Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Menopause belly fat is caused by 2 common issues; a change in hormones and a change in metabolism. This video shows you how you improve both of these things! Learn how to decrease cortisol and speed up your metabolism with specific exercise!

Did you know that menopause belly fat is the most common symptom of menopause? It's also one of the hardest to get rid of. However, there are many ways to beat this pesky weight gain and feeling bloated all the time! Read on for some helpful tips.

If you are in your late 30s or 40s, I have to warn you. Depending on your body type and family history, the odds are great that it will happen to you too! It's usually around this time that hormones become a major issue in weight gain. Some people feel that they just can't control their appetite anymore while others complain about water retention in their lower extremities. With this being said, menopause belly fat is hard to get rid of.

There are many factors why middle-aged women tend to gain weight at this stage of life including:

*Aging – As we age our bodies burn calories less efficiently than when we were younger. This means that not only do we need more calories but also that our bodies are more efficient at storing them as fat.

*Hormonal changes – Our hormones can take a big hit during this time of life. With our estrogen levels decreasing, testosterone is now the dominant player in our bodies, which leads to weight gain mostly around the middle section. No matter how much we exercise or diet, it seems that menopause belly fat is almost irreversible.

It's not all bad news though! There are many things you can do to reduce your waistline. You just have to be persistent and patient. The good news is that once you get rid of your menopause belly fat, you're golden for life! Let me go over some helpful tips on how to beat this pesky weight gain.

1. If you are a guzzler, stop it!

Did you know that if you guzzle down your liquid calories daily that you can gain up to 10 pounds of fat per year? Did you also know that menopause belly fat is usually made up of water retention? What happens during menopause is that our estrogen levels decrease while our testosterone levels are increase. This causes the body to lay down more intra-abdominal adipose tissue or in other words – fat around the stomach area!

So what does this have to do with drinking too much? Well for starters, if there's an increase of fat in your midsection then you're gonna need to eat more calories, or else your weight loss program will fall short!

To solve this problem, I suggest that you follow the “8 x 8 rule.” In other words, drink eight glasses of water a day and spread them out throughout the day. This will decrease your appetite as well as help flush out toxins from your system. You should also substitute sodas with unsweetened tea because it contains antioxidants that will keep your skin healthy and vibrant during this time of life.

2. Exercise

You knew this would be first on my list right? What's sad is that many women give up exercise when they first start noticing menopause belly fat. Well, let me just say that exercising is one of the best things you can do for your body. Not only will it give you more energy, but it will make you look better on the outside as well.

Now I'm not suggesting that you work out like a maniac for hours upon end or else you'll get burned out fast. However, incorporating regular exercise into your life is extremely important. This means putting on some comfy clothes and sneakers and heading to the gym about 3 times a week!

3-Minute Toning Routine

If your schedule is super hectic then I recommend that you try my new 3-minute toning routine below:

* Stand with feet shoulder-width apart facing forward
* Lower yourself down to where both of your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle
* The count to 3 before slowly standing back up to the original position
* Repeat this 10 times for optimal results

3. Eat healthy proteins and fats

Eating healthy proteins (lean chicken breast, fish, turkey) along with healthy fats (avocados, almonds, walnuts) should be part of your daily diet while trying to beat menopause belly fat. This will help to stabilize your blood sugar levels, which in turn will help you avoid cravings. Plus eating healthy fats just makes everything taste better.

4. Red peppers are your friend

Red peppers are high in Vitamin C which is necessary for collagen production. Collagen is the “glue” that holds our bodies together, so if we have less of it then our bones become weak and brittle over time. Our muscles also lose their elasticity which results in saggy skin.

* Cut up some red peppers to put on top of your eggs or omelets
* Add sliced red peppers into a salad with other veggies like cucumbers and onions
* Get sautéed red peppers from a Chinese noodle dish and add them to your next stir-fry

5. Be consistent with your workout routine

Your body is a reflection of what you do daily. If you eat poorly and have no exercise, don't be surprised when you notice that belly fat sticking around! I know sometimes it's hard to find the time or inspiration to work out, but if you can commit yourself to work out 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes each session, then you're going to see noticeable results in no time.

Before long, menopause belly fat won't even be part of your vocabulary anymore because you'll have completely conquered it with these simple tips!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Thanks for not taking forever getting to the point, many on YT could take lessons in this from u!

    • Tammie Currie you’re welcome 🤗

    • @kristie ennis what about the honey? i love honey but i don’t take white sugar. and i cant loss weight.

