Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Free video trainings: “Why the weight gain over 40 and what you can do about it”:

So what does it really take to lose weight during perimenopause and menopause? Well…I can tell you what worked for me and what has worked for my clients…. Perimenopause weight loss. Menopause weight loss. How to lose weight during menopause. Menopause weight gain. Losing weight during perimenopause, losing weight during menopause. I work with women over 40 who want more energy, to lose weight (midlife weight gain), may have symptoms that are uncomfortable, maybe going through perimenopause and menopause and what used to work, doesn't work anymore. How to clean up your eating and eat the “right” foods for you at this phase of your life. Because it is time for a change. Your body is changing and time for you to change what you eat. To boost energy, metabolism, lose weight, decrease the symptoms, improve your immune system, get glowing skin, anti-aging foods and to naturally detoxify. For more free resources and healthy recipe visit: Watch more videos at: and join my New Facebook Community:

Weight loss can be difficult during perimenopause/menopause because many women are already at their highest weight when they hit this stage in life. However, it is still possible to lose weight even during these sometimes challenging years. The key is to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly while keeping your focus on the end goal of losing weight. With perseverance, you'll find that reaching your target weight isn't as hard as you might expect. Read on for these effective tips:

1. Make small changes to your diet.

It can be tough to make big changes to your diet, especially if you're already struggling with weight gain during perimenopause/menopause. Instead of making a bunch of sweeping changes, start by making small tweaks to your current eating habits. For example, try swapping out unhealthy snacks for healthier ones, or adding an extra serving of vegetables to your dinner plate. Gradually increase the number of healthy changes you make until they become second nature.

2. Get moving!

Exercise is an important part of any weight-loss plan, and it's especially crucial during perimenopause/menopause. Not only does exercise help you burn calories and lose weight, but it also helps manage stress and improves your overall quality of life. When it comes to working out, start small and gradually increase the number of days you hit the gym or go for a walk each week. There's no need to push yourself past your limits; just focus on making simpler changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking at the far end of the parking lot whenever possible.

3. Track your progress.

Keeping track of your weight loss is another important factor when it comes to losing weight during perimenopause/menopause because it allows you to measure your progress and stay motivated as you work toward achieving your goals. Weigh yourself regularly – monthly, weekly, even daily if you want – but avoid weighing yourself too often because it can cause stress and anxiety that may slow down your weight loss efforts.

4. Practice mindfulness.

It's easy to get stressed out about hitting certain milestones or achieving long-term goals, especially when you're trying to lose weight during perimenopause/menopause. However, practicing mindfulness – which involves focusing on the present rather than obsessing over your plans – is an effective way to stay positive and let go of stress as you work toward improving your health. For instance, don't dwell on how far you have left to go; instead, appreciate all the progress you've made so far.

5. Seek support.

Losing weight can be difficult, and it's even harder when you're doing it on your own. That's why seeking out support from friends and family members is a great idea. Not only will they be able to provide encouragement and moral support, but they can also help keep you accountable as you work toward your goals.

6. Set realistic goals.

Finally, one of the most important things to remember when trying to lose weight during perimenopause/menopause is to set realistic goals. Don't expect to lose 50 pounds in a month – that's not healthy or sustainable. Instead, focus on losing 1-2 pounds per week until you reach your target weight. Remember that slow and steady weight loss is the best way to achieve long-lasting results, and it's also much safer.

7. Practice gratitude.

Finally, try practicing gratitude as you work toward losing weight during perimenopause/menopause. Look for the good in your life every day – whether it's family, friends, or simple pleasures like a delicious meal – and recognize how lucky you are to have these things in your life. Recognizing how fortunate you are can help put things into perspective so that reaching a target weight doesn't seem so intimidating after all.

We hope this article has helped you understand what it takes to lose weight during perimenopause/menopause. We encourage anyone who is struggling with their weight or just wants more information on the subject, to explore our blog for additional posts of interest. Be sure to let us know if there are any topics you would like us to cover in future articles.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Thank you!

