Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Dr. J. Scott Bembry discusses the ties for women between weight gain, aging and menopause. Find more answers to frequently asked questions about menopause at

No one is sure why, but it's a scientific fact that women gain weight before going through menopause. While the reasons behind this phenomenon are still being studied, there are a few things that experts think may contribute. Keep reading to find out more about why weight gain happens before menopause and what you can do to prevent it from happening to you.

1. As you approach menopause, the levels of estrogen in your body begin to drop. Estrogen helps regulate a woman's metabolism and plays a role in her body's distribution of fat cells. When there isn't as much estrogen present, it can cause weight gain around the hips and waist – which is why some women gain “weight” (really just an increase in fatty tissue) instead of seeing pounds go up on the scale.

2. Many women notice their appetites increase once they start going through perimenopause. Some studies suggest that this could be due to rising levels of certain hormones like cortisol (which is known to stimulate appetite), but we don't know for sure yet.

3. The female reproductive system is closely tied to the endocrine system (the glandular system that produces and secretes hormones). When this system starts to go through some major changes, all of your other bodily systems are forced to adapt. And whether or not you're pregnant, nursing, or trying to get pregnant yourself, the shifting hormones in the female body can affect weight gain.

4. Changing hormone levels also affect how much water women retain. If you're drinking less water than normal while your estrogen levels are changing, it could lead to dehydration. As a result, it may appear as though weight loss has stalled because of increased bloating caused by retained water.

So what can you do about it?

1. Try your best to eat a healthy and well-rounded diet that will maintain energy levels and keep you feeling full.

2. Try to stay active by exercising. It may seem hard to fit in exercise when you're busy, but even just walking for 30 minutes a day can make a big difference when it comes to weight gain or loss.

3. Pay attention to how much water you drink throughout the day. Drinking eight glasses isn't necessary, but try staying hydrated by drinking at least two tall glasses of water each morning. Stay away from sugary beverages like soda and sweet tea – these drinks can cause dehydration which leads to bloating and weight fluctuations.

4. Don't be too hard on yourself. Keep in mind that it may take a little time before your body gets used to its new hormone levels. If you experience a few transitional weight gain setbacks, just keep going and remember – better health is always worth the extra effort!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Men should not comment on the menopause. They only have an idea which is NO IDEA.

  2. I was always a size 8 and when my periods stopped I gained two stone. How condescending to say its all ‘coincidence’.

    • Sounds like someone ate too many calories. Don’t kid yourself SJ , aging and menopause does not cause weight gain. It’s simple the calorie

  3. Well watching this video was a waste of time. I was hoping he would actually have some useful information. 🙄

    • You want useful information ? I’ll give you one , go vegan

  4. I do NOT trust any man with perimenopause/menopause info! They simply have no idea!

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