Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Losing Weight After Menopause Isn’t Fair… But *You* Can Still Do it!

When I was a teenager, I could lose weight at a pizza party. Now, I look at a cake through a shop window and gain a few pounds. Do you feel the same?

So, in this morning’s show, I want to talk about what happens to our bodies after menopause and why do many of us struggle with our weight after 50. Then, I’d like to offer a few solutions for staying healthy in the best years of your life.

What are you doing to stay in shape these days? Are there any particular activities that have helped you to get to a healthy weight?

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#LosingWeightAfterMenopause #SixtyAndMe

If you're like most women, weight gain becomes an issue after menopause. But don't worry – there are plenty of things you can do to lose weight and feel great again! Here are 10 proven tips to help get you started. Happy dieting! 🙂

1. Cut back on calories

One of the best ways to lose weight is to simply consume fewer calories. This doesn't mean you have to starve yourself, but rather make smart choices when it comes to the foods you eat. Choose lean protein sources, healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. And when it comes to snacks, opt for something that's low in calories but high in nutrition, like an apple or a handful of nuts.

2. Get moving

Exercise is essential for weight loss, especially after menopause. Not only does it help burn calories, but it also boosts your metabolism and helps build muscle mass. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week. And if you can't fit in a long workout, don't worry – even 10 minutes of activity can help!

3. Drink plenty of water

Dehydration can make you feel tired and sluggish, so it's important to stay hydrated throughout the day. aim for eight glasses of water per day, and more if you're exercising or sweating heavily.

4. Avoid sugary drinks

Sugar-sweetened beverages like soda and fruit juice are loaded with calories and offer little nutritional value. If you're looking to lose weight, it's best to avoid them altogether. Instead, opt for water, unsweetened tea, or sparkling water with a squeeze of lemon or lime.

5. Eat mindfully

One way to prevent overeating is to eat mindfully, which means paying attention to your food and being aware of when you're starting to feel full. This can be tough to do at first, but it gets easier with practice. A good way to start is by putting your fork down between bites, and taking the time to really savor the flavors and textures of your food.

6. Avoid processed foods

Processed foods are often high in calories, sodium, and unhealthy fats. If you're trying to lose weight, it's best to avoid them as much as possible. Instead, focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean protein sources.

7. Get enough sleep

Sleep is important for overall health, but it can also impact your weight. When you're tired, you're more likely to make poor food choices and you may have less energy to exercise. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep per night, and try to stick to a regular sleep schedule as much as possible.

8. Reduce stress

Stress can lead to emotional eating, which can sabotage your weight loss efforts. If you're feeling stressed, take some time for yourself to relax and unwind. Try things like yoga, meditation, or spending time in nature.

9. Avoid trigger foods

Trigger foods are those that cause you to overeat or make poor food choices. For some people, these might be sugary snacks or processed foods. For others, it might be alcohol or certain types of carbohydrates. If you're trying to lose weight, it's important to identify your trigger foods and avoid them as much as possible.

10. Seek support

Losing weight can be tough, especially if you're doing it on your own. That's why it's important to seek out support from friends, family, or a professional. Having people to lean on can help you stay motivated and on track with your weight loss goals.

If you are looking to lose weight after menopause, we have the perfect solution for you. Our team of experts can help design a program that is tailored specifically for your needs and helps you lose weight quickly and safely. Contact us today to get started on your own personalized weight loss plan!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Stop all the fruit, and the starchy vegs. Exercise is great but won’t lead to weight loss. What will is changing the way your body process the fuel you feed it. It is not calories in calories out. I eat lots of cream, butter, olive oil. I have consumed a cup of cream in a day and I don’t gain the weight back. This is the absolute answer.

    • Barbyl W i agree. I gained weight back after 2 years of following whole 30 food freedom. I was doing great eating full fat yogurt, avocado, some bacon, butter, lots of nuts and healthy oils. I did eat fruit and small amounts of starchy vegetables. We moved across country this summer and I fell into eating fast food — breads, sugars, and unhealthy fats. Once we got settled into our new home we found a long standing mold problem. Repairs meant ripping out the kitchen. Yikes, more fast food. Now I can’t drive by a fast food restaurant without gaining weight! Back to working on healthy living!

    • I agree! I’m doing the whole food plant based diet and am frustrated! So many “ don’t”s” and I will just do the best I can. One starch meal a day works best for me.

