Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Losing Weight After 60 is Possible! Just Get Rid Of These 8 Things

It’s no secret that losing weight gets harder the older that we get. When I worked at a Pizza restaurant as a young woman, I could eat as much cheesy goodness as I wanted and not gain an ounce. Now, I just look at a glass of water and feel myself expanding. The good news, it that there are small things that we can do to get healthy at any age.

So, in this morning’s video, I want to share 8 small things that you should get rid of if you want to get to a healthy weight in your 50s, 60s or better.

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#LosingWeightAfter60 #GetRidOfThese8Things #SixtyAndMe

Many people think that losing weight is impossible after they turn 60. But it's not, you just have to get rid of what is making you gain weight in the first place! So here are 8 things that might be standing between you and your healthy weight goal. When these 8 things are gone, I guarantee you'll lose some pounds! Keep reading to find out what they are and how you can get rid of them!


The first thing that makes losing weight after 60 hard is sugar. Lots and lots of people gain anywhere from 15 to 20 pounds every time they eat sugary foods. So if you're looking to lose weight after 60, then avoid as much as possible anything with added sugars (and limit the number of fruits you eat). Plus, sugar is linked to diabetes which can make it even harder for you to lose those extra pounds.

So what can you do instead? Well, start by buying a box of non-sweetened cocoa powder and mix yourself with a lovely cup of hot chocolate drink. Trust me, once your brain starts feeling all those sweet flavors it will stop craving other sugary things. Your brain will be so happy that you won't want to eat cookies, cakes, or candies anymore!


Caffeine is also a big problem for many people who are trying to lose weight after 60. Coffee and tea might seem healthy but they make your body retain water which makes it harder for you to drop those pounds. Caffeine can make it almost impossible for you to lose weight if you drink more than two cups of coffee a day. So if you're looking to lose weight after 60, then I would suggest avoiding caffeine as much as possible (which means cutting down on coffee and tea).
The good is once your caffeine intake goes down, your body will naturally release the water it's been holding. If you've been struggling with water retention then you'll be pleasantly surprised to see how much weight you can lose in a few days!


Caesar Salad with croutons is very tasty and it's also quite unhealthy for many people who are trying to lose weight after 60. This is because of all the oil used to make this salad taste so good. Plus, don't forget about all the croutons which add lots of unnecessary empty calories that will just go straight into your belly (and thighs).

So what should you do if you love eating caesar salads? Well, try making your caesar salad without the croutons (just add some anchovies instead) and see how much better it tastes! You can even go crazy by adding grilled shrimp or chicken to your salad. Or if you're vegetarian then just top your caesar salad with lots of avocado slices. Trust me, you won't miss the oil at all because the flavor of the salad will be so intense.


I know that coconut oil sounds like a great diet food because it comes from coconuts which are supposed to be healthy for you. But trust me, there is nothing healthy about unlimited amounts of coconut oil in your diet especially if you're over 60 years old. So if you want to lose weight after 60, then avoid coconut oil at all costs.

Coconut oil can make you gain weight FAST (especially if it's your only “healthy” fat in your diet). And if you don't believe me, just look at the waist of any person on a tropical island where lots of coconuts grow. You'll be surprised to see that their waists are quite big compared to the rest of their bodies! Plus, coconut oil is high in calories which means you're eating pure fat with every spoonful of this stuff. So please don't eat more than 1 or 2 tablespoons per day.


Fat-free foods are NOT healthy for many people who are trying to lose weight after 60. This is because most fat-free foods are heavily processed to the point that they barely resemble their original form. For example, some fat-free products out there come in light or low-fat versions which means you get all of the chemicals and artificial sweeteners without any trace of “natural fat”.

So what should you eat instead? Well, I recommend eating more whole grains (such as oatmeal or brown rice) and fresh vegetables (like kale, broccoli, or mushrooms). You can also try your hand at making homemade salad dressings with healthy ingredients like garlic pepper, balsamic vinegar, and extra virgin olive oil. Eating healthy doesn't have to be complicated; it just takes a little planning ahead.


Canned soup and packet soups are very convenient but they can also make you gain weight if you eat them in large amounts. This is because most canned and packet soups contain lots of processed ingredients, sodium, and carbohydrates. And this doesn't even include all the MSG which can cause water retention when consumed regularly. So please stop eating soup from a can or packet.


I know that fast food tastes great when you're hungry and on the go but it's not something you should put in your body regularly if you want to weigh after 60! Why? Well, most fast food is made with lots of trans fat which can cause inflammation in your arteries. But that's not all! Most fast food is also high in sodium which means you will likely retain water if you eat it regularly. This is the last thing you want if you are trying to lose weight after 60 years old.


Root beer float and frozen desserts are tasty but they can lead to rapid weight gain if eaten too often. Why? Well, most root beer floats come with lots of processed sugars which can wreak havoc on your blood sugar levels (and put extra pounds on your belly). Plus, they usually contain lots of calories which can make you gain weight over time.