    • pemayangdon74 I’m 66 , 5’5 and 120 lbs. Heme iron protein….grass fed beef, fatty cuts of meat, saturated fat for good cholesterol and hormone production like butter. Vegetable carbs and berries. High fat raw milk, full fat yogurt, one or two ounces of imported cheeses from countries that know the importance of local grasses for cows, fermented veggies like kimchi and sauerkraut. Satiation is the key. High carbs like corn chips, potato chips and excessive popcorn or sweets with high fat spike insulin, saturate the blood with glucose and store in fat cells, never to be released until the glucose empties. No cravings for sweets when I keep the protein and fat at a good level. Don’t believe the lies about saturated fat.

    • Being unable to move hips well requires new techniques ab strengthening helpful will try ty

  2. Thanks helpful, working on my belly with Keto, and lots of walking strength and sit ups. But will give planks a go.

    • You’re welcome! If possible, change your sit-up to a crunch. Generally, in a full sit up, you really end up using the hip flexor muscles and spine more than the abs.

    • kristie ennis thank you, all advice gratefully received 😊

  3. Thanks so much for the information! Let’s give it a try, for sure! 🤗😉

  4. Eating foods high in protein, green veggies salads with spinach, less carbs, and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day, and exercise has helped me lose my belly fat. You need to cut down on sugar and carb intake, especially carbs. Get rid of foods with high fructose corn syrup, no soda pop or junk foods! Eat good fats like walnuts, raw almonds, raw nuts, avocados in moderation. I’m going to be 57 this month and doing intermittent fasting has helped me so much, I feel much better!! Planks do help among other exercises out there. Don’t ever be discouraged with losing belly fat. It will happen when you work at it!! You got this!! 👍👏😁

    • @mlml smith I’m not sure what you mean.

    • Caroline Foster
      That may have been a typo 🙃

    • I did the 2 tlbs of acv daily for a couple weeks and got a yeast infection. This was years ago. That stuff is potent.

    • Hi, I just turned 59. Your routine sounds just like mine. Have lost 20 lbs. since February. Had to get rid of the junk food and heavy carbs.

    • @Debbie T Wow!! Hey, that’s awesoome to hear, Debbie! Yes, it gets easy when you make it a habit. Keep up the great work!!

  5. Getting to the point is so refreshing!
    I’m not “there” yet but give me a few years. However, I’m an apple shape so weight accumulated in my midsection. I need to get a head start before my time comes!
    I love how easy and concise these instructions are as are the reasons given for this female issue !
    Definite “like”!

  6. 3:55

  7. Easy to tell a woman in menopause to get 7-8 hrs of sleep when most menopausal women suffer from insomnia.. Me!

    • Yes! They make cooling jets for the bed too which are awesome!

    • Yes is true i can not sleep

    • @Claudia Cecilia Flores Villarroel I just saw this. I haven’t slept a wink all night.

    • yes and night sweats…..ugh

    • I’m not menopausal, but I ised to live in an apartment woth ine small ac unit & I hadyhe hardest time regulating my temp at night. Now that I am a hairstylist I have had several clients that are menopausal, I have passed this tip along & they have come back to tell me how much it helped them. I recommend a drop or two of peppermint oil in a spray bottle with water & a fan. The menthol in peppermint help to keeo skin cool after the waterhas evaporater. Spray it on your back, back of the neck, anywhere you will be most comfortable. Cools you off in seconds. It helps to put it on the soles of your feet at night as well. Feet release a lot of heat.

  8. I’m going through menopause now And I will definitely will try that thank you 🙏🏼

  9. Think we should call China hear this same story every day

  10. Yeah, okay.

  11. Wait till your 60. You havent seen anything yet

  12. Another joy of being a woman!

  13. Thank you for this video ! I’m 56, never had belly fat and now I’m feeling bloating 😭 and I’m not having it !!!😁

    • You’re welcome! Belly fat and bloating totally need to go away!:)

  14. Talking till 3.56 then demonstrating the exercises.

  15. Thank you so much….I m going through this problem… I have celiac disease problem also so please suggest some good diet so I can follow that also😊

    • You’re welcome! Focus on the fruits and veggies for sure (no gluten there:) whole grains such as brown rice tend to be ok too. Oats are gluten free but can be processed along with other gluten products so look for gluten free. Try to avoid products that originally had gluten in them but have been made gluten free. These are usually highly processed.

  16. Gorgeous body, gorgeous everything !!! TY

  17. Thank you. This is very helpful and informative and something that I can do !

  18. 1. Stress management
    2. Sleep 7-8 h
    3. Quit Sugar
    4. Higher protein & fat
    5. Full body strength training & Hiit
    6. Core strengthening exercise

  19. i thought she would demostrate the exercises, mostly talking.

  20. Avoid stress as much as possible… a global pandemic hits ….

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