Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Weight gain during menopause, unexplained midsection weight gain during menopause can have a massive effect on your self confidence and overall health. What used to work with your diet and nutrition no longer seems to work. There are some many hormonal changes going on during the menopause phase plus 34 associated menopausal symptoms it can be a minefield knowing where to start with your nutrition.

I take you through 5 basic nutrition steps to help you with a healthy weightloss programme and if you would like a Menopause meal plan to follow leave a comment and your email address and we will send one over to you to help.

If you are struggling with overwhelm and stress don't try and change everything all in one go and add more stress onto your plate just focus on changing one or 2 things a week.

If getting to a class or the gym is too time-consuming then workout at home. More and more busy women are setting up a workout space at home and doing 20 minutes with an app or youtube this saves on commuting, driving, parking, booking into classes that can takes a lot of time and energy.

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Did you know that around 50% of women experience weight gain during menopause? While the cause is unknown, many women struggle to lose weight during this time. If you're one of them, don't worry – here are 5 tips for weight loss during menopause.

1. Track Your Calories

One of the biggest struggles during menopause is binge eating and emotional eating. You may feel, at times, that you're unable to control your cravings and turn to food for comfort. One way around this? Write down what you eat every day. Not only will this help keep you accountable, but it also serves as a reminder of how many calories you're consuming.

2. Work Out With A Friend

While working out solo has its advantages (you can take time to do whatever), exercising with a friend makes it more likely that you'll follow through with your plans to work out. Try taking walks or calling each other up after dinner for strength training sessions together! You can even set specific times throughout the week to meet up.

3. Try New Workouts

If you currently do the same workout routine every day, it's time for a change! You may feel that your weight loss efforts are stalled because your body is accustomed to working out in the same way (hello plateau!). If this sounds like you, switch things up by trying new workouts or allowing yourself to skip certain days of exercise here and there. For example, go for an extra walk after dinner or complete yoga routines on different days. You'll be surprised at how much more motivated you become when you try something new!

4. Swap Out Your Morning Coffee And Tea For Water

While coffee and tea can be part of a healthy diet, they're often loaded with sugar and cream. The next time you head to the kitchen for a cup of joe or warm tea, try drinking ice cold water instead. Not only will this help clear your palate, but it'll also give you a boost of energy before you hit the ground running in the morning.

5. Take A Health Supplement

If diet and exercise aren't doing enough for weight loss (or if you're experiencing symptoms like hair loss), consider taking a health supplement. These can help with everything from boosting metabolism to shoring up thyroid function. The bottom line? If you're struggling with weight loss during menopause, there's no shame in reaching for a little help!

While weight gain is common during menopause, it’s not inevitable. If you’re looking to slim down during this time in your life, try implementing some of these tips. We hope these tips help you reach and maintain your healthy weight goals!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Please let me know if you would like a menopause meal plan – leave your email address – and have you experienced weight gain during menopause.

  2. Yes I would like a meal plan Thank you x

  3. Great tips, I would be interested in your meal plan please.
    Thank you

  4. Hi Rachel. Please could I have a copy of your meal plan. Thanks

  5. I’d love a meal plan.

  6. Yes please, at 29 I’m really struggling to lose the weight iv gained due to surgical menopause 😥

  7. High Rachel, I’m in peri menopause, and I’ve gained almost ten pounds 😢 I need a meal plan please. I am also experiencing unexplained emotions. HELP.

  8. Yes, Please!

  9. Hello I was wondering if your meal plan can be done plant based?

  10. Please can you send me a menopause meal plan.
    Thanks getting desperate.😔

  11. Yes please! I would love a meal plan!

  12. I need a meal plan please….thank you.

  13. Hi Rachel, I would a meal plan please! Thank you so much for your help!

  14. I like your way you also victim of menopause and weight gain, please help?

  15. These tips are no brainer. But here’s the deal: cravings. Nothing mentioned here is going to help the estrogen dump induced sugar cravings. Your tips seem designed for women not struggling with very common side effects due to hormone changes.

  16. I would really appreciate a meal plan Rachel. My email is Thank you so much!

  17. I would love to have a seven day meal plan my weight is in my midsection I am approaching 59 years old I’ve always been around 120 pounds and currently I’m 150 pounds and I’m right about 5 foot tall

  18. Yes I’d love help lol jenfowles20

  19. Yes, please send the 7- day meal plan.

  20. I would love a copy of your meal plan! Menopause is so tough! Thanks so much!

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