Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
There is no doubt that menopause changes things. And, while it doesn’t prevent fat loss, it does require a unique strategy.

In this video, I discuss how fat storage changes as we move into menopause and how to work around those changes to make weight loss easier without resorting to hormone therapy.

In the video, you'll learn…

*How low estrogen makes belly fat more likely
*The role insulin plays in post-menopausal weight gain
*The three eating strategies that allow you to lose weight after menopause.
Read the transcript of the video on my blog:

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Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 50 – Helpful or Harmful?

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Research mentioned in the video:
Menopause slows RMR:
Dr. Becky Gillaspy graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1991. After the birth of her daughter, she left private practice and accepted her first teaching position at a career college, and then went on to teach online courses for Ashford University and The University of Phoenix. Through the years, she has taught a variety of health-related courses, including anatomy, physiology, and nutrition.

Did you know that after menopause, your metabolism slows down by about 50% and it's difficult to maintain a healthy weight? This is because the changes in hormones can cause cravings for high carbohydrate foods, which also leads to increased belly fat. To lose weight at this stage of life, there are some things you should do differently than when you were younger.

The following blog post outlines how to make weight loss easier at this stage of life: what causes cravings during perimenopause/menopause; why it's important for women who have gone through menopause or are going through perimenopause; and how we can combat these cravings with better food choices.

What Causes Cravings During Menopause/Perimenopause?

What is perimenopause? Perimenopause occurs when your period becomes irregular or stops completely. For some women, it lasts just a few months while for other women it can last three years. It is defined by a woman's doctor after one year of no periods with no other explanation such as pregnancy or breastfeeding. They last for years.
During this time, you will experience many changes in your body as a result of the changes in hormones that are occurring. This leads to cravings because your brain latches onto whatever hormone is at large and makes you crave those foods that can help increase those levels, such as sugar or carbs from white flour. Here's the hormonal change that happens during perimenopause:

↓ Progesterone ↓

Before menopause, if a woman has a normal weight and decent diet, she may be able to maintain her weight without much effort. When women go through perimenopause and their progesterone levels drop, they tend to gain more weight around the middle area -called abdominal adiposity, also known as having a “potbelly”. As we age, we lose muscle and gain fat – the same goes for women who go through menopause. When progesterone levels fall, cortisol rises and the body starts to accumulate abdominal adiposity.

Why is it important for you to figure out why you're gaining weight during perimenopause/menopause? Because this extra weight can cause serious health problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and heart disease if not taken care of.

How We Can Combat These Cravings with Better Food Choices

Now that we know how our hormones affect weight gain during perimenopause/menopause, let's talk about what types of things you can do to combat these cravings. Here are some tips on how to make weight loss easier for women after menopause/perimenopause:

Tip #1: Make breakfast your biggest meal

If you're having trouble losing weight after menopause/perimenopause, try eating a bigger breakfast than lunch and dinner. For many people who have gone through menopause or are going through it now, they don't feel hungry at all in the morning which is why they skip breakfast altogether. This is not good! It puts you at risk of gaining weight because when you are hungry, you tend to lose your willpower and eat whatever you can find. But if you have a healthy breakfast that consists of a good source of protein such as eggs with whole grains, the fiber from nuts or beans will help slow down your rise in blood sugar level which prevents cravings later on.

Tip #2: Do not skip meals

eat nutritious foodDuring perimenopause/menopause, women experience irregular menstrual cycles and possible symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. When this happens, we tend to forget about eating and ignore our hunger signals for hours. This is another reason why we gain weight during menopause – we don't pay attention to how much we eat and what type of food we put into our mouths. We need to eat regularly and mindfully. If you experience hot flashes during the day, make sure to bring a healthy snack with you such as peanut or almond butter and apples so that every time you feel hot, you can have a bite.

Tip #3: Prepare your food

Preparation is always key when it comes to weight loss. When we are hungry, we have no control over what type of food we will put into our mouth because, at this point, anything goes! So for women who have gone through menopause/perimenopause stick to buying fresh fruit or vegetables instead of putting themselves in situations where temptation becomes stronger than willpower. That means making pre-packaged foods only on busy days when there isn't much time to cook.

