Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Afraid of weight rebound after a successful diet? Or maybe you're stuck in a yo-yo diet cycle… Weight gain after dieting happens to most of the population and here's why – plus I'm sharing my best tips for how to avoid weight regain next time.

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Hi I’m JJ, welcome to my channel! If you’re looking to lose weight, boost energy and look and feel fit over 40, you’re in the right place. Here you’ll find the healthy recipes, nutrition education and the important information you need to achieve healthy weight loss that stays off.

I’m a triple-board certified health expert, Fitness Hall of Famer & 4x New York Times best-selling author. My team and I help people over 40 lose the weight and keep it off, so they look and feel better than ever.

I've discovered that by finding your food intolerances and working out a whole lot less, you can create a healthy lifestyle customized to your personal body chemistry and needs.

On this channel me and my team of world class diet, nutrition and wellness experts give you the information and tools you need to achieve healthy weight loss. Healthy recipes that taste great, fitness routines that work for beginners and gym bunnies alike, and simplified nutrition information based on science and not the latest fad diet.


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Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Thank you

  2. How do we get out the Toxins as we Liberate them? Through Exercise & Sweating???

  3. There is so much information thrown at us about health, weight loss, and nutrition that we’re unsure what to believe. I became a whole plant based vegan two years ago and lost 40 pounds. I started exercising and gained muscles which I’m estatic about, however, I’m having difficulty losing the last 10 pounds. What do I need to do to lose weight without losing muscles? Thank you JJ.

  4. I lost about 55lbs around 10 years ago. Have gained 15 back over COVID. Trying to loose it. Definitely difficult.

  5. I’ve realized that my diet must be sustainable and what’s even more important is that ‘the show’ will never end 😉

  6. I must forever quit sugar, caffein and alcohol and continue IF 16:8 for the rest of my life in order to keep the weight off.

  7. 100% agree regarding social conditioning…making overweight acceptable and tacitly encouraging it. Live/work in a place where there is mild unconscious ostracising of folk who reject constant sugar laden eating. One has to remain alert and watch and protect one’s mental space and not get sucked in to feel accepted.

  8. Hi, I’m 61, post menopausal, & have lost about 8lbs in 3 months. The trouble is that I believe I have lost muscle… I’m still flabby (not too overweight at 118lbs & 5’1”) but I have belly fat, upper thigh fat, & bust fat. My digital scale says my body fat % is 25.7%!!” That seems like too much, a quarter of my weight! I’ve been doing keto (not strictly) & intermittent fasting, but lost muscle. My energy is very low & I didn’t intend to lose muscle; now I’m afraid I will put even more weight on (I was 9st/126lbs at 5’1”) fat mostly on belly & bust (which I hate). I can’t eat only keto because it’s very restrictive and more expensive, but any time I eat carbs it seem to go straight to fat again! I’m feeling very discouraged. It’s not so much about weight now, but I want to change my body composition. When young, I used to be very fit, until I had ME (myalgic encephalopathy, or chronic fatigue for years). I recovered, but never to the previous level. Am I being unrealistic at my age?

    • I wish you got a response to your issue and question because I want to know the same. I think if you want to lose the fat and keep the muscle, incorporate more protein in your eating, lift weights regularly, and resistance workouts, not just do cardio alone, like she mentioned in the video.

    • @@stephanies3862 thanks. Best wishes to you.x

  9. If I’m in a carnivore diet and I’m wandering how can I do a detox, what steps to fallow?

  10. In your ‘arms’ book you say to add a high fibre starchy carb to lunch and dinner? Do you still stand by that? Also wrap lunches? I think your saying a very very small portion of the plate. Correct?

  11. Wow! just found your channel and not only does it provide a wealth of information, but you are great and making it understandable!

    • I appreciate that! Thank you for watching.

  12. So are you still in the good not quite sure how to keep the weight off. She just basically said resistance training, lead with protein, etc. What do you do about getting your metabolism back? If you have a low metabolism from dieting. Didn’t help at all.

  13. can you please do a video comparing the top 5 or 6 weight loss injections. im very confused which one i should use.

  14. Under 15 minutes for the videos would be good

  15. You said to be sure to detox all the fat as you lose it but you didn’t talk about HOW. How do you ensure those toxins are not roaming around your bloodstream? Of course I will Google it but it would have been super helpful to have your recommendation on that.

  16. STRENGTH- TRAINING and MUSCLE-BUILDING is the solution

  17. OMAD (One meal a day) is the BEST thing I ever did. It gets rid of the fat in my body and helps to build muscle. If your one meal a day is healthy (no carbs and no sugar, moderate protein and moderate fat, lots of vegetables and salads) then its the best. You do NOT have to eat 3 meals a day…its a bad “advice” given to us by people who BENEFIT FINANCIALLY from us getting fat and unhealthy (like dieticians or youtubers)

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