Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Ever wondered how much protein you truly need for effective FAT LOSS and MUSCLE BUILDING over 40? Learn the science behind protein requirements as you age so you can achieve your fat loss goals and maintain muscle strength over 40. How much protein is actually enough? Let's find out…

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I Tracked Macros for 30 Days, Here's What Happened…:
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Links in the video:
7:11 – The Virgin Diet:
10:00 – Paleo-Inspired All-In-One Shakes:
10:03 – Collagen Peptides Powder:
10:15 – Good Karma Flaxmilk + Protein (affiliate link):


I couldn’t make it without supportive relationships, and I bet you feel the same! That’s why my team and I offer you products and services we believe in. If you happen to purchase something I recommend here, I may receive some kind of compensation. However, I only bring you partners whose content and core values will serve you with the same commitment to excellence my team and I strive for every day. Please be in touch with any concerns.

Don’t let anyone tell you that getting older means slowing down. The truth is, when you’re doing right by your body, life keeps getting better. I’m living proof.

I’m JJ Virgin, a triple-board certified health expert. Through four decades of research and experience, I discovered specific strategies you can use to refuel your body, renew your passion, reignite your wellness, and age powerfully. You are in the right place…

Together, we’ll nourish your health, sculpt lean and powerful muscles, shed excess fat, eliminate hidden food intolerances, reduce your blood-sugar impact, and alleviate inflammation. Whether you’re 40 or 70, putting these principles into action will help you reignite your youthful spark and reclaim your vitality.

Join me to step into the best chapter of your life and thrive like never before.

This is YOUR time. Let’s make it unforgettable.

JJ Virgin
💪 Fitness Hall of Famer
📚 Four-Time New York Times Best-Selling Author

➡️ Start now with my 7-Day Eat Protein First Challenge:

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Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. I Tracked Macros for 30 Days, Here’s What Happened…:

  2. Thx, exactly what I needed to hear.

  3. Such crucial information here. Thanks, JJ!

  4. Thank you so much for this valuable information. I’m 69 years and still kicking. Have managed to burn off 30 lbs of unnecessary body weight dince late January. At under 5′ and now holding 97-98. My partner believes that my rotational nutrition which has 100 grams protein is too high. The carbs and fats change daily. I record my food choices daily as well as my activities and exercise. My world has changed so much for the better.

  5. Thank you for getting the protein word out there!

  6. Great tips!

  7. I’m grateful to have found your channel, and really appreciate your healthy outlook on diet and exercise. I watched so many channels espousing misinformation, so I decided to follow the best one that made the most sense to me. That would be you!

  8. I’m going to buy your book! I am 72 and losing weight and exercising. When I tried to find out what I should be getting for macronutrients, all I get is to talk to my doctor. I think it is because of my age.

  9. Great video so glad I found you👍

  10. I am so glad i found you !! You make so much sense with your explanations. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and expertise, it is much appreciated

  11. High fat, moderate protein, low/zero carb is a metabolic miracle.

  12. I cannot believe how much information you gave us in under 17 minutes. This is quite possibly the best video I have ever seen on this topic (and I’ve watched many!)

  13. JJ you are such a blessing to us ❤

  14. As always another great video with helpful information for older people. Thank you so much, I look forward to your videos ❤

  15. 73 year old female….no appetite.
    Bone broth is my go to.

  16. It’s all about protein! Muscle growth is so important as we age! Awesome video, JJ!

  17. Thank you for an awesome video! I’m 67, 5 feet 2 inches , 120 lbs and eat at least 110 grams of protein a day.
    I weightlifting 3 times a week and walk daily 4 miles.

  18. Thank you for always being on the forefront of this message! You are truly the OG on this! I’ve been following you for probably 15 years now and was fortunate to hear you speak live in Walnut Creek years ago! You are the real deal and your information is on point!!

  19. Spot on.

  20. As a 36 year on and off vegan, I never believed this. But just turning 59 and extremely insulin resistant, I just started eating animal protein at 3 meals/day with legumes (bean protocol) and veg, plus some healthy fats with omega 3 nuts, and along with only (2) 15 min super slow weight training sessions/week and (2) HIIT cardio sessions with kettlebell swings/week, muscle is growing really quickly and fat, especially from my gut, is shrinking daily. Along with this I’m taking creatine daily. Not only am I getting stronger by the day my gut is healing really fast and my brain feels amazing-really great mood all the time. Next is to quit caffeine, for me it really affects sleep and hot flashes. I’m amazed at the power of animal protein. For me plant sources just didn’t cut it. Blessings!

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