Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Learn how I lost 25 pounds in midlife—after six children, 11 pregnancies, and post-menopause. And how I’m still losing! My magic bullet costs nothing and anyone can do it. But will you?

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#weightloss #diet #credos

So, you’re over 50 and you’ve just had a baby. Congratulations! But now the question is – how do you lose weight? It can be tough to shed those extra pounds, but it’s not impossible. There is a diet that works well for women after 50 and during pregnancy. Keep reading to find out more!

1. Lean Protein Sources

Eating lean protein at each meal will keep you feeling full for longer periods. Examples of suitable proteins include lean cuts of meat such as beef and pork, poultry without the skin, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products, and tofu. These foods are also a good source of protein, but they should be consumed in moderation: Beans and legumes Nuts and seeds Eggs and egg whites Whole grains

2. Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are your friends! They include whole-grain bread and pasta, oatmeal or hot cereal made from whole-grain cereals, brown rice, popcorn, whole-grain crackers, fresh fruit (not dried), sweet potatoes or yams, winter squashes such as butternut squash or acorn squash. If you’re watching your carbohydrate intake for blood sugar control issues such as diabetes or insulin resistance, check with your doctor before increasing complex carbohydrate intake. The number of complex carbohydrates allowed daily will vary depending upon individual circumstances.

3. Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are another important part of your diet. Vegetable oils such as olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, and sunflower oil are good choices because they reduce the risk of high cholesterol and heart disease in otherwise healthy individuals; however, moderation is key since all oils contain a large number of calories. Nuts (including peanuts) and seeds also contain healthy fats that can help you lose weight after 50 when eaten in moderation (again, no more than one handful per day). Fish such as salmon or tuna contain omega-3 fatty acids which act to lower blood triglycerides when consumed in 2-4 ounce portions at least twice per week; although benefits do occur with less frequent consumption of these fish.

4. Food for the Senses

Planning your meals so that they are colorful, appealing to the eye as well as tasty, and satisfying will naturally encourage you to eat more of the right foods and less of the wrong ones! In other words, food does not have to be boring for you to lose weight after 50 or during pregnancy.

If you’re following a healthy diet along with regular exercise, both aerobic and strength training, then there is no reason why you can’t shed those extra pounds postpartum while feeling great at the same time! And don’t forget – this isn’t about an “ideal weight” where you sacrifice your health for looks – it’s about finding a weight that is good for your overall well-being.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Amen

    • Woo hoo! Do you have plans on how to move forward, Sharon! 💞

    • Planning on returning to WW and going to meetings. I fall off the wagon when I don’t. But will wait until the grandkids go home. Too much crap in the house right now. Next week…..

    • @Sharon Reinblatt I’m glad you found something that HELPS you. I bet the community support is encouraging AND motivating. In the meantime, enjoy the grandkids!!

    • Thank you! It’s really having to step on the scale in front of someone else. I can rationalize to myself but can’t lie to a public weigh in.

  2. Thanks for keepin it real!

    • Real SLOW!!! 😂 Thanks so much. It’s definitely a process, but I’ll keep plugging along. At least I’ve made progress. 💪🏻

  3. Congrats on your progress! Can’t wait to see the final result. I’m MOTIVATED!

    • Woo hoo! Let me know what YOU are going to do! I love having a tribe around me, working toward a common goal.

  4. I’m not to 50 yet, but I already feel the pain of keeping weight under control as I get older. Seriously, WHY is this so HARD???

    • Those things MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Drives me bonkers when “experts” act like it’s just the same for everyone or that you MUST be cheating if you’re not losing like they claim. SO not true!

  5. ✅ Share your ONE ridiculously doable fitness goal in the comments! 💪🏻

  6. 🙏❤️🙏

  7. My goal is to eat minimum sugar. I am allowing myself take-away food (fast food) once a month, and to cook or make foods to include salad, vegetables (which I love!) and a bit of protein. I haven’t set an exercise goal (baby steps!), except to count my daily steps to see what I have to do to improve that aspect once I have the nutritional eating under control.

    • Fraloob, this is FANTASTIC! I love so many things about this. How carefully thought out it is, how you are taking it a very DOABLE step at a time, taking things you already enjoy and incorporating them. PLEASE keep me posted on your progress! I wish you the BEST success for a healthy new year! 💪🏻💗

  8. Wahoo!

  9. OMG…you are hilarious and totally relatable!! And yes..I have been on many of the diets that you showed (blushing). Great video!

  10. I will be 51 years old in February. My youngest just turns 12 years old. I need to lose about 75 pounds. I like to eat real food as I have tried many, many diets too. My best tool is having a buddy to encourage and who can encourage me. So far I have lost 3.75 pounds this year.

    • Way to get a good start on the year, Jeanie! I think you’ve hit on something that DOES work for you, real food (because…you know…that’s what you’ll probably eat the rest of your life!) and someone to be accountable to. Keep me posted on your progress!

  11. New to this channel, love the bird picture behind u. Thx

    • Welcome and thank you for tuning in! I’ve lost a bunch more weight since I filmed this vlog and am moving on to other goals. What are YOU up to? (And I love those birds, too! 🦜)

  12. Finally! Thank you for saying what most won’t!!!! I thought i was crazy that close observance to what i was eating and exercising did not result in more than 20 lbs lost in a year at 60. Thank you for sharing!

  13. Good luck on your journey. I followed a 1200 calorie diet for 9 months and lost 60 lbs. I felt and looked great. But as soon as I slipped counting calories daily my weight slowly went right back to where I started. The next time I went back to the diet I only lost 40 lbs but once again went right back to my original weight when I only increased my intake slightly. I now face a choice of accepting the weight I’m at or restrict my food the rest of my life. Going to the gym 5 or 6 days a week makes me feel more energetic but does not do anything for my weight loss. The struggle continues.

  14. I am 58.5 and, like you, I have been dieting my whole life. I had my last baby at 36. At 55 I went whole-food plant-based. I have fixed my high cholesterol, lost 45lbs faaaaast, and every single ache and pain went away. I haven’t dieted since and I pretty much eat as much as I want. It’s so exciting to learn all the new ways of cooking. I have so much energy. LOVE being VEGAN!!!

  15. Amen

  16. I lost over 100 pounds on we but now that there are no more meetings I am back wards to having lost around 66.

    • Trying to get back to 100 pounds or more lost

  17. Wow thank you so much, because I am going through this right now. Not seeing any process ,have been working out 7 days a week for 2 hours and have loss just 4 pound in 4 months.. and being careful of what I eat, so thank you I will not give up

  18. Awesome video. Thank you for sharing. I am 42 and have struggled with my weight for a long time!!! I actually documented my Weightloss journey on this channel. I lost 85 pounds and then I gained it all back! I know my journey isn’t over. I need to get up and keep going. Thank you so much for your inspiration! I’m going to keep going and hopefully learn a healthier way to lose weight and be able to keep it off. I’d love any suggestion and support anyone has. Ha ha

  19. Amen

  20. Dear, this is not what i wanted to hear, knowing you speak the truth. 🥴

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