Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Full Plate Nutritionist Diana Fleming shares crucial changes that must happen in order to lose weight during menopause.

For more information, check our Dr. Fleming's post at:

We're all looking for a way to lose weight and live healthier. This blog will outline the best foods you can eat during menopause and how they help with weight loss. You'll find out which of these is your favorite, and if you've been wondering what to eat during menopause, this post has some good information for you!

There are a lot of foods that can help you lose weight during menopause. Some of the most effective ones include the following:

1. Whole Grains

In order to feel full longer, you should eat whole grains since they have low glycemic index levels. This means that your blood sugar won't spike as much after eating them! Brown rice and oats are two types of these healthy options. They also have a good amount of fiber per serving, which will make you feel fuller throughout the day.

2. Green Tea

A great drink for losing weight during menopause is green tea since it lowers inflammation in your body and helps remove toxins from the organs in your body. It is also packed with antioxidants! If you're ready to try it, you can brew a pot of green tea each day and bring the liquid with you in a flask. This way, you'll always have access to your favorite drink and it will keep you energized throughout the day.

3. Lean Protein

Your body needs healthy proteins to help build muscle and burn fat efficiently. The most common sources of lean protein include poultry, dairy products like milk and cheese, fish, legumes including beans and lentils, soymilk than contains less than seven grams of fat per cup, tofu made from soybeans that has been pressed into solid blocks or processed strips frying is not recommended since they contain more chemicals than natural tofu.

4. Low-Fat Dairy Products

When trying to lose weight during menopause, you should eat low-fat dairy products since they contain calcium and vitamin D. Calcium helps your body boost your metabolism so it can burn off the fat more effectively.

5. Oils

You need to avoid trans fats when trying to lose weight during menopause because it slows down the process of metabolizing food in your body, which means that it won't be processed as quickly. Instead of choosing these unhealthy options, go for healthy oils like olive oil or avocado oil. They're great for making salads taste better!

7. Low-Cal Snacks

A good way to feel less hungry is to avoid eating high-calorie foods like chips or candy bars since they won't satisfy you for long periods of time. Instead, go for healthy snacks such as carrots, celery sticks with peanut butter dip, apples, oranges or yogurt with fruit on top! These snacks will help you slim down without feeling too deprived.

As a woman going through menopause, you might be wondering what foods to eat in order to lose weight. With the right information and some determination, it is possible for anyone of any age or gender to get back into shape after experiencing hormonal changes during this time. In this blog post, we’ve provided 5 examples that will help guide you on your journey from an unhealthy lifestyle back towards healthy habits. Remember, there are no shortcuts when it comes to losing weight – but if you work hard and stick with these simple yet effective tips then success is just around the corner! Ready? Let's do this!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Great video! I’m actually 32, but have gone through breast cancer, had my ovaries removed, and am on an estrogen blocker. I’ve been trying to get my weight more under control. Thank you for the information!

    • You are very welcome. Just remember that it takes time, but you can do it. Focus on one thing at a time and keep at it.

  2. Thank u!!!! Great video!!!

  3. I feel like I get my belly going down by doing exercise until menopause and it blows up. I’m 52 getting into weights and cardio and it’s hard to get my belly down, but I’m going try more fiber and working my upper body more.

    • Those are great steps to take, Fay. Keep at it!

    • Good moves, Fay. Remember to keep working at filling 75% of your plate at each meal with fiber foods. If you haven’t been eating lots of fiber foods, it takes time to get to the place where you’re eating a 75% plate at every meal, but keep working at it. The best foods for losing belly fat are lots of veggies, beans, small amounts of cooked whole grains, nuts and seeds. Do enjoy fruit, but limit it to a couple a day. The foods that you really want to lose are refined grains, processed foods, sugar, sweets and liquid calories. If you can add intervals to your cardio, Fay, that can help burn more belly fat. Keep up the good work.

    • @Diana Fleming I realize this video was several years ago, Id like to ask about beans, any beans?

    • @molliecpo1 Sure Mollie. What would you like to ask about beans?

  4. Excellent video. What about dressing? And how much fat?

    • There is always fat free dressings which you can use freely, but they tend to have too much sugar, salt, artificial sweeteners and/or chemicals. So, if you’re going to use a regular oil-based dressing, stick to 2 Tbs at most. Measure it out so you know you’re getting the right amount. A trick I like to use when I eat out is asking for the dressing on the side. For each bite of salad, I dip my fork into the dressing and then into the salad. That way I get flavor with each bite, and when I’m finished, 2/3rds of the dressing is left. The best fats are plant fats: avocados, nuts, seeds, extra virgin olive oil, nonGMO canola, etc. Careful with oils as it’s easy to get a lot of calories without realizing it. If a recipe calls for sauteeing veggies in 2 Tbs of oil, you could use 1 Tbs, or you could saute in water or a low sodium veggie broth. Hope that helps.

  5. Volume is muted. I could not hear a single word.

    • Paul Martin Paul where is the volume slider for this video? I checked her other videos and they are normal good volume. So odd!! I real what to hear it. It sounds important.

    • It’s usually 2 buttons to the right of the play button… on a laptop player. You could also look at the auto transcript.

    • Can’t hear you!

    • It IS VERY low Volume compared to all other videos on here for sure.

    • It IS VERY low Volume compared to all other videos on here for sure.

  6. Thank you for clear and simple message. I just discovered your channel and want to watch all your videos.

  7. I think this is a very great video; short but packed with info…the only negative thing about this video is that low volume…:-(

  8. SHES SAYING: Slowly put these things in place:
    1) Eat more FIBER
    2) Drink alot of Water
    3) Cardio 5 X a week for 30mins – do HIIT
    4) Be more active, even upper body weight training, etc

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