Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Are you dealing with perimenopause or menopause symptoms and considering hormone therapy? Here are the facts you need to know about hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women.

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Links in video:
Designs for Health DIM-Evail:
Vitamin D Plus:
Designs for Health Annatto-GG (geranylgeraniol):


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JJ Virgin
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Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. I’ve been on BHRT (micro doses) and following a healthy regime—but—it’s been 13 years. Now at 64, I am thinking of tapering off. What is your take on longevity of treatment? TIA

  2. I am so glad these conversations are finally happening!

  3. You’re an amazing educator with so much knowledge, thank you. I wish more information was available years ago. My Dr. put me on an antidepressant and thyroid medication. I may revisit, but the bone, brain, and cardiovascular benefits of HRT may be too late considering my age. You look GREAT.

  4. I’m 48 and have been perimenopausal for about 5 years. I was struggling really bad with anger and depression once the change started to happen. It was to the point where I wasn’t functioning anymore. Obviously I don’t want antidepressants, because I know this is all hormone related.

    I started using Lithium Orotate and my symptoms reduced significantly within 1-2 days. JJ, what are your thoughts on this supplement?

    I also started using Advanced TRS heavy metal detox spray and I am seeing good results. Any thought on this?

  5. No clot risk with transdermal estrogen doesn’t go through the liver

  6. I’m perimeno, I take all 3.. This was so informative 👏

  7. I am 58 yrs. I remember that study. And I made a mental note at the time that when I reached menopause I was looking into HRT if I needed it. Fast forward, the hot flashes hit me a few months after my cycles stopped. I got on the transdermal patch. This worked to stop the HFs. But my chronic back pain increased. I researched the patch a bit more and found that lower back pain was a common complaint in the study trials. So I sought the help of a Functional Medicine MD and began BHRT troches. The back pain still lingering. So almost 2 mo ago I went to full carnivore. My back pain is now a solid 2/10. I began at an 8/10. Along with my joints feeling so much better my GI symptoms are 8/10 improved. I’ve also lost 10 lbs. My energy is so much better. I’m sure having less pain has helped with that. As my back pain improves, I’m planning to get back into lifting wts and hiking, biking and those things I used to do.

  8. I found HRT 2.5 yrs ago (age 65)after 15 yrs (50yrs) menopause. Weight gain, poor quality sleep were the only symptoms i had. My APRN wanted blood tests, no estrogen , testerone or thyroid levels. Ive been on various forms now and WEIGHT will NOT come off! I confused weightgain with lifestyle issues so now im trying to catch up. Exercise 3x@wk and want to start walking.
    Gensing, what form? There are several…

  9. I was on bio identical hormones for 17 years. It nearly killed my gut health didn’t put two into together till I got so sick. I was in the hospital every week. I had to come off and that’s all my stomach issues resolved. I tried to go back on various times because I still didn’t think it was that the same thing started happening so HRT is all synthetic whether it’s bioidentical or not. It eventually will kill your gut health.

  10. But I will say everybody is different who knows

  11. It unfortunately didn’t work for me. Made all my existing symptoms 10x worse with additional new added.

    • That was probably the progesterone. I had the same issue. It made feel like I was a zombie with depression.
      Still trying to figure that one out. All I know is if you had PMDD when you were younger, you may have a progesterone sensitivity.

  12. If you use oestradiol patches should you be drinking soya milk or avoiding it? I’ve read yes and no, so I’m currently using oat milk 🤷xx

    • Soy is such a weak estrogen if you are taking hrt the soy won’t matter

  13. Started an oral HRT low dose estrogen & progesterone… feel so much better! Still don’t sleep as good as I used to but have more energy, less fatigue & feeling stronger at gym.

  14. I’ve been newly diagnosed with stage 0 breast cancer, ER/PR positive. They presented my protocol as lumpectomy with rad therapy, then 5 years of anastrazole–basically a hormone blocker. I’m curious what you say about this? I’m worried about all the side effects. I use your products and follow your videos but I’m like the woman who absolutely cannot lose the weight/fat. It’s frustrating and now this. Hoping you can shed some light on my options.

  15. It’s a shame that insurance in the United States usually does not cover those type of tests… Just basic blood work

  16. Your hair looks so great- how do you keep it so nice and thick?

  17. I feel so fatigued. I am sleeping well taking tons of vitamins. I am also foggy. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

  18. Clot risk is with oral estrogen, not transdermal

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