Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Are you popping antacids like candy all day? Does it feel like they never seem to help your heartburn? Listen up! Heartburn can really take the joy out of a delicious meal. More than half of adults experience this, so chances are you know how hard it can be to enjoy your dinner when you know it might come with consequences later on. In this episode, you'll learn why heartburn happens, how antacids could make symptoms worse, foods to avoid and what to swap them with, and additional diet and lifestyle changes you can make that turn heartburn into fat burning.

Links JJ mentions in the video:

How to eat by the plate:

Belly Rescue digestive enzymes:

Microbiome Balance probiotics:

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#JJVirgin #HeartBurn #Health #WeightLoss #Diet #HealthyLifestyle #Health #Fitness #LoseWeight #Antacid #HealthyFood #Wellness #Indigestion #AcidIndigestion

If you're one of the millions of people who suffer from acid reflux, you know all too well how uncomfortable the condition can be. From a burning sensation in your chest to a sour taste in your mouth, acid reflux can make everyday activities like eating and drinking difficult. In this article, we'll discuss the worst foods for acid reflux and provide a list of tips for creating a GERD-friendly diet. Read on to learn more!

1. Spicy Foods

Spicy foods are a major trigger of acid reflux. If you suffer from heartburn, it's best to avoid eating anything with a lot of spice. This includes dishes like curry, chili, and other spicy meals.

2. Fatty Foods

Fatty foods are another common trigger of acid reflux. Foods high in fat take longer to digest, which can lead to an increase in stomach acids. This can cause heartburn and indigestion. To avoid this, it's best to limit your intake of fatty meats, cheeses, and fried foods.

3. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are notorious for causing acid reflux. The high acid content in these fruits can irritate the lining of the stomach, leading to heartburn. If you suffer from GERD, it's best to avoid eating citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruit.

4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are another acidic fruit that can trigger acid reflux. The acidity in tomatoes can aggravate the lining of the stomach, causing heartburn and indigestion. If you have GERD, it's best to avoid eating tomatoes or foods that contain a lot of tomato sauce.

5. Chocolate

Chocolate is a common trigger of acid reflux. The cocoa powder in chocolate can increase stomach acids, leading to heartburn and indigestion. To avoid this, it's best to limit your intake of chocolate or choose dark chocolate, which has a lower cocoa content.

6. Caffeine

Caffeine is another common trigger of acid reflux. The stimulant can increase stomach acids, leading to heartburn and indigestion. To avoid this, it's best to limit your intake of caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, and soda.

7. Alcohol

Alcohol is a major trigger of acid reflux. The ethanol in alcoholic beverages can relax the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), allowing stomach acids to rise up into the esophagus. This can cause heartburn and indigestion. To avoid this, it's best to limit your intake of alcoholic beverages or abstain from drinking altogether.

Creating a GERD-Friendly Diet

If you suffer from GERD, it's important to make sure that your diet is friendly to the condition. Here are a few tips for creating a GERD-friendly diet:

1. Avoid trigger foods

As we've discussed, there are certain foods that can trigger acid reflux. If you have GERD, it's important to avoid these trigger foods as much as possible.

2. Eat small meals

Large meals can increase stomach acids and lead to heartburn and indigestion. If you have GERD, it's best to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day.

3. Avoid eating before bedtime

Eating close to bedtime can increase stomach acids and lead to heartburn. If you have GERD, it's best to avoid eating for at least two hours before going to bed.

4. Eat slowly

Eating quickly can increase stomach acids and lead to heartburn. If you have GERD, it's important to take your time when eating and chew your food slowly and thoroughly.

5. Avoid fatty and fried foods

Fatty and fried foods are difficult to digest and can trigger acid reflux. If you have GERD, it's best to avoid these types of foods.

6. Choose low-fat dairy products

Dairy products can be high in fat, which can trigger acid reflux. If you have GERD, it's best to choose low-fat or non-fat dairy products.

7. Limit your intake of caffeine

Caffeine can trigger acid reflux. If you have GERD, it's best to limit your intake of caffeinated beverages.

8. Wear loose-fitting clothing

Tight-fitting clothing can put pressure on the stomach and lead to heartburn. If you have GERD, it's important to wear loose-fitting clothing that doesn't constrict the stomach.

9. Prop up your head when you sleep

Sleeping with your head elevated can help reduce acid reflux. If you have GERD, it's best to prop up your head with pillows when you sleep.

If you’re looking for a little relief from acid reflux, implementing a GERD diet may be the answer for you. The good news is that there are plenty of foods to avoid with acid reflux that will help to improve your symptoms. By avoiding trigger foods and making some simple changes to your diet, you can start feeling better in no time. Ready to get started? Contact us today and we’ll help you create a plan tailored specifically to your needs!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
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