    • My doctor advised cutting out fruit while in active weight loss but to add it back in great moderation once healthy weight is achieved.

  2. Whole food plant based.

    • loveislife….Yep!!!! You’ve got it figured out!!!! Just eating small meals only 3 x a day works too!

  3. I was talking to friends about where does this “10,000” steps come from and does it apply to everyone at every age. Apparently, it was planted in our minds to promote a particular brand of step-counter. I just want to keep moving, be inspired by the women in my network, and adjust to better habits that fit for me. I do pay attention to my wearable when it reminds me to breath and to stand up, but I don’t try to keep up with my 55 year old friend who does extreme daily training to maintain her six-pack abs 😱 And, contrary to the beliefs around yoga, in addition to the weight bearing, flexibility, and mindfulness benefits, I do break a sweat at yoga! Even restorative yoga 🤣. I get so frustrated which causes my heartbeat to rise. Good for the body, but not my mind. Getting up and down from the floor, lugging bolsters, and folding blankets is a good workout. All in jest, but I do agree that we serve our best self when we continue moving as much as we can and be conscious of the eating habits that we have slipped into that sabotage our health and weight as we age. Comfort food is my saboteur. A cup of coffee and a danish are a great complement to sitting in bed watching Sixty and Me videos on a Saturday morning when it’s frigid outside. Have a good chuckle my friends.

    • Patricia Muir truly there is nothing better than a sweet and a cup of coffee!

  4. My diet is substantially wholefood plant based too. I’ve not given up my bread/bread spread/milk – and my figure is VERY slowly getting back to normal. I’m back in the healthy weight range now and still at it losing that weight hard-won lb by hard-won lb (sighs) and determined to get all the way back to my normal weight and hope that that will equal slim/attractive figure at that weight (as it did previously). Needs must – because the single best thing we can do for our looks imo as we get older is at least to be able to dress decently and look slim – even if our face and hair have changed for the worse (darn it!).

  5. Yes I walk fast for 45 minutes every day, love it but I can not lose the belly weight that came after menopause,which I did not expect to come. It is very hard. Thanks Margaret.

    • Try Keto

    • Barbl W totally agree keto 5 months now im size 8 l lost 11kg now 61 kg at age 62 i run every day 4 to 5km …love keto

  6. Recently, I turned… 70! I have had quite a few serious health challenges over the last 20 years. I have managed thru grit, determination, and much faith and prayer to overcome most of those issues. I do struggle with severe joint issues… most seriously in my knees and feet. But I almost never miss my 10,000 steps; more likely I get 20,000 to 30,000 daily… spaced throughout the day. Of those, I strive for 45 minutes to 90 minutes to be in my aerobic range on most days. Since I was unable to walk… or even hobble for several years, I am pretty pleased with my progress. I am now just beginning to add in some weight training… too soon to report anything but as I progress, I will, most likely, replace SOME of my steps, with more weight training… not sure.
    —And yes, initially, the “10,000 steps” was an arbitrary number of steps cooked up to sell pedometers in …(?) Japan, I think. However, it is my understanding that it actually turns out to be a pretty good baseline number of steps for steps daily, if coupled with aerobics, weight training, stretching, and core work. I still have a difficult time wrapping my head around the fact that steady state aerobics more often is not nearly as effective as 2 to three days a week of HIIT (High Intensive Interval Training) totaling, roughly, only 20 minutes each session! (I’m trying to adjust my mindset as well as find one I can actually do well with my joint issues.)
    Let’s just all start doing something and keep at it! If what you try first just us not for you, try something different. Once what you do gets easy, increase it or add in something new… up to a point. We want to be able to enjoy these great years we have left! —Here’s to all our efforts, feeling and yes, even looking better!
    Oh yes… Personally, I follow intermittent fasting and the Ketogenic Diet, and it is working! Belly fat and additional undesired fat is leaving ! I am not craving sweets and I am very satisfied after eating. In my case, the low carbs had also been greatly beneficial in healing my lifelong FODMAP issues plus my Crohn’s Disease! I am not totally symptom free, but much more so than in the last 30+ years!
    Everyone must search out what is most beneficial for them. I would have never believed removing grains as well as most fruit and veggies … could be healthy! But I was completely unable to function , and was, for years, a prisoner of my home. And now… life is really a joy and hope is alive.
    Truly, ALL my best to everyone here.

