Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Every decade our bodies experience whole series of changes therefore we need to make necessary adjustments to our workouts! So check it out! 🙂

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No matter if you are a mother or a busy professional, it is easy to put exercise off. But the truth is that staying active and fit can be very beneficial for both your physical and mental health. Exercise has been shown to improve moods, lower stress levels, strengthen bones and muscles, increase energy levels as well as help with weight loss efforts. Many exercises will work just fine for women over 40 years of age but here we have chosen the most effective.

Exercise is one of those things that after you establish into a habit, becomes very easy to do. That's why the best way to begin exercising is gradually and consistently. Start with five minutes daily and work your way up from there. If you are not used to any kind of movement, don't expect too much from yourself – just move as much as you can and try adding a few more minutes or repetitions at a time. As soon as you feel like you are ready to take it up a notch, try these 12 effective daily exercises for women after 40.

1) Squats

Squats are a great exercise that targets many muscles in your legs including the calf muscles, quadriceps, and hamstrings. Don't let this fool you into thinking squats aren't an aerobic exercise because they can boost your heart rate quite high. Try doing 20-30 repetitions of squats every day or at least five times per week. You can do them without weights but if you want even more results, try adding dumbbells when doing squats so that you can tone your arms too. Just make sure to keep your back straight and knees behind the line of your toes when doing this exercise.

2) Jumping Jacks or jumping rope

Both jumping jacks and jumping rope are effective exercises that can help you burn calories as well as improve your blood circulation. Just make sure to do a moderate amount of repetitions – about 30-50 should be enough for a good workout session. Keep both exercises up regularly to tone your legs, waistline, and arms.

3) Lunges

Lunges are the perfect exercise to avoid if you have knee problems but other than that they're excellent exercisers for the lower body including the hamstrings, quadriceps, and calf muscles. Doing lunge repetitions will also strengthen your core muscles so this is one routine that delivers great results from head to toe. Try doing 20-30 lunges every day or at least three times per week for best results.

4) Crunches

Although crunches are considered to be an ineffective way of achieving weight loss goals, there is no arguing that they are very efficient in toning your waistline and strengthening your abdominal muscles. Just make sure that you don't overdo it because even though you may feel like you've done enough after 50 reps or so, your abs can still use a bit more exercise. Keeping this in mind, try doing 100 crunches every single day!

5) Pushups

Pushups are one of the most popular bodyweight exercises for good reason – they're super effective. Pushups increase muscle strength through a full range of motion and they also improve your overall stability as well as increase your coordination. Your whole body will benefit from pushups so try doing at least 10 per day for best results.

6) Bicep curls

Bicep curls are a great daily exercise if you want to strengthen your arms and upper body, especially the muscles in your biceps and forearms. Make sure to do about 15-20 repetitions of this exercise every day or five days per week – but don't go overboard because it is possible to overdo things with bicep curls too!

7) Triceps dips

Triceps dips are great exercises that help tone your triceps muscles on top of strengthening your core muscle groups. If you want to slim down your triceps area, make sure to do enough repetitions so that you can start feeling some burn by the end of it. Start with 15-20 reps and if you feel like you can handle more then go ahead and add some more.

8) Back extensions

Back extensions are effective in toning all parts of your back while also strengthening your core muscles. To perform this exercise, lie face-down on the floor with your hands directly under your shoulders. Raise yourself by straightening out your arms while keeping your feet flat on the ground. Hold for a few seconds then slowly bend back down to reach the starting position. Repeat about 15 times every day or four days per week for best results.

9) Leg extensions

Leg extensions are great leg toning exercises that can help you build muscle and get leaner legs at the same time! Sit in a chair and raise one of your legs off of the ground slightly (make sure not to compensate by using any other part of your body). From here, hold onto something above you for support and extend your leg as far as you can towards the ceiling. Don't forget to do about 15-20 reps of this every day or five days per week for maximum strength and tone.

10) Triceps dips

Triceps dips are exercises that strengthen your triceps muscles as well as tone your overall body through a full range of motion. To perform these, all you need is a chair or stool – sit on it and place both hands on either side of the seat at shoulder-width apart. Now extend your legs straight out in front of you and lower yourself down until your elbows create a 90-degree angle with the ground. Slowly raise yourself back up by pushing off the chair with the strength from your arms and exhale as you go back up into position. Start with 15 repetitions and add more if you feel like it's not enough.

11) Hip Raises

If you want to strengthen your lower back, hip raises are the best thing to do! Lie on your back with your legs straight out in front of you. Bend one knee at a time while keeping both feet flat on the ground. Raise your hips until they're in line with your thighs then slowly lower yourself down again. Repeat about 20 times every day or five days per week for best results (and don't forget to switch between which leg is bent!).

The 12 exercises we’ve discussed can be a great way to maintain your fitness and improve your quality of life as you age. They are simple, affordable, and effective for women after 40. If you want more information about these exercises, please let us know. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. 12:28 Are there any fitball lovers out there? Share in the comments! 🙂

  2. Love ❤️

  3. Ahahah why??? I’m eating chocolate biscutits during watching it❤🔥😂

  4. Hi

  5. Very informative and easy exercises great!

  6. Excellent

  7. Wow great workout 100%result thanx a lot

  8. AGONISING PAIN, UTTER DESPAIR , for those who cant do this …anf oh, the humiliation…….aaaarggg

  9. Very helpful

  10. i cant see the top of mesg screen because this damn suggestion tab keep poppin out!

  11. Soon i’m gonna be..after 40

  12. Idk why I’m watching this I’m ten

  13. Pleas tradduction arab

  14. Mah neck hurts now

  15. Super

  16. I’m 12 I dont know what am I doing here..

  17. Dude. I’m WORN OUT.

  18. 2:24

  19. Great it really work’s

  20. Wow!! What If You Have Bad Knees!?!? And Already Had Knee Replacements?!?!🤔

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