Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
When you’re feeling down or anxious, food can feel like your best friend. But let’s be honest: many times, we choose the wrong foods that can leave us feeling worse. In this episode, JJ shows you how smart food choices can boost your mood and ward off the blues. You’ll learn why comfort foods can crash your mood, how stable blood sugar levels stabilize your mood, why feeling good starts in your gut, how chocolate can boost your mood (but only if you eat THIS kind), an easy intermittent fasting plan that gets great results, plus one food for a healthy mood that may surprise you. As JJ says, “there is no health without mental health.” Utilizing these strategies can help stabilize your mood… and it all starts on the end of your fork!

Links JJ mentions in the video:

Learn more about Dr. Felice Jacka;

Read more about omega-3 fatty acids and how to get more:

Meet your omega-3 fatty acid quota with Omega Ultras™:

Learn more about fermented foods and how to get more of them:

Read about 5 reasons to eat dark chocolate every day:

Listen to JJ’s quick start guide to fasting:

Click here for more information and offers from our sponsors:

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Essential links only to go here (TBD)
**link 1**
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**link 3**

Hi I’m JJ, welcome to my channel. If you’re looking to lose weight, boost your energy and look and feel fabulous and fit over 40, you’re in the right place.

Here you’ll find the healthy recipes, fitness routines and the nutrition information you need to achieve healthy weight loss that stays off.

Welcome to the family!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

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