    • Gigi CS….your reply is so encouraging! It is so easy to forget how hard other ladies struggle too! Even though I have been through some very hard things to survive I have not had an “on going” problem such as Crohn’s disease! It has to be very difficult deal with affliction every day! To be a survivor you/we must face these challenges head on! Your message is so encouraging & I appreciate you sharing your survival map! Keep going, you are doing so well! Hugs, Judie

    • Judy, Judy, Judy 💚Thanks! —And hugs in return.

  7. I put on so much weight this summer that I couldn’t fit into any of my jeans! So I decided I had to do something. At the beginning of September I stopped eating bread and cut out alcohol completely. I eat a mostly plant based diet and eat one meal a day at dinner time. I walk at least 6 km a day and I have a lot of stairs in my townhouse so that helps! I’ve lost 8 lbs in 2 months and yesterday I put on the pair of jeans that were the tightest and they fit perfectly!! So my plan is working! I will continue for as long as I can but I know that Christmas will be a challenge. Bottom line is that you have to eat consciously. I make a list of meals I will have for the next few days then I buy the necessary groceries which helps me to stay on track. By the way, I have noticed that since I stopped drinking, I am sleeping much better which is good and bad! 🍸🍷🍹🍺

    • Louise McElhill….WOW girl!!!! good for you!!!! What a change, you probably saved your life! Look great, for sure!!!!! xxxooo hugs, Judie

  8. I love your suggestions! Best diet advice ever! Balance is key, health first.

  9. I’m SO sick of the trendy diets…keto, whole foods, plant-based, don’t eat this, don’t eat that..blah blah. I’m trying to simply LOWER my intake of refined sugars and exercise daily, but at almost 70, I refuse to be enslaved by a diet. Life is too short, and I NEED a little wine and chocolate to survive this atrocity called, “aging”! Not trying to blow out 100 candles.

    • I’m amazed that people continue to try to manage their weight by dieting. Dieting does not work over the long term. We’ve been sold such a bill of goods by the diet industry. I struggled with my weight for decades, then I lost 46 pounds when I ditched dieting and changed how and whyI was eating. Now, I eat what I love, and haven’t gained the weight back.

    • @Shari Broder …Shari that is wonderful! I agree with you…until people take responsibility & take control of their own situation, nothing will work! That includes medications, only you know what/how something works for you! Of course when dealing with meds we MUST do that with a Dr.’s knowledge too! Hugs to you Shari, Judie

    • Keto is not a fad. MD Anderson, the foremost cancer treatment hospital in the country won’t even start treatment for some patients until they are in ketosis. You need to do research before you make a decision. Ketosis is a powerful healing state, a medical reality.

    • If you feel good, no problem. Let’s is for people who are stuck.

    • @Barbyl W….how do you know the statement you have made is true? I haven’t seen anything to back up what you are saying. I’m not insinuating your statement is wrong, but you do realize, you stating what you have said is no different than when Rosey C made her statement. And she is NOT making a statement, she is just saying how she feels. She should get to say how she feels about diets & ways of eating. One week we can eat something, the next week “it is bad for us”, then low & behold we can eat it again. ie. eggs as an example, cracking your knuckles etc.. If it is not a fad diet, it can be very dangerous to do this plan without a lot of knowledge. Who knows IF the things I have watched on Youtube are true, or just another opinion. A lot of people are starting the Keto plan without having a clue IF they should be doing the plan or just HOW to do this plan correctly! It SEEMS to be yet another fad diet because when people do eat (even just a little) ordinary foods they start putting the weight back on & rapidly! Maybe it is good for SOME patients considering their circumstances, but all people that just decide on their own to eat the Keto way…..I wonder! Who knows (from the available information). I know this much, with the number of people that are doing the Keto plan, we WILL KNOW how it does effect people! And just because a “cancer patient” is told to eat the Keto way, does NOT mean everyone should start using it! I’m just wondering IF we should just limit the amount we eat & vary what we eat! And please quit using ROUND UP to kill the weeds, instead of Spring plowing, then planting corn (& other crops) two weeks later right over the ROUND UP! That IS what they do here in parts of Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin & who knows where else! At the same time the have a law suit against ROUND UP (in Ohio) for causing cancer. I have seen the fields they have done this in myself!!!!!! If the nuclear plants are not a cause for alarm then why are the fish so deformed that swim in the nuclear plant area…you can’t even tell what breed of fish they are. Why is the water unsafe (on some days) on the beach close to the nuclear plant? Why is Kansas & Oklahoma still pumping oil residue back into the earth when they are beginning to have earth quakes “all the time”? You know why, because people are BLIND to what is going on!!! Some day Earth may be like Mars! Because people would rather spend money on impeaching Trump (I did NOT vote for him) than do something about bad things that are going on and affecting all of us! Just tell me what Donald Trump is doing that every didn’t think he would do? I am so sick of the Senate….a bunch of of adults that never got past 3rd grade mentality!!!! And just think…they get their placement in the Senate for life even when they have brain cancer & are so old they can’t even function properly any more!!!! Please…no responses, I know how the “other side” feels, after all I am radical because I realize all of this goes on and above all….IT IS JUST MY OPINION!!!!!

