Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat Walking the path to being Fit, Firm and Fabulous at any age.
Learn how to lose weight and get healthy at any age. Take control of your health and fitness. Learn what the diet companies will never tell you.

People often think that it's too late to lose weight after 40, but this is simply not true. It's never too late to make a change and start living healthier. You can lose weight after 40 by making small changes in your lifestyle such as exercising more and eating less junk food. And the best part? These are things you can do at any point in life – there is no age limit!

Losing weight doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming either; it just takes some dedication on your part. Keep reading for tips on how to get started now!

1. Get support

The easiest way to ensure that you're successful at weight loss is to seek out accountability and support from friends, family, professionals, meetups, or online groups. When you feel like giving up or indulging in junk foods just because it's simple and convenient, having someone that will be there for you to encourage and motivate you can help keep your goals on track.

2. Find an activity you enjoy

Physical activity doesn't have to be boring; find something fun you can do regularly (like dancing), whether it's with a group of friends or by yourself! If exercising alone isn't all that fun but going to the gym sounds like hell for example, then try taking dance classes instead–this could help make an exercise routine part of your social life, which makes it even easier to stick with.

3. Get some sunshine

It's winter right now and the cold weather can get us down sometimes. Getting some sun will help you feel happier daily, plus it has various health benefits that are heart-boosting, inflammation-reducing, and mood-enhancing. So take a walk on the sunny side!

4. Turn off the TV while eating

Eating in front of the television can make you eat more than you realize by distracting you from how full you've gotten. Try enjoying family meals together instead of watching TV or checking your phone – this way everyone gets to spend time together while nourishing their bodies at the same time.

5. Shop in your pantry before going to the grocery store

Before making a trip to the grocery store, check what you already have at home; chances are, you'll have lots of healthy food options at hand that won't cost much money. This way you can plan your meals around what's in your kitchen already, rather than buying tempting foods that might not go with the rest of your groceries.

6. Combine exercise and playtime with your pet

Instead of sedentary activities like playing video games or watching TV, try exercising together with Fido! Taking a walk or playing fetch are great ways to get some exercise while having fun with your dog – plus you'll feel less guilty about giving him table scraps after eating too much junk food by himself.

7. Eat more veggies

Not all vegetables are created equal; for example, celery is mostly made up of water while carrots have lots of nutrients in them that contribute to weight loss. If preferring salads over cooked veggies, be sure to use a healthy dressing like olive oil and lemon juice that won't undo all your hard work.

8. Don't eat so much dairy

Many people are lactose intolerant or have some type of allergy to cow's milk, goat's milk, or sheep's milk – even if you didn't have this problem as a child! So why continue consuming dairy products if they make you feel sick? Many people have found great relief after switching to plant-based milk that doesn't contain any animal byproducts at all, yet still provides the same amount of calcium for strong bones and teeth.

9. Try intermittent fasting

If you're not one for exercise but want to lose weight, try doing an intermittent fast instead where you only eat in a short window of time during the day. One popular option is to only eat from noon to 7 pm, then fast for the rest of the day – this will give your digestive system a nice break and help you feel rejuvenated all over again.

10. Drink lots of water

Water can be a natural appetite suppressant (and healthier than drinking sweetened beverages like soda) – try getting in the habit of keeping a large glass or bottle by your side at all times to remind yourself to drink up! If you prefer juice, go for low-sugar varieties with lemon or lime to add some extra flavor.

For some, the idea of losing weight after 40 is not possible. However, there are many ways you can work toward a healthier and more fit lifestyle in your later years through small changes that will add up over time. This article discusses how important it is to make healthy choices for yourself at any age by taking care of your body from the inside out with proper nutrition and exercise. Have you found success in changing your habits? What tips have been most helpful for you? Let us know!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. I totally agree with you Wanda. I am 44 and need to loose weight again. When I was 30 I weighed 245. I was never over weight until I was about 25 and after my 2 beautiful kids. When I turned 30 I weighed the most. I agree getting your head right and telling yourself there is no trying but doing. It is not a diet but a life change. When I told myself that and changed my food and exercise and frame of mind I lost 100 pounds. At the age 40 I had a lot happen in my life and went

  2. back to gaining my weight back. I lost perspective and I need to get that back. I now weigh 198 and found that loosing weight now in my forties seems tougher than when I was 30. I have watched your video and it has reminded me of where my mind needs to be. I feel now that it isn’t hard I just need more patience and understanding myself. Thank you for your videos. 🙂

  3. Thank-you!

  4. Wanda, thank you for your help … I’m not trying any longer. I’m going to do it!!! 1.Yes2.YES.3.YES… I’m doing it. I hope you’ll be making more videos.

  5. Throw that “trying” out the window!
    1) dunno
    yes wins!

  6. Female’s body already contains the fat burning hormone, all you should do is to let your fat-burning hormone working, this method called Metabolic Override. Then, you are able to lose weight very easily without restricting the foods you crave most

    • @Gene B. Maxwell You can easily lose weight by following the guide within this blog:

  7. Thanks Wanda!

  8. Wanda you’re an inspiration I just now found your video and I am also 59 years 130 pounds 5′ 5 in height. I’m in new subscriber to you I’m looking forward to your videos and you’re absolutely right you won’t be able to Tone and lose weight and less you get your mind set right. Anyway take care, Carrie

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