Losing weight after 60 is possible! You just need to follow these simple steps. In this article, we’ve discussed 8 things that can make it difficult for you to lose weight as a senior citizen. If any of those sound familiar or if they are obstacles in your way, then now is the time to take action and get rid of them from your life. Make good choices about what you eat and how often you exercise so that you can reap the benefits later on down the line when all those pounds have been shed by following our tips today. Remember – there are no easy ways out but at least with these tried-and-true methods, losing weight after age 60 has never been easier!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. I am 69 years old. When I retired from my job I decided to work as hard on myself and my health as I worked at being a Prosecutor. I joined Weight Watchers and started a walking routine. I have lost 100 pounds and only have 5 to goal. If I can do it – anyone can. I love your videos. Thank you!

    • pam jones thank you, good health to you too. Cheers 😀

    • JK Stevens I did WW ( points plus or carb conscious as it’s called on the app) to lose for my Son’s wedding this past weekend. I started in August using the free version of itrackbites app. Lost 25 # by November and dropped to a size 12 dress. I was surprised it went so well being in my upper 60s. Very doable. My lab work results at my MD appt dropped drastically that in May, when I have it done again, the doc may take me off the two meds I’m on! So the benefits of weight loss will keep me on track, even with the wedding now over!

    • JK Stevens Thank you for your inspiration.

    • Awesome job! I just retired and have the same goal! I need to lose 100 pounds too… keep going…

    • Helena Hayes I need to also… I love the lifestyle of intermittent fasting… I do 1 healthy meal a day and love it. In about 6 weeks have lost 13 pounds…watch a video by Dr. Jason Fung…good luck!!

  2. I call my salad plate my portion plate. You dont even have to think about size of portions.

    • I have luncheon plates I use too

    • We should turn it around, maybe have salad on a large “dinner” plate and eat the rest on a small salad plate. 😁

  3. Drink a glass of water before your meal. Fills you up.

  4. Small plates. Let me share my story. About five years ago, I began eating less. I just felt full after 1/2 my meal. I learned to put less on my plate, but continued to eat the same foods I enjoy. As a result, I’ve lost 30#. My husband took up the same habit to keep his weight in check after loosing 50# through diet and a LOT of walking. Due to health, he cannot walk the 4 miles a day that he used to, but his weight has stayed off. We are both in our 70’s. So, you see, small portions on small plates can make a big change.

    • Riding a bike is great too.

    • Thanks very much. Myself I have lost waight drinking warm water with lemon juice and Apple sider, cup of tea ones a day my dinner is around 3/ 4pm snack is 1 panana or watermelon. I have lost 2 stone in 6 month I do feel good as I can’t exercise with my Ithritis.

  5. 1. Move more (walk, bike, use car less, if possible)
    2. Use smaller plates/mindful portions
    3. Ditch sitting (tv-watching, computers, etc…)
    4. Ditch heels
    5. Ditch BOGO (buy 1 get 1) when shopping
    6. Avoid baggy clothes
    7. Ditch snacking
    8. Prepare your own food/don’t eat out too much

  6. I do HIIT cardio and weight training five days a week. I also eat real whole foods and stay away from processed rubbish and sugar. I’ve never been a snacker and I don’t like to eat out. I prefer to cook my own food so I know whats in it and how it is prepared. I am fitter then when I was in my twenties and will be sixty next year 🙂

    • I like those ideas Ren but unfortunately not everyone has good knees to do High Intensity Interval training type of exercise – but, there’s plenty of dance-for-fitness videos on YouTube to do at home.

  7. Yes, the snacks, no snacks.

  8. We are all different. Portion control and exercise are worthless for me. Cutting carbs has kept 50 lbs off me for two years.

    • Britt H I agree. That’s really all that works for me. I just turned 55 and boy did my tummy grow in a matter of a few months. Low carb did it for me and I feel a lot better.

    • Britt H,your pretty smile can make the news!

  9. Since my operation I have put weight on and lying around in dressing gown you don’t realise how much you put on until you start wearing your clothes again.🐱🐹

  10. excellent, some of these i already do, i will incorporate the others🤗

  11. Absolutely brilliant, many things I had not even considered

  12. No sugar, no carbs, you will lower your insulin and the weight goes down. It also solves many health problems.

    • SkiingIsMyHappyPlace Bliss , all I do is walk , I’m almost 70 , so the time for high intensity workouts is past for me . I do fine just walking , at this point I’m just maintaining my weight , I don’t need to lose anymore . I hope you are not exercising like that to lose weight . Exercise is fabulous for lots of things , but not weight loss . Are you sure you are not overdoing it ? What you are describing sounds intense !

    • Ursula Eissner – I’m in my mid-60s and I Nordic ski because I love it; I don’t need to lose any weight. I’ll continue as long as I’m able, though the skate skiing will be the first to go, I’ll admit. My husband is in his late 70s and is still on a cycling team, so he makes me feel like a slug, by comparison. 😂

      I switched back to a low carb diet for my health issues and quickly dropped *below* my ideal weight, which may have been the primary reason for my weakness and loss of stamina last winter. I’m back up to a healthy weight now, but some symptoms have crept back. I’ll need to keep tweaking things. It’s a balancing act for some of us. Healthy fats *do* help!

