Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

Hi there, Sage Thompson here, co-founder of the popular Metabolic Switch Diet system for women.

Many women dread turning 40… it’s the age when metabolism begins to slow down and losing even a few pounds becomes a real challenge, mainly due to some major hormonal shifts in the body.

I wanted to make this video to share some simple tips to rev up your metabolism after 40 and make it easier to shift those stubborn pounds.

As we age, our cells become less sensitive to insulin, which means we can’t tolerate as many carbs. So decreasing your carb intake down to your personal tolerance level will definitely help…

Eating more quality protein at each meal not only helps keep hunger at bay, it helps to prevent loss of muscle due to ageing. Muscle burns more calories than fat, increases insulin sensitivity and keeps your testosterone levels higher so you have more energy to do some resistance training and retain your metabolically active muscle mass as you age.

It’s also important to stick to whole, real foods as much as posssible. Our metabolism gets damaged by the chemicals and preservatives in our foods. Things like pesticides, growth hormones, trans fats, high fructose corn syrup and inflammatory vegetable oils have all been linked to obesity and have even been labelled “obesegens” within the health and wellness community.

So consuming your foods in their most natural form as often as possible will have a huge impact on your metabolism overall.

I've also got one more really effective weight loss tip that I share on my website.

And It's based around understanding how to optimize your hormones to literally switch your metabolism back on, because after working with thousands of female clients, I've found the number 1 thing that helps them lose weight after 40 is boosting their metabolism and balancing the 3 hormones I explain on my site.

There should be a link in this video and in the description box below so make sure you click it and see my final tips for losing weight after 40.

Thanks so much and I'll see you over at my website ☺


After 40, you might start to notice some changes in your body. Your metabolism slows down and it becomes more difficult to maintain the weight you had when you were younger. But don't worry! This doesn't mean that it's impossible to lose the extra weight that has crept up on you over time. There are many tips out there that can help you drop those unwanted pounds and get back into shape again! Here is a list of our favorite 10 ways for losing weight after 40:

1. Eat protein

At this age, your body needs protein to keep it more resilient to all the wear and tear of daily life. By adding protein into your diet, not only will you feel more satisfied but you'll also help maintain muscle mass which helps with burning fat.

2. Say no to sugar

Sugar is one of the most dangerous foods that anyone can eat at any age. After 40, it can lead to problems like insulin resistance or diabetes. Be sure to cut out added sugars from your diet to prevent gaining weight!

3. Don't underestimate physical activity

No matter what shape you are in, making an effort for 30 minutes of exercise every day is a great way of losing weight after 40. Not only does it help you tone up, but it will also speed up your metabolism.

4. Quit smoking

If you are a smoker, try to quit as soon as possible. Smoking has been shown to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and can make weight loss more difficult. It may even cause damage to your lungs which makes the physical activity much more difficult.

5. Get enough sleep!

When you age, your body's ability to heal itself decreases, making an adequate amount of sleep crucial. Getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night gives your body time to recharge its batteries so that you feel refreshed and energized in the morning. Having energy will allow you to exercise regularly which is part-way towards reaching your goal weight!

6. Fill up on fiber

Fiber can help you lose weight by making you feel full for longer periods after meals. It will also help to prevent constipation and other digestive issues, in turn helping your body rid itself of any excess fat it may be carrying around in the digestive system. Most fruits and vegetables contain a good amount of fiber so try adding these into your diet every day.


7. Drink more water

When we see fit to drink sugary sodas instead of pure water, we're doing our bodies an injustice. Water helps us maintain a high metabolism which will give us energy and result in weight loss when combined with exercise. Start drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day to stay hydrated and reap all the wonderful benefits this brings!

8. Have more sex

Not only is having more sex fun, but it's also a great way to burn some extra calories while getting rid of stress. Sex will not only make you feel better about yourself but can also strengthen your heart. To gain even more benefits, have an orgasm every time.

9. Eat slowly

It takes around 20 minutes for our brains to know that our stomachs are full. If we don't take the time out to sit down and enjoy ourselves while eating, chances are that we'll eat more than needed which can lead to weight gain.

10. Don't give up on your goals

Although it might seem easier in the moment to give up on your weight loss goals, you must remember that it's not impossible to lose weight after 40. Be dedicated and keep trying! If you slip up, don't let this discourage you from reaching your goal. Instead, get back up and try again!

We hope you’ve found this article informative and helpful to your weight loss goals. If so, please share it with friends who are struggling with their weight! Good luck on your journey to reach a healthy body size. Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all diet plan for success, but these tips can be used as guidelines to help you stay focused on the goal of losing weight after 40 or any other age.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
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  3. I am 47 years of age and losing weight is getting harder by the day.Thanks for the info on losing weight after 40.

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