Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
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Are you have been seemingly been doing all the right things, but you still aren't seeing the scale budge? There could be reasons other than not being at enough of a calorie deficit.
✔Your body is carrying a lot of inflammation
✔You have poor gut health and your body is storing toxins in fat cells making this fat difficult to lose.
✔You have poor liver health which is slowing down your metabolism
✔You have poor liver and gut health which is causing improper digestion of foods leading to poor nourishment of the body
✔Your hormones are out of balance
✔You are over training or performing the wrong type of exercise for your age
✔You aren't getting adequate sleep
✔You are producing too much cortisol due to stress
✔You have food sensitivities that are leading to more inflammation
✔You aren't following daily healthy habits to improve your body's balance consistently. Your overall body must be in balance for continued weight loss.

My program addresses all of these issues so that you can begin to take back control of your body, so if you need someone to guide you through the process, click on the link in my bio. I make the steps simple to follow so you can start finally seeing results.


Although it may seem like an age-old problem, many women over the age of forty are struggling to lose weight. For some reason, this is often especially true for women who have gone through menopause and find themselves unable to get rid of stubborn pounds that won't go away. It's important to note that it isn't just women over forty who struggle with weight loss; however, they tend to be affected more than younger people due to certain physiological changes in their bodies. If you're a woman over 40 wondering why you can't lose weight no matter how hard you try, here are some things for you to consider:

Hormonal Changes in Women Over 40

Although a woman's body is constantly changing throughout her life, the biggest changes occur when she hits her forties. Hormones begin to fluctuate more wildly due to menopause and perimenopause, which often causes weight gain that is very hard to lose. The single best way to combat hormonal fluctuations is through diet and exercise alone; however, many women over the age of forty are not able to lose weight by exercising alone. For some reason, age-related hormones cause certain areas of their bodies to simply hang onto fat cells no matter what they do — especially around the neck area, upper thighs, stomach, or midsection. Even if you aren't struggling with age-related weight gain, it's likely that you still have some “problem areas” around your body.

If diet and exercise aren't working, your next step should be to consider what other factors might be involved in your inability to lose weight. It may be time to get a checkup if hormone imbalances are suspected; however, you can also try adding more fiber to your diet or getting an adjustment for any problems in the joints or back that might be causing you pain when exercising. There is one thing women over 40 typically don't do well about losing weight — they don't go out of their way to include certain foods in their diets. Most people think about depriving themselves when trying to lose weight, but this isn't much help if you aren't getting the right nutrients in your body. Your best bet for losing weight is to eat healthy and well-balanced meals that provide your body with the energy it needs and avoid foods that offer very little nutritional value. You will lose more weight if you can manage to include these healthy foods into your diet rather than focusing on what you cannot have.

For women over 40 who are struggling to lose weight, one of the most important tips to keep in mind is this: you CAN do it! It's not as easy as it used to be, but now you know why — so now all you'll need to do is make a few adjustments and go from there. By understanding how age affects your overall health, eating habits, and weight, you'll quickly find yourself feeling and looking better than ever.

Weight loss is difficult for many people, but it may be even more challenging for women over 40. The article explores the reasons why this might be and offers tips on how to improve your chances of success with weight loss efforts. If you’re struggling to lose weight as a woman over 40, don't give up. We hope these ideas help you get back into shape sooner than later.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

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