Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

Don't let self doubt stop you achieving all your goals! Things to get rid of: limiting beliefs, the word ‘can't', bad habits, toxic people and….excuses! Watch as JJ Virgin knocks 'em out one after another 😉

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#JJVirgin #SelfDoubt #Shorts #PersonalDevelopment #Diet #Nutrition #WeightLoss #SelfImprovement #Goals

Are you struggling with weight loss? You're not alone. Many people feel like they can't lose weight, no matter what they do. Maybe you've tried every diet out there, and nothing seems to work. Or maybe you've lost weight in the past, but you always seem to gain it back. If this sounds like you, then it's time to knock out self-doubt and start seeing success. Here are four tips for overcoming self-doubt and reaching your weight loss goals:

Tip #1: Get Inspired

Nothing helps you stay motivated like being inspired by others. Watching how other people achieved success can inspire you and drive you to keep going when things get tough. There are hundreds of stories about weight loss on talk shows, in magazines, and on the internet. Check out our infographic on 10 Inspiring Weight Loss Success Stories for some examples of real people who have succeeded against all odds. When you read their stories, you'll see that the only thing that separates them from anyone else is hard work and dedication. That's what it takes to lose weight successfully — even if they started heavier than you did! So find someone who has gone through your same struggles, or whose struggles seem similar enough to yours, and read their story. It'll give you the inspiration to push for success, knowing that success is possible if you follow through with your goal.

Tip #2: Eliminate Negative Self Talk

There's nothing worse than self-doubt, especially when it comes to weight loss. When you hear yourself say things like “I'm not good enough” or “I can't do this,” it will destroy your motivation and make it much harder to stay on the right path. These negative thoughts keep us locked in a pattern of defeat, telling us that we're not strong enough or smart enough to succeed; they prevent us from setting reachable goals and taking action towards them; they tell us that failure is inevitable before we even start trying. The trick is to catch these negative thoughts as early as possible and replace them with positive thinking. Learn how to recognize your personal “self-doubt triggers” and try to avoid those situations whenever you can. If you stay vigilant and do your best to eliminate self-doubt from your vocabulary, you won't be held back by it anymore!

Tip #3: Treat Yourself

When we're depressed or feel like we've failed at something, a cake is probably the last thing on our minds. Comfort food seems like a bad idea in general when feeling down. That said, sometimes there's nothing better for cheering yourself up than a nice big slice of chocolate cake…or three pieces of fried chicken…or a heaping plate of bacon macaroni and cheese. When you resist temptation in the face of self-doubt, one setback is all it takes to make you feel like a failure. And when you feel like a failure, why not treat yourself anyway? If eating comfort food didn't work for weight loss before, then neither will have some now. You don't need to punish yourself for falling off track — especially when that track leads nowhere! Treating yourself can help you regain control after feeling like you've lost it. It's also good for your mental health in general, so don't be afraid to indulge occasionally just because of your weight loss goals! Just remember not to get carried away and try to balance indulgences with healthy choices where possible.

Tip #4: Find Support

Some people can go it alone when they need to, but most of us need some sort of support and encouragement along the way. Having someone by your side who believes in you and is willing to help you stay on track will make a huge difference in your success. You might look for a friend or family member to be your “accountability partner,” or sign up with and meet other people working towards the same goals as you are! Whatever you choose, just remember that there's no shame in asking for help — especially if it means getting closer to your goal!

So, how can you knock out self-doubt in weight loss? Check out our blog post for tips on how to get started. Feeling motivated and inspired now? We thought so. Remember, it’s not about being perfect – it’s about making small changes that will add up over time and help you reach your goals. Let us know how you go!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

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