Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Welcome to part 1 of a 3-part series on losing weight after 50. In this video, we’ll identify metabolic issues that arise as we age and how they affect our ability to lose weight.

And then, I’ll bring you parts two and three where we’ll discuss fat loss strategies that work despite our age, and practical food swaps that make the whole process easy, enjoyable and effective. I hope you'll join me!

As we age, we accumulate metabolic disadvantages like a slower BMR, injuries, and hormonal issues (menopause or lower testosterone).

While these issues may slow the rate at which our bodies lose weight, they do not prevent weight loss. And, these issues are not significantly changed by what we eat.

However, there are two metabolic disadvantages that impact our ability to burn fat that can be influenced by our diet: Insulin Resistance and Poor Gut Health.

I explain why these issues block fat loss and set the stage for parts 2 and 3 of our series on Losing Weight after 50.

Lose Weight After 50 (Part 2 of 3): 7 Fat Loss Strategies that Work:

Work with Dr. Becky:

Get started with Dr. Becky for free: Learn her 4 Daily Habits (0,1,2,3 Strategy) for Weight Loss:

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More Videos by Dr. Becky:

How to Make Weight Loss Easier After Menopause:

Keto + Fiber: How Short-Chain Fatty Acids Help Weight Loss:

Study mentioned in the video:
Twins, Obesity, Gut Health:

Dr. David Ludwig's Book: Always Hungry: (affiliate link)

Dr. Becky Gillaspy graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1991. After the birth of her daughter, she left private practice and accepted her first teaching position at a career college, and then went on to teach online courses for Ashford University and The University of Phoenix. Through the years, she has taught a variety of health-related courses, including anatomy, physiology, and nutrition. Her YouTube Channel shares insights and research into the how to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is offered for informational purposes only. Do not change your diet, medication, or other health practices without your doctor's consent.

Losing weight after 50 is not an easy task. Metabolic issues like age-related muscle loss reduced activity levels and slowed metabolism can make weight management even more challenging. Armed with the right knowledge about these factors, you may be able to do something about it. Read on for tips on how to lose weight at any age!

1. The Problem of Age-Related Muscle Loss

As you lose muscle, your body starts to burn fewer calories even when at rest. This is especially true if you're inactive and don't exercise regularly. Studies have found that physically active people have metabolisms that work more efficiently than sedentary individuals do. So get moving! Resistance training can help you build or maintain lean body mass – a significant factor in weight loss and the prevention of weight gain in middle age.

2. Reduce Your Activity Levels If You Want To Lose Weight?

Not true! Moderate daily activity (whether it's aerobic, strength training, or getting up frequently throughout the day) is necessary for maintaining good health and losing weight after 50, regardless of whether you currently exercise or not.

3. Metabolism Slows Down As You Age? Not True!

A slowing metabolism is a myth and your metabolic rate can remain high throughout middle age if you maintain physical activity levels and drink lots of water to increase lean body mass. However, as you lose muscle tissue due to aging or inactivity, your body may burn fewer calories even when at rest. This means that weight gain could come on fast – plus the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism works so adding some strength training exercises into your workout plan will help build lean muscle tissue which helps boost your metabolism all day long! Muscle burns more calories than fat, so building up lean muscle will help increase your metabolism and help you lose weight after 50!

4. You Can't Spot Reduce? Not True!

The truth is that you can target certain areas of your body when it comes to doing exercises. For instance, when losing weight after 50 do exercise that puts pressure on the calf muscles like standing with feet shoulder-width apart and lowering both heels toward the floor. Do this for five minutes then change to exercise using a backward motion such as seated leg extensions with the ball under right foot squeezing muscles in the back of thigh for 5 minutes and repeat with another leg. These exercises will not only help tighten up loose skin but also improve circulation and provide more energy which speeds up metabolism so all good things when losing weight after 50!