  10. Eat what you like……but eat only one meal per day!

  11. I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes at age 55, 9 years ago. It became mandatory to change the way I ate, so no more sweets, regular bread (sourdough and rye are ok), zero alcohol, watch starches. Keep moving. Every day I have to walk or snowshoe or cycle. But other things count as movement, too: wash your own car, rake leaves, shovel snow (carefully), cut your own grass.
    Walk your own dog. Clean your own house. Don’t hire people to do that stuff for you, if you are able. So far, 80 pounds, without joining a gym. I heat with wood, so that provides a lot of opportunity for movement: cutting and splitting and lugging wood. Sometimes I’m too tired to do anything after doing the wood, like going for a walk. The wood work increases my appetite so portion control is a challenge.
    There is no excuse to eat badly: not trauma, not grief (and I know about this first-hand).
    Stretching is really important to keep muscles in shape. I recently discovered how much further I can stretch my legs in a bathtub of hot water. Almost effortless and definitely soothing, easier on the back. You can just hear/feel the muscles going “aaahhhhh”.
    So, it’s possible. It’s free. It works. And it can be fun.

    • TheJprose…I sure agree with you…I have always said “people pay all that money to go to a gym & exercise routinely & here is all this beautiful, needs to be done work, just waiting to help people be healthy & it’s free & you no longer have to “Pay” for it to get done….it’s a win, win, win”!!!! Smiles, Judie

    • @Judy, Judy, Judy I just love the way you phrased that: “beautiful, needs to be done work”. That phrase deserves a t-shirt!

    • @TheJprose….thank you!!!! It’s like doing the laundry….it is so beautiful again when you are done!!!!! I’m 76 yrs. old & I STILL love to do laundry!!!! I have done what you do my whole life!!!! (except the breat..& now I will do that too). I am just so happy to hear what you have done for yourself! hugs, Judie

  12. Thanks Margaret. An article on ovarian cancer would be useful (you may have done one before?) Sometimes a big belly can be related to this and it’s very silent in terms of symptoms. A simple blood test CA125 can be a good indicator that there’s a problem. I’m a survivor of 13 years now because I was diagnosed at stage 1. It might help some of your followers. Thank you.

    • Hi Carol, I don’t think we have done a piece specifically on ovarian cancer – its a good idea! So happy you caught yours early! Wishing you all the best for continued good health!

  13. Check out Dr Becky Gillaspy on YouTube. Inspiring info on weight loss for women our age. My doctor shared with me how easy it is to gain. He said for his size a 2000-cal diet is required but just adding two slices of apple per day would bring a 40-lb weight gain in 20 yrs. That’s 1% more calories per day. He was stressing how important sticking to it is required. Sobering to think about because I am a big sweets eater.

  14. I deliver mail. The food makes me fat. I am very active.

  15. I like to check out thiese videos.
    I love walking in a fast pace and
    I enjoy yoga and Pilates.
    I haven’t done it some time but like to start again.
    It’s something not easy since I can’t always find time to go to a gym and also am not to crazy about them.
    I usually do my own exercises at home.
    I love to dance andI put some fast pacing music and I start moving. My favorite is Salsa and Gospel.
    I also like to do some light weight.
    I would like to eventually try to do some spinning.
    Thank you for sharing.
    FIY An not in my 60 yet.
    I am 55
    I truly enjoy your videos.
    Thank you for sharing. 😊🙌💕✨
    I find them informative and great tips.
    I find you very friendly and you’re voice smoothing.
    I also like say again
    your very beautiful mature lady and I that outfit combo looks great on you! Great colors!

  16. Even more fun than walking is dancing! It’s extra fun.

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