Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Here's how to get toned arms AND maintain them year round… I do these 6 arm exercises every week and this is my favorite toned arms workout. Do this upper body workout for women weekly for best results!

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Hi I’m JJ, welcome to my channel! If you’re looking to lose weight, boost energy and look and feel fit over 40, you’re in the right place. Here you’ll find the healthy recipes, nutrition education and the important information you need to achieve healthy weight loss that stays off.

I’m a triple-board certified health expert, Fitness Hall of Famer & 4x New York Times best-selling author. My team and I help people over 40 lose the weight and keep it off, so they look and feel better than ever.

I've discovered that by finding your food intolerances and working out a whole lot less, you can create a healthy lifestyle customized to your personal body chemistry and needs.

On this channel me and my team of world class diet, nutrition and wellness experts give you the information and tools you need to achieve healthy weight loss. Healthy recipes that taste great, fitness routines that work for beginners and gym bunnies alike, and simplified nutrition information based on science and not the latest fad diet.


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Let’s Connect…

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Thank you for this video. I can tell you I was doing most of the exercises wrong. 😮 I’m saving it and will watch it on repeat. Also will be sharing it with my friends! I would absolutely love if you could do one similar on legs. Specifically thick thighs with cellulite. I want to wear shorts in the summer but too insecure. Love you JJ!❤

    • Thanks, Tina! I appreciate the shares.

    • Yes!! This. Legs with cellulite.

    • Agreed. I have been working with a trainer and still learned from the demos in this video. A lower body demo workout, would be great!

    • Same

    • Hello not too insecure.. but aisthetic consious.. this is good….

  2. How To Make Your Workout More Effective!:

    • I love your videos and all you add to our lives!! I tried creating, in my morning smoothie, but that upset my stomach terribly. Would you recommend a brand or the right way to start taking it?

    • What Geranylgeraniol ( GG ) Do you recommend? Thank you.

    • Can you do a work out video we can follow?

    • Also..for this 71 yr woman..🎉😂

    • ​@@crisaccetta⁰

  3. I hope you consider writing a workout book for women over 40! 🙏🏻😊

    • Great idea

    • Agree!

    • Forget the book…do a full length video series!

    • Do both! Love this video!!❤❤

    • I feel like Im getting small tears in the muscle in my arm. Have you ever heard of this? What kind of dr should I see?

  4. I worked out regularly for years and loved feeling strong! After everything in 2020 and after, I just got tired and a bit depressed and eventually dropped my workouts. Now I’m shocked at how quickly my arms and legs lost muscle mass! I’ve just recently started back up with a new attitude and I’m again surprised that it’s not as hard as I thought it would be. Compound exercises have always been my favorite~

    • Keep it up, Janice.

    • I was very active up to 2020, bicycling, paddle boarding, rollerblading, and weight training. Everything closed, including parks and beaches, and I just stopped doing anything. I’m just now starting to walk a mile every morning and getting mentally excited to get back in the gym groove.

    • Same here. I lost so much motivation in 2020. Barely getting my grove back slowly though. Best of luck to us!

    • Love your informative video!! I’m a little over 70 but still wanna keep moving. Done a little strength training/treadmill even with COPD. Love the idea of compound training and will investigate further along with blood flow restriction bands and their best us. Thanks for all the info.

    • The same thing happened to me. Stopped exercising when the bug invaded the world. Now I’m getting back on the saddle!

  5. Boy, I’m I glad I found your channel! You explain things so well that, I can actually get those defined arms. Starting today and onward. Thank you so much!!!

  6. I do push-ups on my stairs. It’s more challenging than doing from a kitchen counter because the angle is more challenging

    • Great idea, you could just move down a step as you get stronger.

  7. Thank you I learned so much from this video. I easily lost 45 pounds last year with walking and light weights, however gained it back to to due losing my mom at Christmas and now I am finally ready to work on me again. I just came across your video, this is my first week back to working out and watching my food intake.

    • What meal plan you follow? And how are your weekly exercise rutine? Thank you

    • I totally understand! I lost my mom and my whole family plus my best friend. Food was my comfort. I lost 46 pounds and gained 25 back ugh 😑

  8. Im in my 50s. Have always wanted to have strong arms. Your explanation on the exercises are so clear and you also included the various options from beginners to advanced. Besides, you also gave fantastic preparation tips for an even more effectiove workout. Thank you! Can’t wait to try out.

    • I am 60 , I don’t stop moving, my arms are so firm . Now if I could be like that to my kids 🙄

  9. Wow. As a 77 year old man, these exercises seem perfect for me. Totally agree with eating before work out. I’ve tried it both ways and find a 30 gram protein shake makes whatever I do at the gym way better

  10. Hands down the best video I’ve ever seen on workouts for older women. I detest paradigms. Throw me a “this happens when you get older” sack of crap and I will throw it right back! With that said, we need appropriate tools. I’m long and lean and have always had strong legs. But I want better arms, and to heck with my age 61 “deterioration”. Thank you so much.

  11. 1. Push ups
    2. Tricep dips
    3. Overhead press
    4. Bent over row.
    5. Upright Row
    6. Pull ups OR band pulldowns.

  12. Just found this channel. Love it! A few years ago I was attending regular yoga, workout classes with a trainer. I asked her to help me get defined arms because I have never had them and wanted them. She said, no, “men don’t want to grab something hard, they want something soft to hold on to” HA!!!! I found a new trainer. Never really got the arms I wanted but your channel has inspired me to get back at it! Thank you.

  13. I love to see women in their 50s weight training. Such a motivator!!!💕💕💕

  14. Amen! My workouts have absolutely sucked because I’ve tried doing them fasted. I will be giving my self permission to fuel before I work out. Thank you

  15. Love to see a video with someone who isn’t some 20 year old demonstrating arm exercises. You are proof that these work!

  16. Takes 9.5 mins before it gets to an exercise.

    • GIRL!!!! I thought I was the only one that noticed that…I commented on another video..”I thought this was an exercise video when does the exercise start??”

  17. Wow I just found you and this was absolutely amazing. It’s been years I mean years since I’ve done strength training I’m 67 getting ready to retire and I want back in the game. You my lady are now my mentor. Thank you God bless women like you!

  18. I’m 33 and I lift heavy, but I did this workout yesterday to mix things up and I cannot believe how good/sore my arms/shoulders feel! Absolutely love this workout and seeing the correct form. Will be adding this to the weekly rotation. Thanks JJ!

  19. As a former classical ballet student and instructor, I would suggest to keep your head in alignment with your spine in addition to keeping all your core muscles (from beneath your bra down to your buttocks) engaged. I’m 64 and have been fighting a chronic illness for over 10 years, so these exercises will be more difficult until I build strength. Thank you for these exercise, however I have no weights or gym equipment. I guess I’ll use 2 cans of something in my pantry for some of the exercises. Best of luck and love to everyone!

    • i highly recommend resistance bands as they are a cheap and lightweight alternative to dumbells.

  20. JJ, I just watched your upper body workout vid. THANK YOU!! I’m almost 79, retired DC, and I tend to think I ‘know it all’ regarding exercise and nutrition. Hah! I fast forward vids all the time for the few points they may add. Yours…,, I watched through.., hanging on your every word! So supportive, so informative, so well described, so important! I will come back to this video. I’ve been learning from you probably the past 2 decades. You walk the talk and you teach so well. You’re one of the smartest to-the-point instuctors I’ve crossed paths with. And your being a wonderful example is bigtime, too! You’ve revved me up for the day! Off to the gym.

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