Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Exercise and regular strength training are an important part of staying healthy. For women over 40, cardiovascular health is essential for both weight gain, weight loss, and hormone control. Sometimes it can be hard to figure out which exercises are the best for staying in shape.

#Exercise #WomenOver40 #Bestie


8. Tai Chi: Not only is Tai Chi incredibly relaxing, it is also a very low impact exercise that can help you concentrate on the movements of your body. If you are new to exercising and want to do something that is slow and relaxing, tai chi is perfect for you. Paired with a good workout routine, tai chi can help you lose weight, improve your balance, and improve your flexibility.

7. Squats: A classic workout that does not require a machine yet focuses on form, squats can be beneficial for strengthening your legs and your glutes. Squats can help make your core stronger and can help build strength in your legs. It will help you in your daily routine and make you more comfortable doing simple daily activities like walking or even getting up and down when you are sitting.

6. Low impact cardio: Using an elliptical machine for regular interval training is a great way for women over 40 to maintain a healthy heart. This is a great way to get your heart pumping at a low intensity. If you find high intensity cardio to be too difficult, just do low impact cardio! It’s great for your health, and will get those endorphins pumping!

5. Lunges: Lunges are a great way to improve your leg muscles and keep them toned. There are several variations on this exercise that work on different parts of the leg. Like squats, they can improve your leg strength, glute strength, and also strengthen your core. If you find that you have problems with balancing, lunges can help you improve your balance as well. Practice makes perfect!

4. Yoga: A classic exercise that involves stretching and maintaining form, yoga is one of the best choices of workouts for women over 40. It is also highly meditative and relaxing. Yoga and meditation are great ways to relieve stress and remove negative energy or thoughts from your mind. Sign up for a yoga class or practice guided meditation to help with stress relief!

Familiar with any of these exercises yet? Well, not only will they help you get more fit, but they can also help you lose weight. And if you want to know about more ways you can help control your weight, keep watching till the end, because we’ll tell you about different things you can do to get your weight gain hormones under control!

3 Strength training: Weight lifting doesn’t need to be so intense. Even just doing some bicep curls with 2-pound barbells can help improve muscle tone. Try signing up with a personal trainer if you’d like some more help with strength training. You can also find all sorts of helpful and easy strength training guides online if you don’t want to spend the money on a personal trainer.

2. Planks: Planks are a great way to train for stamina and strength. Like lunges, there are many different plank variations that can build strength in different muscles. Planks help build core strength and also strengthen your legs, arms, and other body parts. It takes focus and stamina, and can help improve your overall health and strength.

1. Leg lifts: Leg lifts are a great exercise to work on keeping your form correct. They also help to improve strength in muscle areas that are often hard to work out.

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Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. What are some workouts for women over 40 that you suggest? Let us know in the comments section below! If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and share it with your friends! 😊

    • Please post a workout to reduce back fat/love handles. Thanks!

  2. Excelente video

  3. Why is this recommended for me? I’m a man under 40, my hormones are fine and I’m not overweight and am currently trying to actively gain weight.

  4. Were there any Over 40 visuals in your video???

  5. Nice vdo

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