5. Getting Up Frequently During The Day Increases Your Metabolism?

In a word, yes! Studies have shown that those who stand for at least four hours a day burn more calories throughout the day than those who sit for longer periods. You can burn as many as 350 extra calories per day by getting up and moving around frequently – not to mention building muscle which is key when losing weight after 50. So next time your job requires you to be seated all day long work the desk-stand combination: 1) Stand 2) Sit 3) Stand 4) Sit 5) Repeat sequence throughout the day. This adds variety and increases activity levels to help speed up metabolism or lose weight after 50.

6. You Shouldn't Go Beyond 2 Hours Of Exercise A Day? Not True!

Contrary to popular belief, the key to successful weight loss and management does not simply exercise but rather a combination of moderate activity and healthy eating. What's more, medical studies have shown that doing 15 minutes of exercise 3 times a day helps you lose twice as much fat than people who do 1 hour at one time. Instead of setting the treadmill for just 30 minutes before work then another half-hour after dinner – do 45 minutes spread out during the day instead. That way, your medical weight loss plan will produce better results if you're over 50.

7. The Best Diet Plan To Help You Lose Weight After 50?

The best way to control weight is through a well-balanced diet that focuses on healthy eating. Try zigzagging between calorie deficits (losing calories) and small calorie surpluses (adding calories). This means that you could go for 3 consecutive days zigzagging then 4 consecutive days of adding in more calories, over and over again. Doing this will help the body create an average daily deficit which helps speed up metabolism when losing weight after 50. The result? You get to eat more food while still losing weight!

8. Weight Training Is Not Good For Weight Loss After 50?

Not true! The truth is that it's important to use weights when losing weight after 50 because muscle mass burns more calories than fat! Indeed, you can't spot-reduce fat but the more lean muscle you have the faster your metabolism works which will speed up weight loss when losing weight after 50!

9. You Shouldn't Eat After 8 P.M.?

The truth is that eating earlier in the day may help with weight loss because you're not increasing activity levels into the evening when it's time to burn calories. Eating later might be helpful for baby boomers who tend to stay awake longer than previous generations, burning extra calories and aiding sleep quality when losing weight after 50! What's more, research suggests that eating later in the day may help keep blood sugar and insulin levels in check and could prevent overeating by stabilizing hormones throughout the night. Studies have also shown that eating later in the day leads to more calorie intake during the week too, suggesting that many people wait until dinner time to break out the snack foods.

As you can see, many factors go into weight loss after 50. With so much to consider it is important not to get discouraged and maintain a positive attitude. We hope this information has helped you understand everything involved in losing weight as an older adult. If you need help with your diet or want more tips on how to lose weight over 50, please contact us. Our team of experts would love nothing more than to help others reach their goals!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Good message. You are looking marvelous for over 50 by the way.

  2. Wow!!! So much for blaming menopause for everything from fallen arches to poor vision😏….

  3. I’m 60,Male and I started watching your channel then 2 Doc’s last Jan and Im down 52 lbs 20 to go.

    • Great job Jeffery 58. Keep it going, nearly there 💗

    • West Springfield Keto and staying 10g of carb per day or less. My carbs would be from small salad now eating one meal a day this week due to stall. And I have stalled several times.

    • Wonderful news. Congratulations. Will try to follow your example.

    • Jeffers 58 ,,, ,,,,,

    • system. To go!

  4. Great channel….very practical information that I’ve never heard from my doctor. Just hit 50 this year and in the best shape in my life. Combo of low carb diet, strength training and since finding this channel I have started intermittent fasting.

  5. Literally just found you this week & am really impressed by your wisdom and no nonsense teaching! (You are aging backwards!). Looking forward to learning more! Blessings!

