Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Are you a sugar burner or a fat burner? If you snack regularly & crave carbs and sugar, then you're accessing glucose stores for fuel and are a sugar burner. If you can go 4-6 hours between meals though & have no sugar or carb cravings, this means you're accessing fat stores for fuel and are a fat burner!

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#JJVirgin #SugarBurner #FatBurner #Shorts #WeightLoss #Diet #Nutrition #HealtyDiet #Sugar #Fat

According to some experts, there are two types of people when it comes to weight loss: sugar burners and fat burners. Figuring out which one you are is the key to losing weight quickly and easily. So, how do you know which camp you fall into? And more importantly, how can you start burning fat if you're a sugar burner? Keep reading for the answers!

What is a sugar burner?

A sugar burner is someone whose body relies on carbohydrates for energy. When you eat carbs, your body breaks them down into sugar (glucose) and releases them into your bloodstream. Your cells then use this glucose for energy.

If you're a sugar burner, your body isn't very efficient at using fat for energy. That's because burning fat requires more oxygen than burning sugar. And since your body isn't great at using oxygen, it means that you're not very good at burning fat.

This also explains why sugar burners tend to have more trouble losing weight than fat burners. When you cut back on carbs, your body has to find another source of energy. And since it's not very good at using fat, it means that you end up burning fewer calories overall.

What is a fat burner?

A fat burner, on the other hand, is someone whose body is more efficient at using fat for energy. When you eat carbs, your body will still break them down into sugar and release them into your bloodstream. But instead of using this sugar for energy, your body will store it as fat.

However, if you're a fat burner, your body is better at using oxygen to burn this stored fat. This means that you're more efficient at burning calories and losing weight. In fact, some research has shown that fat burners can lose up to twice as much weight as sugar burners.

How do you know which one you are?

Figuring out whether you're a sugar burner or a fat burner is actually pretty simple. All you need to do is take a look at your diet.

If you eat a lot of carbs, then chances are you're a sugar burner. On the other hand, if you don't eat many carbs, then you're probably a fat burner.

Of course, there's no need to completely eliminate carbs from your diet. But if you want to lose weight quickly and easily, then it's definitely worth cutting back on them.

How can you become a fat burner?

If you're currently a sugar burner but want to become a fat burner, then there are a few things you can do.

First, make sure that you're eating plenty of protein. Protein is essential for building muscle, and muscle is key to burning fat.

Second, cut back on carbs and replace them with healthy fats. Healthy fats include things like olive oil, avocados, and nuts. Not only will this help you burn fat, but it'll also keep you full and satisfied.

Finally, make sure that you're getting enough exercise. Exercise is essential for burning fat, so make sure that you're getting at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day.

If you want to know whether you are a sugar burner or a fat burner, contact us today. We can help get you started on the right path to weight loss and better health. Remember, it is never too late to make a change for the better.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

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