Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Weight Loss Post Menopause. For Healthy Eating and Losing Weight for Postmenopausal Women.

Click here to see the 3 Biggest Lies You Have Been Told About Weight Loss:

Menopause can be one of the toughest challenges that a woman goes through in her lifetime, both physically and mentally. Because women are at a higher risk of developing a number of health conditions and serious disease, this is a crucial time to switch up your nutrition plan to one that will do your body good.

Whether you are far from menopause, in the middle of menopause, or post menopause, there is no timeline to start making healthier choices. I want to educate you on how to best regulate your hormones to help you sleep better, keep your energy up, and yes – reduce the hot flashes! Not only will you keep your weight down, your body will thank you later as you get through one of the most challenging transitions of your life. The best time to act is now!

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Code Red Coaching:

“What’s Eating You”:

“Grief, Loss & Code Red”:

“Loving the New You”:

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How To Lose Weight FAST Without Exercise (Avoid Weight Loss Plateau):

How To Flatten Your Belly Without Exercise (+ Why Belly Fat Is So Stubborn):

Bad Foods For Weight Loss (Foods To Avoid To Lose Weight Faster):

Breaking Sugar Addiction (How Much Sugar Is Too Much For Kids?):

Inflammatory Foods To Avoid (Foods That Cause Inflammation):







#weightloss #postmenopause #codered

As you approach menopause, you may be worried about weight gain and the effects of hormonal changes on your body. You're not alone – many women find that they put on extra pounds as they go through menopause. But don't despair! There are things you can do to stay slim and trim, even after menopause. Read on for tips on how to keep your weight under control in post-menopausal years.

1. Eat a healthy diet.

As you age, it's more important than ever to eat a healthy diet. A balanced diet will help you maintain a healthy weight, give you energy, and prevent diseases. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein in your diet. And limit your intake of sugary drinks and unhealthy fats.

2. Get regular exercise.

Exercise is essential for good health at any age. But it becomes even more important as you get older. Regular exercise can help you lose weight, maintain a healthy weight, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. So make sure to get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.

3. Avoid weight gain triggers.

There are some things that can trigger weight gain during menopause, such as stress, lack of sleep, and certain medications. So it's important to be aware of these triggers and take steps to avoid them. If you're having trouble losing weight or keeping it off, talk to your doctor about ways to manage these triggers.

4. Stay motivated.

It's not always easy to stick to a healthy diet and exercise program. But it's important to stay motivated so you can reach your goals. Set realistic goals for yourself and make a plan for how you'll achieve them. And don't be afraid to ask for support from family and friends.

5. Seek professional help.

If you're struggling to lose weight or keep it off, don't hesitate to seek professional help. A registered dietitian or certified diabetes educator can help you develop a healthy eating plan. And a personal trainer or exercise physiologist can design a safe and effective exercise program for you.

6. Be patient.

Weight loss can take time, so be patient. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately. And remember that even a small weight loss can have health benefits. So keep up your healthy habits even if you don't lose a lot of weight right away.

7. Talk to your doctor.

If you're having trouble losing weight or keeping it off, talk to your doctor. He or she can help you find out if there's an underlying medical reason for your problem and recommend treatment options.

If you’re looking to maintain a healthy weight and avoid putting on the pounds after menopause, it’s important to make some simple lifestyle changes. Diet and exercise are still key, but there are other things you can do to help as well. Contact us today for more information about how our team of experts can help you stay slim and trim – post 50!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Thank you for posting. I have been going thru menopause right now.I am 53 had no problems losing in my 40’s or younger ,The hot flashes and insomnia. Trying not to be put on any medicine. OMG I needed to hear this…the biggest is the weight that is hanging on for dear life. I have been doing intermittent fasting. I have lost 22 lbs so far. I have another 15 lb – 20 more to go.

    • Good to hear that weight is coming off Dianne!!

  2. Where is the link she mentions?

    • Donna Lee It’s in the description of the video

  3. Christy thank you for this video. I have been a rebel since February and lost 40 lbs. But now i have a challenge as I will be having surgery on Tuesday 6/4 for a total hysterectomy and Cyst removal. Any tips to keep weight off during recovery?

