10 Easy Remedies To Relieve Constipation Fast

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Constipation is a condition in which the passage of stool becomes difficult or painful, and often occurs with hard and lumpy stool. The most common causes of constipation are dehydration, lack of physical activity, poor diet habits such as inadequate intake of fiber-rich foods, and excessive consumption of refined sugars. Constipation can also be caused by medications like pain killers (opioids) and antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors).

Constipation can lead to other problems such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, colorectal cancer risk, pelvic floor disorders, etc., so it's important to take care if you're dealing with this problem. Here are 10 easy remedies for constipation that work fast:

Drink More Water

Water is the best and easiest way to get rid of constipation and hydrated stools help in easy bowel movements. Drink at least six glasses of water a day, but drink more if it makes you want to go to the toilet more often. You can also add lemon or cranberry juice as both these liquids stimulate urination and flush out toxins from your body, leading to faster bowel movement.

Consume Oil

Carrot oil helps lubricate your intestines and soften stool so it's easier to pass through the bowels. Other oils that are known for their natural laxative effect are olive oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, etc. Avoid cooking with these oils though because heating them destroys their laxative properties.

Add More Fiber To Your Diet

Fiber is one of the most important remedies to get rid of constipation fast because it helps bulk up your stool and speeds up bowel movements. Legumes, oats, fruits (especially figs), vegetables (such as artichokes, green peas, etc.), whole grains are some examples of high-fiber foods that you should include in your diet every day. Psyllium husk supplements also contain fiber and can be used daily for relief from constipation.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise not only helps regulate bowel function but also ensures healthy weight loss which prevents constipation in the first place. If you're new to exercise, start with walking for 30 minutes daily and gradually increase your activity level. You can also try yoga or pilates to improve muscle tone which facilitates easy bowel movements.

Do Daily Stomach Exercises

Empty your abdominal cavity by sucking in your stomach as much as you can (hold for 5 seconds), then release the air slowly by bringing your belly back to its normal size. Repeat this exercise 10 times at least thrice a day to strengthen the stomach muscles and stimulate the digestive system. These stomach exercises help relieve constipation fast because they massage your intestines thereby promoting regular bowel movement without straining unnecessarily.

Take A Warm Bath

It's very simple, just soak yourself in warm water for 15-20 minutes daily. This relaxes the whole body and relieves stress, which is a major cause of constipation. It also stimulates peristalsis in your intestines thereby encouraging bowel movements. In addition to water, you can add Epsom salt in your bath if you're suffering from constipation because this will help stimulate peristalsis and give relief from cramps and pain.

Add More Fiber To Your Diet

Fiber is one of the most important remedies to get rid of constipation fast because it helps bulk up your stool and speeds up bowel movements. Legumes, oats, fruits (especially figs), vegetables (such as artichokes, green peas, etc.), whole grains are some examples of high-fiber foods that you should include in your diet every day. Psyllium husk supplements also contain fiber and can be used daily for relief from constipation.

Consume Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a very effective remedy to relieve constipation fast because of its potent laxative properties. You can make a thick paste out of aloe vera gel and apply it to the affected area or consume two tablespoons of aloe vera juice once daily to get rid of constipation.

Get Rid Of Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners like aspartame cause diarrhea, so avoid eating food items with artificial sweeteners in them if you're suffering from chronic constipation. If you can't do without your morning cup of coffee, make sure to add natural sweeteners like Stevia (an herbal plant) instead of aspartame.

Chew On This

Chew on a few mint leaves whenever you feel bloated and constipated. Mint has soothing and calming effects on the intestinal muscles and relieves cramps and abdominal pain naturally. Mint also stimulates digestive enzymes and bile which helps break down food easily and stimulates peristalsis in your intestines thereby encouraging bowel movements.

Constipation is a common problem that can be caused by many different factors, but thankfully there are several remedies to get rid of constipation fast.  These remedies not only help relieve constipation fast but also prevent its recurrence. You can include some of these remedies in your daily routine to stay free from this problem.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

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