1. I’ve been on an artificial treatment against endometriosis which stops my cycles, I’m basically in menopause (I’ve started the treatment 4 years ago now) and I put on almost 10 kilos. I’m having a really hard time adjusting to this knew body, and especially when EVERYONE around me tells me “Wow, you’ve put on weight!”. I’m 27 and I’m considering stoping the treatment just because of it… Is the treatment doing exactly the same as in “real” menopause? Thank you for your videos.

    • If the treatment has stopped your cycle, and has put you into menopause then yes. It’s likely you are experiencing the same thing as real menopause. I have a whole playlist on menopause, it would be beneficial for you to check out some of the tips! I’m also happy to jump on the phone to try to offer some guidance! https://calendly.com/drbethwestie/free-consultation

  2. Hello these,So happy to found you! great advice you give.
    i’m 36 years and in early menopause for i Think 10 years now. a couple of years i stopped taking bc and i now gained 10 kg!
    I eat a whole food plant based diet but it still is sooo hard to lose some pounds ๐Ÿ™
    I want to start strength training but My energy levels are soo low ! im in a doubt if i should start taking bioidentical hormones because i feel sick all of the time ๐Ÿ™

  3. My Glucose is 73-85 morning fasting. If its low is that making me insulin resistant? Im def lower in estrogen. No period since Jan 2019. My progesterone is low as well. I just keep packing on the weight. Mostly in my arms chest butt and thighs. My upper stomach stays bloated. I thought if I took Amberen it would raise my estrodial. I took biodentical hormones during peri.enepause and it helped but since My estrogen is now registering 21 i cant lose even on keto.

    • Hi Sandra! Are you on the waitlist for the upcoming 12 week program? I would definitely be able to help you with this!

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