8 Surprising Foods That Can Contain Dairy | JJ Virgin #Shorts | Health, Diet & Weight Loss

Did you know these 8 foods can contain dairy? – Instant mashed potatoes – Margarine – Chewing gum – Bread – Crackers – Hot dogs – Pre-made tuna packs – Salad dressing — If you enjoyed this video, check out my dedicated Shorts playlist – Any one

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It’s Time To Dump The Dairy! | #Shorts | Nutrition, Diet & Weight Loss

What’s the deal with dairy? 🤔 If you’re over 35 struggling with adult acne, it’s time to DUMP THE DAIRY! The same goes for anyone battling rosacea or other skin issues, as well as gas and bloating or frequent sinus infections. All of these can be symptoms

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JJ Virgin With 3 Not So Healthy “Health” Foods! | #Shorts | Nutrition, Diet & Weight Loss

For years, we’ve been taught that foods like milk is good for us…. But the truth is that these so-called “health” foods may actually make your health worse 🚩🚩🚩They could also be the reason you’re inflamed, gassy, bloated, and struggling with those pesky breakouts. Here’s why ⤵️

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Top 6 Most Common Food Intolerances | #Shorts | Nutrition, Diet & Weight Loss | JJ Virgin

In this funny #Shorts video, the one and only JJ Virgin is *anything but* tolerant towards food intolerance! Click on to find out the top 6 most common food intolerances – we hope you enjoy it more than JJ’s family 🙂 — Most common food intolerances: Sugar

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