Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
What is your fastest & safest way to lose fat quickly? Discover why Dr. Sam Robbins, health expert, recommends Lean Optimizer™, as one of the solutions for weight loss during menopause.

*********************** How To Lose Weight During Menopause, Naturally? ****************

Losing weight is never fun and for most of us, it is not easy, especially as we get older. Losing weight is difficult as it is but it is an even bigger challenge when you are going through menopause or already menopausal.

During menopause, you are producing less “female hormones” such as estrogen and progesterone. This in turn causes a shift in ratio to higher “male hormones” such a testosterone.

These changes in your “sex” hormones also cause a decrease in thyroid hormones, which means a slower metabolism. All of this starts to cause elevated blood sugar levels and insulin resistance which means the foods you eat, convert to fat quicker. As, you can see, hormones really control everything.

Don’t worry – it’s not your fault! I’ve got the solution and you can do it!

You want to lose fat not just “weight”, which is usually valuable muscle loss. Unfortunately, most weight loss programs cause the wrong type of weight loss. I will show you how to decrease the inches in those stubborn areas without losing muscle. I will show you an all-natural solution that works almost as well as a drug without any of the negatives.

Fastest & Safest Way To Lose Fat Quickly!

There are really 3 main keys to permanent fat loss and I’m going to simplify it for you.
1. Diet- is the most important, since you can easily consume more calories than you can burn.
2. Exercise – by doing the right form of exercise you will burn more calories, which will allow you to eat more food or not diet as hard.
3. Supplements – the right kind will turn on your “fat burning genes”, which means faster fat loss with less effort.

We all know people who can eat whatever they want and not exercise and they don’t really gain much weight. This has to do with genetics and hormones. This is why when woman are menstruating or they are menopausal they gain weight but in all the wrong places.


We all need something “EXTRA”…Something that will improve your fat burning hormones naturally.
I created an “All-In One” solution called Lean Optimizer™.

Summary and bottom line is that you need to eat better and exercise daily and by utilizing Lean Optimizer™ with the right diet and exercise program means much faster fat loss with less effort for you!

Lean Optimizer™ is the first & only all-natural solution that helps optimize and enhance your “fat burning” hormones, like when you were younger – by helping to increase your Thyroid and Leptin levels, while decreasing Cortisol and Insulin.

– Helps suppress your appetite & reduce “cravings”.
– Safely increases your metabolism & energy levels.
– Targets stubborn fat areas (belly fat, arms, and thighs).

The Formula doesn’t contain any “FAD” ingredients …only contains clinically PROVEN safe and effective ingredients and it's completely safe for short-term and long-term usage.

Take action and try it today:


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Losing weight during menopause can be a daunting task. You may have already tried many diets and experienced few results. However, there is hope for those who are looking to lose that extra belly fat or just want to feel good about themselves again. Natural remedies such as exercise and healthy eating will help you achieve this goal without the use of diet pills or supplements. Read on to learn more!

Natural Remedies For Losing Weight During Menopause

Exercising and eating healthy should be first on your list of natural remedies for losing weight during menopause. The first thing you need to do is start walking. You can do this by walking around the park or even by walking up and down your driveway at home. If you live in an area that has a golf course, walk as many holes as possible! This will help raise your metabolism and shed those unwanted pounds off your stomach. Just remember, the more you exercise the better results you will achieve.

Another good point about exercising is that it releases endorphins which make you feel happy and full of energy! A study found that regular exercisers reported improved quality of life, better psychological well-being, and higher self-esteem. One more key point about exercising is that it positively affects your food choices. You will be less likely to eat junk foods when you are active because you will feel full! Lastly, people who exercise regularly sleep better at night which improves weight loss results too!

The next thing you need to focus on to lose weight during menopause naturally is healthy eating habits. Try consuming five small meals per day consisting of lean proteins (skinless chicken or fish), fruit (one serving per meal), and vegetables (both raw and cooked). Fish oil supplements are also good sources of protein which can help reduce bad cholesterol levels in your bloodstream while increasing your energy levels.

The natural remedy most people try to improve their eating habits is eating five small meals per day instead of three large ones. Although this does help, it only provides more calories, which will cause you to gain weight if your goal is to lose weight. It would be better to eat more vegetables and fruits with each meal rather than loading up on carbs or fats because they are harder for the body to digest. Lastly, drink plenty of water throughout the day! Drinking six full glasses of water per day helps flush out toxins in the body that cause excess weight gain during menopause.

As you can see, losing weight during menopause naturally is quite possible. The key to success with both exercising and healthy eating habits is having discipline and perseverance. Remember that reaching your goal of shrinking those unwanted inches away from your waistline will feel great! Little by little you will notice a difference in how your clothes fit as well as how confident you feel about yourself! Good luck on your journey to a healthy lifestyle!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Great explanation of menopause thank you for the information

  2. Hi Dr,

    The Lean optimizer won’t give me any hot flashes, because everything that will activate my metabolism cause hot flashes as well as caffein etc may you help me


    • Hi Marie, It’s best to visit your personal doctor and ask him for advice!

  3. very best way thanks a lot God bless u

  4. Thanks bro

  5. can i find lean optimizer everywhere?

    • you can find it online, on my website!

  6. I don’t have any sickness but my belly so lumpy ugly so I need to flat my belly

  7. I am vegan and raw vegan and don’t modern supplement cos I had enough of them but my belly lumpy may cos by rice and curry contain milky coconut and of course I took coffee with sugar

  8. can i just use cortisol

    • cortisol means stress and stress means more weight… not good.

  9. Thank you so much . Dr for sharing this ( Tips)

  10. Super very nice

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