Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Have you had a hard time losing weight since you reached 40? It's because a woman's metabolism changes as she ages, says Adrienne Youdim, M.D., Medical Director, Cedars-Sinai Weight Loss Center in Los Angeles…

Menopause is the time when a woman has her last period. It happens to all women, and it can happen at any age. For some women, menopause leads to weight gain. This blog post discusses ways in which you can lose weight during this time of your life.

Weight gain is one of the issues women face during menopause.

Menopausal women are twice as likely to be overweight compared to younger women. This is particularly true for obese menopausal women. While there are many different causes, weight gain may be caused by changes in how your body responds to food and lack of physical activity. Other reasons include hormonal changes that happen during this time, feeling stressed out more often or even certain medicines that you might be taking for other health conditions.

Regardless of what causes it, if you find yourself gaining some weight around the waistline, don't lose hope! There are ways in which you can lose some pounds before they start showing on your body, so read on ahead to learn some great advice:

1. Exercise regularly. Exercise is one of the best ways to help you lose weight. This can be either aerobic exercise or weight training, depending on your goals and fitness level. If it's just too much to start with both cardio and weights, don't worry – working out just once a week helps reduce weight gain in postmenopausal women.

2. Maintain healthy eating patterns and food choices. You should keep a check on what types of food you're eating and how much you're consuming every day. Think about incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet because they've been shown to lower the risk of gaining excess weight in older women. Water is great for hydration, so drink up!

3. Be wary of certain triggers that may cause you to overeat. If you are someone who likes to munch on snacks in front of the television or while reading, then this is a big no-no during menopause because it can lead to weight gain.

4. Try not to eat late at night. This may be hard to do since your metabolism slows down at night, but if you're sleeping right after dinner, your body won't have time to burn off calories from what's eaten throughout the day.

5. Avoid alcohol consumption as much as possible. While alcohol does decrease fat concentrations around the waistline, chances are you'll consume more calories, so drinking wine with meals isn't helping your cause! Alcohol also leads to dehydration, which means that drinking water or any other non-alcoholic drink can help you to lose weight.

6. Avoid certain types of food and drinks. If you find that there's a type of food or drink that you like to eat or drink frequently, make sure it doesn't contain too many calories. To avoid gaining excess weight after menopause, this is an important step because foods and beverages high in fat, sugar, and calories can cause weight gain.

7. Seek help if your doctor recommends getting on medications for hot flashes or other symptoms associated with menopause. Certain medicines such as antidepressants have been shown to increase weight gain in women going through menopause. Speak with your doctor about the possibility of making a change so that any medication being taken will not affect your ability to keep a healthy weight during this time.

8. Make sure to get enough sleep. Menopause can lead to hot flashes, which affect about 80% of postmenopausal women. Hot flashes themselves may be linked with weight gain because they disrupt the body's normal sleeping pattern and routine.

As you work on losing weight during menopause, do not forget that other issues are going on at this time as well, such as an increased risk for heart disease, osteoporosis, decreased physical activity due to aching muscles, changes in sex drive, or running low on energy. Try focusing more on healthier eating habits instead of obsessing over losing a number on the scale. Weight gain is a natural part of aging, but don't let it slow you down from leading a healthy lifestyle!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Ladies this is a great video to share lets face it  we are all getting older and we need to take care of ourselves to live a healthy active life.

  2. You possibly can lose 10 pounds in 2 months safely & naturally even if you haven’t lost weight for long periods

  3. Holy smokes! You look great!

  4. Weight was never really a problem for me until I hit 50. Over the years my weight fluctuated somewhat but I was always able to drop the extra pounds easily, even after giving birth to three children. Needless to say I was pretty frustrated when those extra pounds refused to budge with what I thought was a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. A friend had mentioned the Paleo diet to me about a year ago but I thought it sounded too radical. I ran into her again about 6 months ago. She looked amazing and told me she was feeling great. So I decided to give it a try. At first the diet seemed a little limited but after I started using this Paleo cookbook I became easy and fun. The pounds dropped away easily and my energy levels shot up. I also felt like the mental fogginess that had come with menopause had lifted, If you’re interested here’s a link

  5. weight loss center director (MD) is overweight herself.

  6. You aren’t speaking from experience and you don’t seem to know the physiology of hormones and weight loss. Calories in/calories out doesn’t work after a certain age is many menopausal women. We should get diet advice only from menopausal women who have overcome their weight problem – or those who have studied the science.

    • Connie, I so agree with you. I’ve studied menopause a lot, and this doctor seems to be clueless. She obviously hasn’t been through it herself yet.

  7. Nonsense when your body can no longer make estrdiol and estriol on it’s own it relies on estrone as its replacement. Estrone is stored in your fat cells and cues your body to hold onto more fat. Biodentical hormones balances and replaces hormones like estradiol so that estrone is no longer dominant. Once estradiol and smaller levels of estrone are back in harmony you will be able to start losing weight again.

  8. Every woman who has been through menopause I’ve spoken to said their doctor said “dont even try to lose weight. No matter what you do, it won’t happen” . Hormones play a huge role.

  9. Duh

  10. Eat less move more. Wow. I would have never thought of that.

  11. 🤔Well this was pointless… 🙄

  12. When i was teenager and 20 my weight was 69 kilos when i was beetwen 40-50 my weight was 54- 55 kilos now i am 50 my weight is beetwen 56- 57 kilos i gained 1.5 kilo

  13. This is a very dangerous statement. Balanced hormones are ESSENTIAL for weight management during menopause. Without balancing hormones, no matter what you do, the estrodone that is created after menopause is used to store fat. Without rebalancing all major hormones the body will only continue to gain weight as it has nothing to stop it from storing fat.

    What a quack.

  14. I had hysterectomy last year. I had blood tests and I am just entering menopause. My pancreas isn’t functioning properly. I try to avoid all carbs. I feel uncomfortable all the time. I find it extremely hard to lose weight. I do HIT exercise Does that help? Or do you have any other suggestions?

  15. What exactly is Custokebon Secrets? How does this thing really work? I see a lot of people keep on speaking about this popular weight loss method.

  16. Hi there, I want to know if Custokebon Secrets, will really work for me? I see a lot of people keep on talking about this popular weight loss secrets.

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