  2. positive info..thank you

  3. Thank you for being real with me… Fifty’s have been tough even as a life long vegetarian. Great info~ inspiring!

  4. I’m 48. at the age of 29 due to cancer, I had a total hysterectomy. I’ve been on and off on taking HRT which I was told to take. I would only take for a couple of months but never have stuck on taking for long. I’m feeling the worst of my life now. I’m suffering from the following: Hot flashes, Depression, Anxiety, Dry skin, brown spots on my face, Vaginal dryness, Low libido. I feel like crap!!! I’ve started with HRT, Depression medicine, sleeping pills and vitamin D because my physical exam showed I was low. Any suggestions because I’m feeling worse now. ?

  5. I’m 53 and starting feeling the menopause symthoms about a month ago. I have been doing Weight Watchers for several years. I now have about 30# to lose. There are days that I feel bloated.

    • Hi Barb – weight watchers is not great for this phase of your life at all. They don’t take a lot of things into consideration. Watch some of my videos on “the food” and you will see what I mean. Also it is not at all about counting calories or points – that does not work at all.
      It is about the Nutrients IN the food you are eating.
      NO calorie wise stuff – read ALL LABELS – no processed, packaged food or bars.
      I know it sounds like there is a lot you cannot have, but actually it is about having MORE of the right kinds of foods for you now and including some things you may not be eating at all right now.

  6. What about Oats? Yogurts? These are things I eat alot of and enjoy. ;/ Eat lots of fruit and veg also and try never to eat rubbish foods. Love coffee also. Oh God.. heaven must be a place that we can eat what we want and never gain weight. ;/

    • Hey Tara – oats are not bad if you do not eat a lot. when you cook them they are quite high glycemic index. If you eat just a bit raw (live muesli on some berries) and that is better. Or just soak the oats in almond milk over night to soften them – add lots of berries. Eat more berries than oats.
      When you are in midlife – those “starchy” grains and veggies go right to fat.
      Yogurts – a bit of high quality organic greek yogurt (non-flavour) is ok. I would try going off dairy completely for about 2 weeks and see if you feel better.
      Some people can handle a bit of it but you may not even realize you have problems with it.

      Kefir (fermented) is actually better.

      Do not eat/buy flavoured yogurts – those are chemicals and often colors – all fake and toxins.

      Toxins are stored in fat and you will not release fat until you get rid of the toxins.

      A bit of coffee is ok – no latte. If you wish to loose weight.

      Also milk is acidic and mucous forming for the body.

      Make sure you are taking a good probiotic (50 billion at least).

    • Thanks so much for answering, I am very grateful. I eat so many berries daily, I love them and eat with non flavored Greek Yogurt. I will try soak the oats overnight as I have not been doing that. I do not take milk in anything or eat cheese so yogurts are the only dairy I eat. Going to get a good probiotic, never thought of that, thanks. I have two dogs and walk for over an hour every day, try my best to eat right and take care of my health but since hitting my late 40s I have a belly ;/ and it just wont go away. Strange thing is my legs are toned, as are my arms. Its sticking around my middle mainly (fat i mean) Anyway thank you and I found your video very helpful. 😉

    • You are so welcome Tara!

  7. what do you use in smoothies?

  8. i think i finally get it..My fat cells think they are protecting me.They hold on to everything because they are trying to hold on to stored estrogen..I can work out everyday, build muscle, but what i use to eat to be healthy isn’t working during Hellish end of perimenopause.

    • But there are still lots of things you can do. For sure changing what you eat makes a huge difference and if you don’t , you most likely will continue to keep gaining weight.

      I do have a program that is a great place to start with that – you can read more at:

  9. Managing hormones involves managing insulin. Fruit and dairy may not be effective to fat loss, which is the goal, not weight loss.

    • Yes you are right. Fat loss. And of course with health as your goal.

  10. Thank you for all of your information. I am researching eating foods with low calorie density (highly recommended for weight loss) which includes starches like potatoes and rice. Im so confused by all of the contradicoty information 🙁

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