Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
You have to make necessary adjustments to your working out routine when you're over 40. Find out different workout variations and diet tips in this video! 🙂

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There are many reasons why people over 40 have a hard time losing weight. As we get older, our metabolism slows down and it becomes more difficult to maintain an exercise regime that is needed for burning calories at the same rate as when we were younger. It can also be tough to keep up with healthy eating habits if you do not have the support of your family or friends. However, there are still ways to lose weight even if you are over 40! Here are 10 effective ways to lose weight when you're over 40:

1. Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water not only keeps your body hydrated but also boosts your metabolism by up to 3 – 4% which means that you will be burning more calories every day.

2. Don't skip breakfast

Skipping breakfast can cause you to feel hungrier later in the day and might result in overeating at lunchtime or snacking out of boredom during the afternoon hours. Eating a healthy breakfast should help reduce cravings for unhealthy foods throughout the rest of the day, while still allowing your body to burn off excess fat stores naturally. The healthier your diet is in general, the more effective fast weight loss will be when combined with regular exercise.

3. Make small changes to your exercise routine

If you are over 40, an aerobics class might not be the best choice for your workout routine. Instead, opt for activities that can be done indoors, such as walking or stationary cycling. This way you don't have to worry about the weather or carrying around workout equipment with you when you travel.

4. Consume healthy snacks regularly

Munching on celery sticks and carrot pieces is not only easier on your teeth than potato chips, but it also yields a higher nutritional value for weight loss efforts. You can even try replacing your high-sugar morning cereal with oatmeal which has been shown to provide more long-lasting energy throughout the day while helping you control your appetite at lunchtime without having to worry about overeating.

5. Quit eating out so often

Eating out is not only expensive; it's also filled with unhealthy fat and calories that can pack on the pounds quickly. Home-cooked meals are more appetizing and nutritious, while still being low in calories for those looking to lose weight quickly.

6. Don't skip dinner

When you skip dinner, your body goes into “starvation mode”, which means that it will store more fat than normal due to the lack of food consumption at dinnertime. This causes you to gain weight instead of losing weight, even if your overall caloric intake for the day is lower than what you normally eat.

7. Take a multivitamin regularly

Studies suggest that taking a multivitamin can help boost weight loss efforts. Taking a multivitamin allows you to cut out other, unnecessary food groups from your diet while still ensuring that your body is getting the essential nutrients it needs to function properly throughout the day.

8. Get yourself a free gym membership

There are many gyms and fitness centers in the area that will allow you to try out their facilities for a certain period in exchange for signing up as a member. If there is no facility available near you, take advantage of web-based tools such as Youtube videos and even free exercise routines which you can find on various websites online.

9. Take an evening walk every night after dinner

After dinner, taking a half-hour walk by yourself or with another person in your household will help control both stress and appetite. This is a great way to shed excess weight while also helping reduce the risks associated with obesity like heart disease or chronic fatigue syndrome.

10. Eat more frequently, but cut out snacking between meals

Instead of eating three large meals which can be hard to digest, eat five or six smaller meals instead. Having healthy snacks in between these five or six small meals will allow you to feel less hungry when it comes time for your next scheduled meal, thus preventing you from overeating when it's finally time to eat again.

These 10 effective ways to lose weight when you're over 40 should make shedding those unwanted pounds easier without having to worry about spending too much money on expensive diet programs, equipment, or food. By following these simple guidelines you can increase your metabolism and shape up your body with the minimum effort required.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. wooow great

  2. *Wonderful exercises. Thank you.*

  3. First

  4. 11th😪😪😪😫😒😒😫😪😫😪😫😒😒

  5. This a past very much power think you spore ❤

  6. So difficult

  7. ❤👌❤👌👌🤘

  8. ❤👌❤👌👌🤘

  9. Thannkkkkk youuuu sooo muchhh

  10. I can’t do “jumping jacks,” because of my injury 15-years ago…any suggestions? I turned 41, this year!

  11. wow ! Amazing

  12. wow ! Amazing

  13. 👍

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