Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Have you tried Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) for weight loss or health benefits? It has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for many things – these are 9 Apple Cider Vinegar benefits that you may not have known…

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Hi I’m JJ, welcome to my channel! If you’re looking to lose weight, boost energy and look and feel fit over 40, you’re in the right place. Here you’ll find the healthy recipes, nutrition education and the important information you need to achieve healthy weight loss that stays off.

I’m a triple-board certified health expert, Fitness Hall of Famer & 4x New York Times best-selling author. My team and I help people over 40 lose the weight and keep it off, so they look and feel better than ever.

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Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. When I start to get a sore throat I gargle vinegar and salt and the sore throat goes away. I use about 1/4 cup vinegar and just shake the salt in it, do not swallow it. Been doing this since I was a child about because my dad sweared by it. I never had a sore throat when I did it. God bless.

    • Water and salt works perfectly fine. The vinegar was unnecessary in this situation.

    • @@xo7454 well all I can tell you is it worked for me and still does. The vinegar gets rid of the phylum in the back of the throat. If salt works for most that’s good, it never did the job for me.

    • There goes the enamel on the teeth 🦷 😮

    • @@joanshealy1662 no ma’am. I have healthy teeth. It’s not like you do this everyday or every month. You only do it when you have a scratchy throat and it’s feels sore. I’m also a carnivore/low carb eater and that makes all the difference in the world with healthy gums and teeth.

    • ​@joanshealy1662 I make a salad dressing, and it doesn’t hurt my teeth!

  2. Such valuable information. Thank you JJ!

  3. Thanks for posting

  4. Love this JJ . Can you please do a video on how to handle soreness?

  5. Costco sells an organic version, in a 3 bottle pack.

    • Thank you for adding that.

    • I heard the Braggs brand was bought out by Bill Gates company so it’s no longer what it was (aka now contaminated with Apeel). Now I’m looking for a replacement, thank you for this.

  6. How To Heal Your Gut | STOP Bloating & Digestion Issues:

    • 0:20 how to clean teeth afterwards and how long to wait before cleaning the teeth? In fact, even when using this with a straw, this is making damage to enamel. Shame on you for NOT ADDRESSING THIS ISSUE!!😢

    • Is it good for acid reflux??? Just asking

  7. Thank you for the history of ACV. Have used it for YEARS, and have experienced all the benefits! 😁💪🏻

  8. I can testify to all of the above. Have been taking ACV for over 12 months, and use it every day. It’s not only good for digestion, but it’s good for the brain as well. Forget caffeine (you probably will 20 minutes after drinking it-lol), the brain needs ketones. ACV regulates blood glucose levels, contributing to brain health. A longtime ago it was a daily practice for people to drink vinegar. It’s great on salads, tuna. Add half a squeezed lemon to a glass of ACV (tablespoon), and water, and cleanse your kidneys at the same time.
    Drink it through a straw! I drink mine in tepid water, so it doesn’t taste as strong.

  9. Lemon juice and one spoon Acv is awsome!

  10. Great video! Packed with goodness 🎉

  11. I’m glad to find Apple cider vinegar is a good thing with you I’ve been taking it for a few months I know I lost belly Fat my blood work came back all normal every time I see an Apple cider vinegar video. I hope that it’s not bad news. Glad to hear you like it too.

  12. Take it in the morning with lemon juice. I need ounces of water. I also do a teaspoon of olive oil extra-virgin, of course.

  13. You Explained it perfectly ❤

  14. Have you noticed the massive increase in the cost of ACV

  15. It workes for me. Lost 6kg in about 4 mounth and that mainly around my waist. 🙂 Feel great!

  16. Waw did not know about skin solution! Thank you! I use it every day internally so now it is also a beauty solution😊

  17. Great information , thanks for your video 😊

  18. Great young lady, you have got a knack for teaching!

  19. As someone with low blood sugar, I can say.. it really works! It seems to regulate my blood sugar (so I don’t get “lows” where I get shaky), also I lost 2 pounds (of bloat.) after my first 4 days of drinking it
    It’s been about 2 weeks and I’m continuing with it, in the mornings. I just put the tiniest amount in a glass of cool water. To me, it tastes refreshing

  20. Thank you, l appreciate the info.

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