The end of your childbearing years is a great time for you to focus on yourself and take care of your health. Women who have gone through menopause or perimenopause are at risk for weight gain due to hormonal changes, so they must pay attention to their diet and exercise habits as well as other factors such as stress levels.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Menopause is really a game changer! What worked before menopause doesn’t after!

    • @Gloria Cedeno. Oatmeal has a TON of carbs…….and some people have other issues in menopause, like hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s to be specific…not fun and throws another HUGE curve ball…so, no, it’s not as “easy” as you make it sound!

    • I do the Betty Rocker Body Fuel System – so easy and delicious, and I feel amazing on it. I am 57 and gained 3 kilos which I found really hard to lose especially after an injury three years ago which meant I am no longer able to go running (have played sport, and run most of my life). Stumbled on Betty Rocker’s 30 free challenge of 15 minutes exercise a day, and now I’m getting back to my sporty old self yay! Finding these talks about menopause really useful too! No wonder it’s been so hard!@Cyndi Kirkland

    • C Field – Am I missing something? Hypothyroidism shouldn’t be much of an issue once it’s diagnosed and treated. I had Hashimoto’s decades ago and, with thyroid replacement hormone, I’ve never been overweight (I’m in my 60s).

    • @Jenny Lory i started perimenopause at 46 plus and at 77 plus no more period..i started gaining weight after it..i started wz varicose veins while on perimenopause with joints inflammation…now am feeling better the varicose veins are disappearing after i started losing weight ..ive nvr been overweight..

    • @Jenny Lory sorry at 47+

  2. Your informative advice and insights about belly fat are much appreciated. After menopause I went from a slim waistline to tubby, but was often down on myself thinking I didn’t exercise enough restraint with food intake or exercise enough. Having fibromyalgia didn’t help. Thank you for the clear explanation.

  3. Intermittent fasting has changed my life, at age 53 my tummy and waistline is smaller than it’s been in decades.

    • Elizabeth Holmes
      Please give more details

    • Z Z
      Someone I know puts cinnamon in his care

    • mlml smith it takes awhile for your body to do the work of healing what it needs, then the weight will come off. Just don’t give up, it’s my way of life now, maintaining for 3 years now. Eliminating sugar made the biggest difference, I don’t count calories, I just stop when I’m full. I fast 16 hours per day, good luck!

    • Elizabeth Holmes
      Thank you !!!
      It’s horrible & affects my self esteem

    • Elizabeth Holmes
      How can you fast between 16-18 hrs, may I have an example? Also how long did your body stop craving sugar ?

  4. Thank you for these videos, they are always so helpful!

  5. # 1. You don’t have to go on a Diet!… You do have to Change your eating habits and knowing what’s Good and Bad – for – your – body! Read the labels… Cut the CARBS!! That’s the Sugars! Be your own dietician. Yes! I do eat some sweets, once a month or so. Try not to eat much of it. Exercise… by Doing your own gardening. Cleaning your own home etc. Go walking! Get a bike! You can Buy one cheap at garage sales etc. Don’t SLUG around the house… even at work…use your break for a 10 min walk, don’t forget to replenish with plain water! Keep your system/body functioning properly and out of the hands of medical so called professionals that keep you unbalanced and pill popping. UGH!

    • Excellent!!

    • Gloria Cedeno.
      I agree
      I have low blood sugar and started to give up bread at lunch
      I found I am not sluggish in the afternoon
      I then stopped bread because of itching from it
      I replace the carbs with apples and peanut butter
      At first
      I craved more starch but not for long
      Right away my body adjusted then I started to feel more energized throughout the day.
      I lost weight without trying
      I do walk not far just until I start to get tired as a distress and to just concentrate on the beauty of the park
      It’s so important to break out of the pace and disconnect from others put on music or just listen to the birds
      So I calmed and lost
      The body will crave more sugar at first while giving up the carbs and exercising so I use a little more fat which of course gets burned off from walking. If you don’t stress and take your time fight the starch attacks with cheese and apples peanut butter and apples extra meat throughout the day the starch craving decline and then if you’re burning it your body will tell you you’re hungry and slowly slow on all cravings
      I’ve done this before and it continues to react the same every time
      So good luck keep the faith and don’t give in every time
      Just hang on and get busy with other chores

    • You said it all right there.