    • SkiingIsMyHappyPlace Bliss , ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼

    • @Lina Adams Stop eating vegetables? I don’t think so!

    • Marlene Campbell: I stopped eating refined sugar of any kind: sweets, cakes, chocolate, sodas, about 6 months ago (I do however eat fruit) these are very bad for you anyway. I don’t eat meat nor dairy and haven’t done for almost 5 years. As for carbs, I only eat what is referred to as whole carbs: potatoes (no chips/french fries), whole grain rice, etc… and when I eat bread, only whole grain. It’s a healthy diet and to me that’s the key for keeping the flab at bay as well as of course plenty of exercice.

  13. I just can’t resist any longer.
    I stopped your video at 6.19 to write this. I am a man. 64 yrs old and just want to say what a delight you are. No music, no brovado, no pretence, not a hint of “I love me.”
    People on YouTube are so desperate to get you to click on what they are peddling. You managed it by being a lovely looking lady with great ideas to help people.
    Total delight. Thank you. 🌹

    • Thank you LR – I appreciate your kind comments. Even though Sixty and Me is a community designed for older women, it is always lovely to get the appreciation and respect of a man like you.

    • A sincere man , also flirting… very nice ..

    • “I am a man.” WHoot, lol, just sounds fun!

  14. I don’t give up I just eat less.

  15. I’ve lost 40 pounds by doing intermittent fasting! 👍

    • Barbara Eccleston, oh nice and thnx

    • How do you do this fasting?

    • @Anne Young I generally eat once a day, roughly 1 hour. I only have green tea or water the other 23 hours. I make healthy food choices but I don’t count calories, carbs, or macros. I’m not a gym rat either, but I do get about 8000 steps a day. Sundays I often eat twice for social reasons. You can start by just sqeezing your current meals into fewer hours, eventually skip a meal, then just get down to one meal. It is called OMAD, one meal a day, lots of videos out there talk about it. The key is ZERO calories for extended periods, it lets your body rest from doing digestion and instead rebuild what it needs. I have a ton of energy and love doing this, no plan to ever change.

    • I’m 66 and have been doing intermittent fasting for a couple of months. Lost weight and also my mind is clearer. Love that!

    • @Julie Kongs are you going 16:8 IF?

  16. I’m hurt bad from a car accident, so, I can’t exercise well. I’ve lost 111 lbs. on keto and intermittent fasting. I was able to go off all my diabetic medication. Get rid of sugar and carbs. Watch Dr. Berg.

    Exercise always takes a back seat to eating right. Exercise is great if you can do it. But, studies now suggest that exercise plays a much less crucial part of the lose weight equation and I’m proof of that.

    I’m with a cane on my good days and have nasty breathing problems, so, walking is out of the question. I have a handicapped tag because of my breathing disease alone. Exercise is not necessary for weight loss; look at me 111 lbs. down and still losing and in better health than I have been in for years.

    Keto for life; it’s not a diet it’s a lifestyle.

    • Take care Jennifer – hope things improve for you – sounds like you are making great progress!!

    • Sorry you’re in pain but really well done for losing all that weight! I’ve started keto 3 months ago and lost 12lbs. Need to lose 14lbs. I too have developed for, hand and knee arthritis, asthma and copd. So I can’t exercise like you. You’ve given me inspiration to keep going! 👍

  17. I think isolation is the worst thing for health.

    • … but it beats being tortured by a bad relationship! 😂🌱

    • D.H. Fremont I agree with you. It just makes you more depressed. My sister is on oxygen and it is a hassle for her to do her oxygen tanks up but I can’t get her out of the house more. It doesn’t help we currently live in a small town that doesn’t have a lot of handicap transportation. That’s why we are going to move to a bigger town.

    • Not if you are an introvert by nature….I don’t mind going out in public..but I loath mingling with people in a group for chit chat small talk and social gathering. I’d rather spend time alone doing things that interest me, spend time with my pets, husband and granddaughter….everyone else wants too much of a piece of me and it drains my energy. I don’t mind helping people but after a while…..with little to no reciplication…I get drained and need to recharge or my immune system goes down.

    • @Laurie Paris “Better alone than with bad company.”

    • Yes especially the isolation caused by covid and government instruction to stay home. I gained 16 lbs since January when the stress all hit and life was eating, no income to pay bills and watching news. Slow going but must get back to original weight

  18. I like the suggestion of resisting the BOGO (buy one, get one free) — just keeping less food in the house has been a great tactic for me! You can’t eat what’s not available.

  19. It has been almost a year since I have seen you and your face looks so much more youthful! Whatever you are doing keep it up,

  20. I am thrilled you are talking about this. I have been trying to figure this out all year. I turned 68 and it seems that everything I eat, adds on pounds.

    • Gloria Leder,you looking gorgeous just the way you are!

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