Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
In the first part of our series, we talked about metabolic issues that make it harder to lose weight as we age.

Here in part 2 of our series, I’ll walk you through fat loss strategies that work after 50.

If you’ve been followed my channel, you know that I am a proponent of low carb/high-fat dieting, which is certainly an effective strategy for weight loss.

But when we are over the age of 50, we need to look at this diet strategy with a bit of a twist so that we make sure we are keeping our carb intake low enough to bypass insulin resistance, AND that we are eating in a way that feeds our good gut bacteria.

This can be a tricky combination because these two things can conflict with each other.

In this video, I explain how following a “Smart-Carb/Right-Fat Diet” is the path to successful and healthy weight loss after 50.

And, I walk you through 7 strategies to make the diet work from my perspective as a Health Coach.

Watch Part 1 of our Lose Weight After 50 Series:

Watch How to Make Weight Loss Easier After Menopause:

Starchy vs Non-Starchy Vegetables:

Work with Dr. Becky:

Get started with Dr. Becky for free: Learn her 4 Daily Habits (0,1,2,3 Strategy) for Weight Loss:

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Dr. Becky Gillaspy graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1991. After the birth of her daughter, she left private practice and accepted her first teaching position at a career college, and then went on to teach online courses for Ashford University and The University of Phoenix. Through the years, she has taught a variety of health-related courses, including anatomy, physiology, and nutrition. Her YouTube Channel shares insights and research into the how to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is offered for informational purposes only. Do not change your diet, medication, or other health practices without your doctor's consent.

Do you feel like you're not making progress in your weight loss goals? You're not alone! The older we get, the more difficult it is to lose weight. For many people over 50, the pounds seem to creep on and never come off. It's frustrating when you've been working hard but doesn't see any results. If this sounds like you, read through these tips for inspiration and ideas on how to start losing those stubborn pounds once again.

1) Consume a Protein Shake Post-Workout.

As we age, our muscle mass starts to decline and can't recover as quickly as it did when we were younger. We all know the importance of protein for building strong muscles, but many people forget about how important protein is also to repairing those muscles after a workout. Consuming at least 30g of quality protein post-workout will help speed up recovery time so you can hit the gym again faster! I recommend 25g of something like Premier Protein immediately following your workout followed by another 10g in between breakfast and lunch the next day.

2) Cross Train.

We all love to run or walk, but don't forget that it's important to keep other body parts strong as well. Muscles are balanced by opposing groups of muscles so you want to have a healthy balance between your chest, back, legs and shoulders. This will help prevent injuries because you won't overwork individual muscles. It will also improve your strength so you can burn more calories throughout the day even when you're not working out!

3) Start Weightlifting

I'm sure this sounds crazy if you haven't done much weight training in your past but starting at age 50 is the perfect time to start lifting weights! There are many benefits for people who start lifting at midlife instead of continuing along their downward spiral of bad habits.

4) Add Muscle Mass.

As we age, our body starts to lose muscle mass which is why it's so important to do weight training in addition to cardio workouts. Your muscles help your bones stay strong which is especially important if you have osteoporosis or are at risk for this bone-thinning disease. Weight training is an essential part of any exercise regimen!

5) Eat Healthy Fats

Avoid Trans Fat To keep your weight down and promote heart health, incorporate healthy fats into your diet like avocado, olive oil, nuts, and peanut butter. Switch out saturated fats with unsaturated fats that are found in foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish.

6) Lose the Sugar Cravings as You Age

When you were younger, you might have been able to eat an entire bowl of ice cream and not feel any adverse health effects. As we age, however, we're more prone to weight gain and insulin resistance because our bodies can no longer handle that much sugar at one time. If you normally crave sweets and give in to the temptation too often, try sipping on some unsweetened lemon water instead. It has a cleansing effect on your body and will help alleviate those cravings for unhealthy desserts.

7) Add High-Intensity Exercise Routine

There's nothing like a good HIIT (high-intensity interval training) routine to speed up your metabolism and improve cardiovascular function — especially if you've been slacking off on your workouts lately.

It’s not easy to lose weight after 50, but it is possible with the right strategies. We hope that our list of 7 fat loss tips has given you some new ideas for how to approach your goals and achieve success in this area. Whether you are looking to start a diet or need help overcoming an addiction, these suggestions should be useful tools for getting started on your journey towards better health.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

  2. Really need to buckle down and give this a try!!👍🏽 thanks

  3. Great advice to start around 100g carbs and work your way down. This is opposite of what most plans call for, but it really worked for me.

    • Dave C – totally agree – best to not shock the body with ultra low carbs right away. But do be steady and consistent – eventually no sugar or refined carbs.

  4. Thank you for mentioning Kimchi
    and Komboucha in the video along with sauerkraut, they are all great additions to my Low Carb Plan. Kombucha gives me a really great energy boost in the afternoon. Big Plus – making it at home is cheap and you know how much sugar is in it. Thanks for all your hard work.

  5. Good information and realistic Dr Becky…Ty <3

  6. Homemade fermented foods are excellent for gut health and are low carb.

  7. So you’re saying Cheetos and beer are not recommended? No wonder I’m gaining weight! Menopause sucks.

  8. Thank you so much Becky!!

  9. Thank you for another great video!

  10. This works. You nail it. Saw my doctor yesterday and I’ve lost 25 pounds! 10 more to go. I’m 67, woman, and low carb/keto is the only thing I’ve found after turning 60 that finally actually works, plus is so easy. It stopped the alarming weight creep, reversed it, and brought a steady weight loss. I’m never hungry as the good fats/foods are so satisfying. Feels good to feel good again and fit back in my comfy small jeans. Thanks, Dr. Becky, great video! Diane

    • “ Feels good to feel good again. “
      Now there’s a great quote !

    • This has been my experience exactly with keto/low carb/high fat diet and intermittent fasting. Have lost 45 pounds so far in 4 months and it seemed effortless….never hungry, always satisfied. Could never lose weight this easily before. Looking forward to eating this way the rest of my life. Lost all desire for carbs, whereas before I needed refined carbs everyday just to function.

    • @Ave Crux Yes you’re right, intermittent fasting is a factor too, I have a 7 hour eat window. Sometimes less as I’m just not hungry. Never snack any more.

    • Diane Grey’s


  11. I never could really lose much weight. I didnt need to lose a lot, but diets never worked. The only thing that worked for me is Intermittent fasting. I just delay when i start eating. Once i start, i become more hungry…mainly because i didnt cut sugar completely out and that ends up boosting appetite. I can eat how i like to (and I eat a lot!) and i am slimmer. I still try to eat a salad every day. Once u go a distance without eating, you level out. I can say that this works because i do it.

  12. Love your blouse!

  13. Thanks again for your wisdom, i’ve lost 70 lbs so far following your strategies. You are so awesome ☺

  14. Thank you for sharing this series. So happy to have found your channel. 😬💕👍🏻

  15. Low carb has always made me feel better. I’m finding that I can’t go as low as 20, so am still trying, less than 100 and my aim is to get down to 50. Thank you for such good advice.

  16. Enjoying the series! I’ll continue to do keto until I reach my goal weight and will likely bump up my carb grams when I switch to maintenance. That’s always been the hardest part of weight loss for me, so I will need a new approach like low-carb!!

  17. Very good content. Excellent vid, thanks.
    I have a simple rule: if you’re reading a label, you have already made a mistake. Whole healthy foods do not have an ingredients list. High healthy fat/low carb is the way to great health.


  19. Love your videos! Such a calming, great delivery and easy to understand information! Thank you

  20. Nice review. On to Part II. (I’m such a natural poet 🙂

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