Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Lose weight without endless hours of cardio and calorie counting. End symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. I'm a holistic health practitioner and fitness trainer helping hundreds of women over 40 lose weight, balance hormones and take back control of their lives.
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Losing weight can seem like an impossible feat when you're over 40. The metabolism slows down, the pounds creep up and it feels like there's no way out. But that doesn't mean you give up! There are plenty of ways to lose weight after 40 without sacrificing your health or sanity. And with these tips, you'll be feeling slim in no time.

1. Get Plenty of Sleep

The best way to get rid of extra weight is by getting a good night's sleep. Your body needs at least seven hours for your skin, organs, and muscles to recover from the day. If you're not getting enough rest, your body will be sluggish and unable to burn calories efficiently.

2. Exercise Often

Start an exercise routine but don't overdo it! The key to losing weight after 40 is consistency, so try three days of 30 minutes of moderate exercises like walking or swimming and two days of strength training. By working out every other day you'll give your body time to recuperate and you can rev up your metabolism even more on alternate days with high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

3. Eat Protein at Every Meal

Protein keeps you full and helps build lean muscle – which means more calories burned and higher metabolism. But don't go overboard with this essential nutrient because too much protein can cause you to lose weight after 40 by preventing your body from absorbing vital carbohydrates.

4. Keep Portions in Check

We've all been guilty of over-eating at one time or another, but aging makes it even easier to gain weight as your body's metabolism slows down. Use these portion control guidelines from the American Heart Association as a guide: * 3 ounces of meat = the size of a deck of cards * 1/2 cup cooked rice or pasta = a tennis ball * 3/4 cup ice cream = a hockey puck

5. Stay Hydrated

Your body needs water to function optimally, and drinking enough of it can speed up weight loss by making you feel full. The Institute of Medicine recommends that adult women consume 9 cups (2.13 liters) of total beverages each day.

6. Keep Track of What You Eat

It's easy to lose track of what you eat when you're busy running from work to social activities, but writing down everything you eat will keep you honest and help keep your diet on track. The simple act of monitoring what goes into your mouth may be all it takes to shed those pounds after 40.

7. Get Rid of Junk Food in Your Home

Stop buying junk food! If your home is filled with candy, chips, and other high-calorie snacks, you're much more likely to binge on them. Get rid of tempting treats and stock your kitchen shelves with fresh produce and whole grains instead.

8. Eat Whole Grains

Whole-grain foods like barley, quinoa, and brown rice can satisfy your hunger while delivering fiber and nutrients that processed white bread and pasta don't have. Try replacing the refined carbs in your diet with whole grains to burn fat faster.

9. Drink Green Tea

Green tea contains catechins – antioxidants that naturally speed up metabolism, so start sipping. Not only will green tea boost your calorie burn but it's also packed with fluoride which helps protect against osteoporosis.

10. Incorporate Flavonoids into Your Diet

Flavonoids are a type of antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables that speed up metabolism, so try adding as many as you can to your diet. Examples include apples, berries, broccoli, and grapes.

11. Eat Fermented Foods

Yogurt has plenty of calcium and vitamin D, two nutrients needed for bone health – which means it's great for weight loss post 40! Look for yogurts made with “live active cultures” because the healthy bacteria will keep your digestive system running smoothly so you absorb less fat from your food.

12. Kick Your Bad Habits

Quitting smoking not only gives you healthier lungs but also speeds up weight loss. Drinking excessive alcohol not only adds empty calories but may also damage your liver, which slows down the rate at which you burn calories. And any amount of caffeine can interfere with getting enough shut-eye – another reason to kick that bad habit before it takes its toll on you!

The key to weight loss after 40 is not just eating less and exercising more. This article discusses the importance of sleep, stress reduction, mindfulness training, good gut bacteria, hormone balancing supplements or medications as well as a healthy diet for successful aging. It's never too late to start living your best life!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Hi can you please help me ?

  2. You look amazing!

  3. I have been researching this topic for months. Most “experts” are out there saying exercise more! cut out sugar! drink water! All of this and more I am already doing. So to hear you discuss needing to heal your body to control weight makes so much sense to me. Root cause…Don’t stop sharing. PS Please address POST menopause.

    • Yes if it was as easy as just exercising more and drinking water we would all have no problems. Weight loss after menopause definitely takes consistency. Always work on building muscle as that will keep your metabolism firing.

  4. How much are you charging ? This is my husbands account I am Angela Overstreet

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