetting to include some good quality wholegrains. Thank you for the tips on yoga too which can be a great tool for helping to relax our minds!

  10. You still need to cut down on food because your body does not need as much food because you are no longer fertile.

  11. Great information but there is a really loud noise in the background.

  12. Thank you so much for all of your wonderful advice and videos. How do you feel about intermittent fasting?

    • Glad you enjoy them, thanks! Although there is now lots of research on intermittent fasting I am wary of recommending it in the menopause. We do know that blood sugar regulation can go awry at this time and any big surges or dips can trigger adrenaline or histamine. These in turn can often cause or make worse the usual symptoms. Also, at this time the adrenals can often be in flight or fight mode practically constantly and if the body feels lack of food this can switch on ‘famine mode’ which results in a slowing down of the metabolism.

      However, probably, once a week for most women shouldn’t be an issue as long as you don’t exercise hard on these days. I guess it is a case of trying to see how you get on. If symptoms get worse on the fasting days then you will know that your body is not happy!

  13. Past caring. It’s about learning to love yourself no matter what your size. Have a physical job that keeps the Weight stable

  14. Every little thing feels like the last straw that’s going to push me over the edge, and it does, lol.

  15. Eating Doritos n crying at the screen

    • I hear ya sweetie

    • Aww I hear ya I did earlier

    • I buy the all natural doritos, no flavour and no chemicals – at first I think Im getting a treat but I can only eat 10 and they start to taste like cardboard – so instead of eating a big bag full in 2 hours it will last me all week and do no harm. All those chemical flavours are designed to make you crave more and the more you have the worse you feel.

  16. A. Vogel UK: Menopause belly fat & how to lose it
    Cortisol stress hormone production increases as progesterone hormone production decreases during menopause. This creates storage of fat in the belly. The body thinks you will starve & needs to store your energy so the body stores fat as a “spare tire”. We need to fool the body.
    What to do:
    Take magnesium supplements & magnesium rich food.
    Take B vitamins.
    Take calming herbs (aveno calm, pasiflora, hipericum)
    Avoid foods that trigger the nervous system– coffee fizzy drinks high salt & sugar foods
    Daily proper relaxation. Give your nervous system the break it needs. 30 mins meditation reduces cortisol.
    Eat well (Eat high protein, cut carbs, loads of veggies, some fruit, nuts & yoghurt for snacks. Snacks balance nervous system.)
    Be active. Walk. Do short bursts of exercise. Do HIIT exercise routines (High intensity interval training). No long exercise routines.

  17. What do you recommend for insomnia? Thank you so much for your wisdom.

  18. It’s really amazing how sugar finds me ..

  19. This is how i am feeling, my stomach was flat. Now my thighs are chunky stomach bigger. On top of being hot all night. So i can relate

  20. I love how you used ‘spare tire’ as an analogy :). Makes sense.

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