6 Things I WISH I Knew About Fat Loss 20 Years Ago…

Are you frustrated with your weight loss journey? Here are 6 fat loss tips I WISH I knew 20 years ago… From debunking weight loss myths to what actually works best for fat loss over 40, watch this video to learn how to get better results much

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What I’d Do If I Wanted To Lose 20 Lbs, Step-by-Step

Looking for weight loss tips on how to lose 20 pounds? Here is EXACTLY what I would do, step by step… Stay consistent and use these fat loss tips for losing weight over 40 no matter where you're starting. Remember – this is about long-term health and

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9 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight No Matter What You Try 😩

Losing weight can be a challenge, especially as we age! Many factors can affect weight loss over 40, so it's essential to identify what might be hindering your progress. These 9 things could be preventing you from losing weight, no matter what you try. Optimize your weight

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Am I Missing The Bigger Picture? | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Health, Diet & Weight Loss

What are the best nut butters for fat loss and why? This is the kind of question I get asked often, but are we missing the bigger picture? Are we batting in the minors when we should be swinging in the majors? So here's the MACRO picture…

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How To Become A Fat *Burner* – Top 6 Tips! | #Shorts | Nutrition, Diet & Weight Loss

Transitioning to being a fat burner isn’t as hard as it looks. Here’s how to do it: 1) Incorporate IF, 2) Go low-sugar impact, 3) Get enough protein, 4) Opt for HIIT, 5) Stop snacking, 6) Incorporate more low-fi foods like raspberries, wild caught salmon, spinach, avocado,

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