    • @Nancy In the garden very good advice 😊

    • Totally agree. Now during the pandemic it’s easier for me to exercise using YouTube videos and not in my car for 2 hours per day. I work from home, grateful.

  6. Thank you so much for explaining this. Really helpful!

    • As clear as water!!! Thanks so much!!!

  7. I just turned 50 in September and haven’t had a period since last December. My body has changed drastically and sugar/carbs are always calling me.

  8. Very informative at this phase of my life – thank you!

  9. “Increase in ..belly fat” she says touching her flat stomach! I love her.

  10. And move move move ! Just 10 minutes of walking a day at any pace helps in weight loss and strengthens bones and muscles especially if arthritis is kicking in. This was a refreshing video as it was delivered in a gentle manner and not trying to sell anything.

    • 10 min won’t do anything for me. I need about 30, but I have joint problems, so it’s a vicious circle.

    • Gettin-jiggy Withit my mother, now in her 80s, has controlled her weight since her 50s without hardly moving because of her arthritis and other problems. She has always been able to lose weight successfully. I run 20 miles per week, but unless I consciously watch what I’m eating I lose no weight whatsoever. It has much less to do with exercise and much, much more to do with what you’re eating.

  11. Hi You are such a beautiful intelligent woman with a soft and pleasant voice. Thank you

  12. I just turned 55 and the struggle is real!! I always thought I was fit and then. . wow. . everything went south!!

    • I feel the same way. I work out but I need to fix the food intake issue.

    • Don’t….I’ve started describing my legs as…candle wax. lol xx

    • @Jill Peacock Have you tried decaf? Lol. The only collagen I use is on my face and neck. COPD is crap, I have a friend who has it and my dad had emphysema half his life so I feel for you. There’s an ad on TV for a foot massager that helps with circulation…I might actually try it out and let you know. Tc xx

    • @Michelle Richardson decaf is all I drink and water. Foot massager sounds cool. Thanks..

    • @Michelle Richardson Hi Michelle, i’m in the menopause and it’s really affected my weight too, what you wrote accurately describes my legs as well, they have become so fat and heavy – along with the belly and backside…

  13. 51 and omg….belly fat and sugar cravings. What I feel good about is intermittent fasting. Working and making me feel good. Helping sleep

    • I never had much sugar cravings till I had my gallbladder out.

    • I’m now trying IF – eating between 10am-6pm – an 8 hour window. Trying it for 30 days to see what happens and trying to stick to clean eating.

    • @Cecilia PN Keep us updated! I’d love to hear how it’s working for you..

  14. I just turned 56, never had any weight issues whatsoever, and now I’m in a real battle. This is a great video, glad I found it!

    • Me too and I’m 41, why couldn’t it come 50yrs old like most women? I was skinny I was never careful about what I eat and now I gained 20kg in 1 yr. I want to help myself now, I don’t know were to start.

    • @Sandy Scuba i am 46 gained 15 lbs in 1 yr. Its driving me crazy

    • Tamara Harvey me too. Always very lean all my life until 5 years post menopause. Still not over weight, but my waist is now same width as my hips…uurrgghh, what happened 😭😭😭

    • Michelle Smith 😭me too and its all in the belly😭

    • Same here, but I have battled weight my whole life….I did great on Keto, but now at 57 and post menopause and the COVID shutdown, I gained 10lbs and no restrictive eating nor exercise is helping.

  15. Great info thank you and I enjoy your voice, it’s calming 😊

  16. Thank you so much for this great information, much needed for me🌻, I will save this video and go back to it as a reminder of these great tips. 👩‍🌾🥗🍓🙋‍♀️ Thank you.

  17. Finally, insulin resistance and weight gain explained fully. Thank you!!!!

  18. Stopped putting sugar in my coffee and tea when quarantine started and i see and feel the difference! Thank you💜

  19. Amazing insight! I’m 50 in Sept, This info has my name on it!

  20. Im 58. My belly has blossomed over the past year. Covid months even more. I averaged a size 10/12 all my adult life.. now, Im a 20/22. I feel so out of control. This video explains why low carb works. Thank you

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