Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Ever wondered how creatine can transform your daily life? Could it be the key to boosting your anti-aging efforts, enhancing muscle strength, improving your mood, and more? This could be the missing piece in your health and wellness puzzle. If you're curious about its potential advantages, here's why I take creatine every day….

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Link in the video:
Clean Creatine Powder:


Hi I’m JJ, welcome to my channel! If you’re looking to lose weight, boost energy and look and feel fit over 40, you’re in the right place. Here you’ll find the healthy recipes, nutrition education and the important information you need to achieve healthy weight loss that stays off.

I’m a triple-board certified health expert, Fitness Hall of Famer & 4x New York Times best-selling author. My team and I help people over 40 lose the weight and keep it off, so they look and feel better than ever.

I've discovered that by finding your food intolerances and working out a whole lot less, you can create a healthy lifestyle customized to your personal body chemistry and needs.

On this channel me and my team of world class diet, nutrition and wellness experts give you the information and tools you need to achieve healthy weight loss. Healthy recipes that taste great, fitness routines that work for beginners and gym bunnies alike, and simplified nutrition information based on science and not the latest fad diet.


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Let’s Connect…

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. BEST Strength Training Routine for Women Over 40 (+ Free Workout Plan!):

  2. It really helped me with feeling less sore after resistance training. Thank you for this video.

    • I noticed that as well, not near as sore vs not taking creatine.

  3. Great video! I noticed this difference as well-been taking 3 years now.

  4. Fantastic vIdeo❤❤❤❤🎉🎉 THANK YOU ♥️

  5. I was wondering im i cant do resistance training but i do brisk walks i have lost lots of weight with gastric bypass would creatine benefit me if so how would a bariatric patient use it thanks

  6. Thank you so much for this info JJ❤. For someone like me that suffers from depression and anxiety, medication has never worked for me. So I been researching on the internet and discovering that psychiatrists are finding the link between food and mood! And we all know of course exercise is always a mood booster. So whatever nutrients I can’t get from food; supplements are key. I will definitely have to add that one to my list!

    • What supplements do u take?

    • @@Viv8ldi b12, magnesium, L-Theanine, K2/D3, St Johns Wort, pre and pro biotics

    • @@Viv8ldi if you’re interested in learning more about brain health, follow Dr Daniel Amen

  7. Great information. Thanks a lot👍🏼💯

  8. I’ve been taking creatinine during and after my workouts. Should we be putting creatine in our pre-workout ,BCAA’s ,or post workout in electrolytes or protein shakes? Ty

  9. You are one of my very favorite YouTubers. I love your content and think you’re the whole package:) one thing I notice with people
    Talking about creatine is the effect of caffeine with it. I heard it is best to take at least an hour apart from caffeine so now do not take in the morning. It sort of messes w my workout timing as I often work out in the morning. Would love your input on creatine and caffeine.

  10. I just started back on my creatine thanks JJ for sharing all your research and finding on this supplement now I know to definitely stay on top of it!

  11. Very important! You should consult a healthcare professional before taking this. If you regularly take anti-inflammatory medications, taking creatine monohydrate daily can affect your liver. This happened to me and I’m a healthy, fit woman who regularly exercises. I suffer from migraines and take anti inflammatory medications often because of them. I started taking creatine monohydrate to help with adding more lean muscle, and my liver enzymes shot up with a few months. Once I discontinued taking it my enzymes went back to normal within a month. My doctor said it was because of this supplement. Please beware.

    • Yes!!!
      The same happened to me recently…and if you’re a Diabetic do not take Creatine!!
      It will further damage your Liver if you have Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Desease or any Liver disease….
      Drink Coffee instead if you’re looking for extra energy for your Workouts…

    • I also suffer from migraines and ended up in the ER for a particularly bad one, they gave me an IV of magnesium. My doctor put me on a daily magnesium regime and that helps tremendously. So I rarely need anti inflammatory meds for headaches now. If anyone is interested in looking it up… the Canadian Headache Society recommends 600 mg magnesium citrate daily as a preventive therapy. Maybe that will be useful for fellow migraine sufferers. Always talk to your doctors of course.

  12. Once again, an amazing smile even while lifting weights!!! I haven’t had much energy for over a year, so I’m hoping this may help me too. I will suggest it to my wife too so she can keep up the pace she needs. Do you sell the pills? Otherwise, I just need to figure out who does. Thanks again JJ.

  13. Hi JJ, thanks for this video. What brand would you recommend for the tablet form. Thanks

  14. Excellent video. In 11 short minutes you covered basically all that we need to know about creatine. I’ve been taking it for a few months now and definitely see a difference in muscle/ leaner body. I’m 51 years young 😊

  15. JJ, you look amazing at 60! I 🩷 your passion for “aging powerfully” and appreciate the research you include in your videos.

  16. Can i ask whetyer u do face yoga , ..or what do u do , to look so good?

  17. Which brand do you guys use?

  18. 1. Workout harder, less sore
    2. Brain functioning
    3. Skin

    Take everyday. 5g (over 120lbs)

  19. AS a child in the fifties, I had polio, 40 years later I realised I had post polio syndrome causing muscle weakness in the right leg and at one time being almost unable to walk uphill while on one of my long distance hikes. I decided to take creatine and it made an immediate difference – I had the strength back in my leg, although the muscle had atrophied. I took creatine for some time and then thought I did not need it any more. Now at almost 80, I am still very fit, but perhaps my muscles could do with some help so have decided to get on the creatine again.

  20. I went back to work full-time and my job is very physical. The first month I was coming home mentally and physically spent. Then, I started researching Creatine and reading more about the positive impact it has on people who are aging (we are all “aging” everyday) especially on the body’s energy, recovery, and cognitive functions and I decided to give it a try. I am not exaggerating when I say, within say a week, I am sustaining my energy through an entire 8-hr shift, I come home and still have energy to make dinner and be nice to be family. I am not coming home like a zombie who just wants to lay down and not talk to anyone. Creatine has been an exciting add-on for me. I am telling all my friends about it. I don’t go to the gym at all so it’s not just for people who lift or train. I’m a 61-year old, full-time employee and I am telling you this is having a noticeable impact, especially to my energy sustainability, and d it has only been a week. Great video, JJ!

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