Do THIS Daily to Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau…

Doing everything you could possibly imagine but can't seem to lose weight? Let me tell you how to break through that weight loss plateau by doing certain things daily… And if you're up for it, try out my free 8-week strength training program for EXTRA results!! 💪

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Do These 6 EASY Things Every Day to GUARANTEE Fat Loss in 2024

The smallest daily habits can lead to BIG fat loss results. If you want to lose weight in 2024, just do these 6 things daily + grab my FREE workout plan for women here: Watch more videos like this 👇 BEST Strength Training Workout Routine for Women

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6 Things I WISH I Knew About Fat Loss 20 Years Ago…

Are you frustrated with your weight loss journey? Here are 6 fat loss tips I WISH I knew 20 years ago… From debunking weight loss myths to what actually works best for fat loss over 40, watch this video to learn how to get better results much

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What Is The Best Way to Measure Body Fat? | Health, Diet & Weight Loss | JJ Virgin

Are you looking to lose fat and build muscle? In this episode, JJ shows you how to find and track your healthy body fat percentage… because what you measure, you can improve. You’ll learn why weight is only one measurement of being healthy. what body composition is,

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Sugar Burner v Fat Burner! | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Health, Diet & Weight Loss

Are you a sugar burner or a fat burner? Sugar burners…snack regularly, crave carbs and sugar, access glucose stores for fuel and are always hangry! Fat burners…can go 4-6 hours between meals, don't have the sugar and carb cravings and access their fat stores for fuel. —

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How To Burn Fat vs Sugar | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Diet & Weight Loss

How to burn fat versus sugar…. 1) Stop snacking 2) Opt for HIIT versus hours of cardio 3) Ditch the sugar & artificial sweeteners 4) Quality sleep every night 5) Incorporate intermittent fasting 6) Go low-sugar impact — If you enjoyed this video, check out my dedicated

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How To Stop Dieting As A Hobby | Nutrition, Fat, Diet & Weight Loss | JJ Virgin

Want to lose weight, but the word diet leaves you feeling defeated or frustrated? Tune in to this episode, where JJ gives you 7 strategies to break the diet cycle and find a faster way to fat loss. Here, she reveals what to focus on to trigger

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The Daily Habits Of A Fat Burner | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Diet & Weight Loss

If you want to burn fat, then try following these simple daily habits… – Weight yourself in the morning – Meditate – Break your fast with a loaded smoothie – Work out – Take a cold plunge – Go for a walk – Eat by the plate

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Why Cheat Days & Snacking Are Bad News | Weight Loss, Diet & Health | JJ Virgin

Do you believe that healthy snacking or occasionally having a pizza and beer can help keep you on track with your diet plan? Then you’ll want to listen up to this podcast, where JJ talks about why snacking on even healthy foods and taking cheat days can

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My Top 5 *Life Changing* Diet Hacks | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Diet & Weight Loss

5 health hacks that literally changed my life… 1 – Eliminate hi-fi foods 2 – Stop snacking 3 – Go low-sugar impact 4 – Eat by the Virgin Diet plate 5 – Shut the kitchen down after dinner — If you enjoyed this video, check out my

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