    • Michelle, My stepdad, who’s a Code Red Rebel too, just had surgery. What we did for him was help him eat as close to Code Red-approved as his doctor allowed (which, in this case, worked out perfectly). Our bodies hold on to water weight while they’re healing; plus the fluids they give you in the hospital can add weight. But it’s all temporary weight. Because he continued eating Code Red, when his body was ready to let go of that temporary water weight, it came right off and his weight loss resumed. Everyone’s a little different and I’m not a medical professional, but what I’ve just described has been the case for my stepdad and several other Rebels I’ve talked to who had some kind of surgery during or after weight loss mode.

    • Michelle Carr Keep up that water! Lots of rest

    • @Cristy Code Red thank you. Been drinking water water water.

    • @Andrea Dell thank you so much for the info. I think I am at that release of water now. Pants are still falling off yay!

  4. Thank you for doing this video!!!!OMG the hot sweats and have hard time having full night sleeps because of the hot sweats have taken a toll on me! #coderedrebelinprogress

  5. Thank you for sharing. My question is. I was kicked into menopause before my time from chemotherapy. (Age 42) will my hormones be even more out of whack than a woman who goes thru menopause naturally? I get 7 to 8 hours sleep, drink plenty of water, eat fruits and veggies and cut down on my red meat consumption to once a week and still my weight doesn’t budge. What else can I do?

    • Sheryl May in my experience menopausal women do very well on Code Red

    • Cristy Code Red when will your next 10 pound challenge start? I have your book and jut got the workbook.

    • Next challenge starts July 15th Sheryl! You can join at

  6. Fatigue!!!

  7. Hot flashes!! How can I get through those at night

  8. If I had to choose one thing I struggle with most post menopause is fatigue which leads to so many other issues

  9. hi my name is marie iam in menopause  I have gain so  much weight   in 2015 I was weighting at 195  now been in menopause  now I weight 244 pound I don’t know what to do about it  I would like to loss 50 pound I just being filling sad and down about this

    • Marie…I can help you!! Go to and join one of my challenges. It’s a great way to dip your toes in this lifestyle! There are so many women who have lost weight and gone thru menopause the same time!

  10. Hot flashes

  11. My biggest challenge is finding time to cook meals at home with my busy work schedule.

    • There are so many simple, easy ways to put together meals that require very little if any cooking Cynthia!

    • get an Insta Pot or crock pot or both shop and cook a week in advance and have the meals in the fridge or freezer…get the family on board…find some go to meals you can make in a few minutes and reach out for support

  12. I would love to sleep, definitely not my choice that I’m not.

  13. Fuzzy brain…not thinking as quickly and clearly….

  14. Can’t sleep and it’s destroying my life.

    • What have you done to try to ensure a good nights sleep? Dark room, earplugs, weighted blanket?

    • Hi there. I had insomnia for many years, that is until a week ago when I stopped eating sugar and simple carbs. First time in 20 years I slept 6 full nights. It might be worth giving it a try. Good luck!

  15. I was thrown into instant full-blown menopause by an aromatase inhibitor. Lots of challenges but thinning hair and belly fat are the worst. Great channel. Glad I found it.

  16. Thank you🤗💛

  17. Getting solid sleep has been the toughest rule to keep. HOWEVER I’ve been on Code Red for 6 weeks now and more often than not I’m getting 6-7 hours sold sleep now. HUGE improvement over my previous 3 hours awake for an hour then another 3 hours the awake and pray I have time fir an afternoon nap.

  18. Losing weight was the biggest challenge.
    I got on BioTe estrogen and testosterone pellets, along with natural progesterone so I could sleep, and have lost 37 pounds. I was going crazy before. I’m 55.

  19. Thankyou so much im new to your channel but im loving your videos so far… 😁💛

  20. Belly fat its a nightmare for me im terrified of it as I lost both my parents to stomach cancer they were both young when they passed… so now im in menopause im fighting the fight of my life! 😬

    • You should try one of my 10 pound takedown challenges Belinda!

    • @Cristy Code Red yes im on it for the next one thanks I can’t wait! Your such an inspiration 💚💛

    • Awesome Belinda! You will learn so much!

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