Can you lose weight and still drink alcohol? How bad is alcohol for you and your body? In this video, I'm sharing the science of alcohol and how alcohol affects your body and fat loss efforts so you can make an informed decision for yourself. Watch more
Read more →Pros & Cons of Using Ozempic and Wegovy, PLUS How To Mimic the Effects – Are you considering Ozempic or Wegovy? These weight loss drugs are sweeping the nation, but is it right (or safe?) for you to use, how does it work, and what are the
Read more →Watch the full video here: Do you have bloating issues? What causes you to bloat?👇 #reducebloating #guthealth #shorts
Read more →Watch the full video here: Sugar alternative's can be great. What are your favorites? 👇 #reducebloating #guthealth #shorts
Read more →If you're over 40 and want to burn fat and build muscle at the same time, watch this! The is the MOST efficient way to do both as you age. Fat loss over 40 can be more difficult and frustrating because it's harder to build muscle and
Read more →Are the health and beauty secrets of the Kardashian's worth the risk? In this video, I'm sharing an expert perspective about the myths and dangers of going to such extremes for diet, weight loss and beauty, plus outlining the effects this has on your body especially after
Read more →Learn how to heal your gut, stop bloating and digestion problems, and achieve optimal gut health! This video reveals the role fiber and probiotics play in the microbiome and more. Watch more videos like this 👇 How to get rid of sugar craving for good: Top 10
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