Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
If you think that menopause means giving up on life, you’ll want to hear this episode! JJ reveals 3 things you can do to avoid menopause weight gain, balance hormones, and feel your best during this transition. You’ll learn about the groundbreaking study that showed why menopause has little effect on metabolism (contrary to what we’ve been told that metabolism slows down with age), the secret to getting lean and feeling your best, and the most important thing you can do to get healthy. Plus, you’ll learn why stress management is critical, how just one night of bad sleep can make you insulin resistant, the #1 way to stay full longer, and a simple way to hack your metabolism. Whether you’re preparing for or going through menopause, these strategies will empower you to look and feel your best during this life change.

Links JJ mentions in the video:

Get great sleep with Sleep Candy™:

Order a TRX® trainer to build strong muscle:

Meet your vitamin D quota with Shine On™:

Learn effective strategies to build muscle in your 50s (and beyond):

Watch this video to learn 5 tips for blood sugar control:

Learn more about the Sugar Impact Plate:

Meet your fiber quota with Extra Fiber:

Get better blood sugar control with berberine:

Get the right nutrient support in our Menopause Support Packets:

Learn more about NEAT and other ways to boost your metabolism:

Want to learn more about nutrition & weight loss? Me and my team of holistic health experts have put together this playlist just for you –

Any one of our videos have the power to transform your body and your life so make sure you never miss one by clicking here to subscribe

Hi I’m JJ, welcome to my channel. If you’re looking to lose weight, boost your energy and look and feel fabulous and fit over 40, you’re in the right place.

Here you’ll find the healthy recipes, fitness routines and the nutrition information you need to achieve healthy weight loss that stays off.

Welcome to the family!

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Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Menopause was way worse that expected. The insomnia is the worst. Thanks for all the info

  2. Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine svettass.ONLINE Brünette und eine anderet Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wenn ich 4 wählen würde

  3. Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine Pretygirlss.OnLinE Brünette und eine andered Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wenn ich 4 wählen würde

  4. So you are saying we will lose 5 lbs just from meditating? 🙄

  5. JJ – when are you coming to Canada:)

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