  6. Love your videos along with 2FD! Thank you for this series. I am so tired of 30-something trainers telling me I need 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight or that my joint soreness is because of form instead of wear and tear from 40+ years of athletics. I was so frustrated that I could not get results until I found Dr. Keith and you. I really appreciate these videos ❤️

  7. Keto has done me the world of good. I started keto 5 months ago and my body has reverted back to my normal weight and appearance: slim and healthy. I am a 63y/o British Australian woman, 5’9″ tall, and young looking for my age, so losing the few inches of heaviness that I’d gained in the last 6 years by taking up keto means my body works extraordinarily well now, all glory to God who led me here. I was a sugar addict and have nothing to do with the stuff any more!

    • Sky Everlasting: Since you are in your 60’s, you have given me a bit of hope that this older woman can maybe shed some weight too. Thank you for your entry.

    • Thank you for sharing your great results. Sugar is a dangerous addictive “drug”. We are so unaware of it’s dangers while children growing ~up as it is eaten so freely. I hope you are still doing well on Keto.

  8. She is talking about me because I am 50 and going through menopause lol. Thanks doc❤️❤️❤️

  9. 50. And 35 pounds overweight. I am not just ” obese”.. I am” morbidly obese”.. Great just great.. Well here we go!

  10. its hard but doable, I started OMAD a few months ago went from 420 pounds size 52 pants down to 270 and 34 size pants in about 8 months, I am 51 yers old and I am 6 3″

    • Nancy Archibald down to 245 now 😁

    • I am doing the same thing right now OMAD & Keto. Some say to watch your calories and keep track of your calories while others say just stop eating when you feel full. What do you think? Any secrets to your success on OMAD?

    • Curious as to what your calorie and macro intake is per day?

    • @Greg Lamb lots of veggies now a days, and good quality meats, I eat once a day, or every other day now, I dont get hungry, its weird, I am now 219 pounds still need to lose another 10 I think, but from 440 down to this its a miracle in itself

    • Wowwwww😳😳❤️❤️❤️👍🏻

  11. You look great for a 50-something 😬

  12. Great video. I was also born in 1967. 🙂

  13. Im 20lbs down from taking your advice, 25 to go! if my belly could talk it’d say” are you serious about this ?…we’ll see, im not goin nowhere yet”

  14. Can u also talk about supplements for anti aging?

  15. I’m exactly your age . You look 👍🏼 great .
    Menopause and stress caused me gain weight . I’m
    On Keto now to bring back my old self .

  16. I am so tired of the attitude that I ate poorly & that’s why I have type 2 diabetes and have gained weight. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Since 1971, I’ve educated myself about nutrition, grown my own organic gardens & eaten health food products. Rarely eating sugary products & never using white (refined) flour products or baking with white flour & sugars. I used honey or maple syrup in small amounts. I always ate & eat natural fats, with butter & olive oils being topmost favourites. I’ve habitually eaten nutritionally excellent food all of my adult life. I lived a very healthy lifestyle because type 2 was diagnosed later in life in all of my family members. By the time I reached 60, in spite of my efforts, I too am diagnosed with it. I am attempting to kick it to the curb, with keto & IF. Wish me luck.

  17. You’re so informative and you break things down so people like me can get an understanding… thank you

  18. Turning 65 and got serious about my diet and exercise. I do HIIT and cut out sugar. I am almost at my weight in HS. Never felt better with amazing energy levels.

  19. You explain everything in such a clear, easy-to-understand manner. I REALLY appreciate that! Glad I found your channel!!

  20. In 2018 I was 74 yrs. pld and on my yearly physical I weighed 270 lbs and have never been sick a day but I knew if I did not lose this weight I would soon be sick. I knew about the Adkins diet so I started on it . I was losing a few lbs. when I discovered youtube and Keto. Then I discovered IF and was on my way. Well in one year I dropped 110 lbs. with no problem what so ever and I was never hungry. Pant size went fron 48 waist to 34″ suffer ss to 34″ I currently am eating OMAD about 50% of the time and holding 160 lbs. for over a year. I owe it all to you tube doctors. I don’t suffer any of the maladies like many folks so I am forever grateful to youtube Doctors.

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