Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Are you struggling with weightloss? for most of us, after a certain age our metabolism slows down. Not to mention stress, sugar, and not so beneficial lifestyle habits are hard to avoid or change.
In this video I explain my weightloss journey, how I gained the weight back, and 4 things you should ask yourself when it come to your goals of weightloss.


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Many people struggle with weight loss as they get older, but the key is to find a healthy balance between diet and exercise. The first thing you need to do is figure out if your weight gain is due to lifestyle changes or aging. If it's a lifestyle, then focus on finding ways to change what you eat and how active you are. But if it's age-related, don't be discouraged because there are still things that can help! Check out our blog post for more information on how we can help 40-somethings lose belly fat after 40.

1. Start a Weight Loss Program

The first thing to do is find a program that's right for you. Don't feel like you need to join the gym or hire a trainer! There are lots of free apps and exercise programs online that can help you lose weight. Not only will this benefit your overall health, but it'll also be less expensive than membership fees at the gym. You may even get some new friends in the process! Do some research on different ways to work out at home, and try one out! It could save you hundreds of dollars per year not joining an expensive gym where all you end up doing is browsing Instagram anyway.

2. Be More Active Every Day

Take advantage of every opportunity to get active without feeling pressure to go to the gym. You can always get more exercise throughout your day. Go for an extra walk with your family or try doing some squats when you go up and down the stairs at home. Don't feel like you need to go on a mission to lose weight—start small and build up your endurance for working out over time.

3. Cut Back on Sugary & Processed Foods

Sugary foods are not only bad for your waistline, but they also have negative health consequences in general. Not only will eating too much sugar lead to weight gain, but it'll also increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, liver disease and even cancer. It's important to eat enough fruits and vegetables every day so you'll feel satiated! Do some research online to find recipes that could be healthier than the ones you're used to. I love this article on 52 healthy snacks under $1 that are easy to put together at home.

4. Eat More Protein & Fiber To Feel Full Longer

Protein is an important part of any weight loss or diet plan, but it's especially helpful if you want to learn how to lose belly fat after 40. Studies have found eating more protein helps people feel fuller for longer periods, which can help with losing weight. It also boosts metabolism and aids in digestion, making it easier for your body to break down food into nutrients it can use. You should try eating up to 1/2 cup of beans every day as a healthy source of protein.

5. Try Eating More Fatty Foods

Contrary to popular belief, eating more fat isn't bad for you at all! It can help your weight loss goals if done correctly. Not only are they better sources of energy compared to carbs or sugars, but they could even make you feel full longer if eaten in the right way. Make sure when picking fatty foods that they're unsaturated fats like olive oil and organic coconut oil. Stay away from saturated fats that come from animal products since these have been shown to cause heart disease in some cases. You should try adding a few tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil into soups and salads over the week.

6. Eat More Fiber for a Healthier Gut

There's a strong connection between your gut and weight gain. To have a healthy body, you need to have a healthy stomach with good bacteria! When the bacteria in your intestines is disrupted, it can lead to inflammation that triggers hunger signals– explaining why so many people feel hungry even after they've eaten enough food. You want to try eating probiotic foods or probiotic foods to help with making this happen! Prebiotics are fibers found mostly in fruits and vegetables, but you can also find them as supplements if needed. On the other hand, probiotics are live cultures of organisms found in some foods and supplements. I love this article on the best probiotic foods so you can start incorporating them into your diet tomorrow!

7. Take Magnesium Supplements for Better Sleep

Another problem with belly fat is that it's likely related to sleep apnea or poor-quality sleep, which can lead to weight gain over time. If this happens, taking magnesium supplements could help fix the problem so you can lose weight better.

8. Cut Out The Caffeine & Alcohol

It's also important to be aware of what you drink since both alcohol and caffeine can disrupt your sleeping patterns. Cutting out these substances will not only improve how well you sleep, but they'll also reduce your risk for heart disease over time—another good reason to lose weight.

9. Drink More Water & Less Soda

Sugary drinks like soda can lead to weight gain, which makes it another thing you need to cut out of your diet if you want to learn how to lose belly fat after 40. Drinking more water will help your stomach feel full longer, which could prevent cravings that derail your efforts at losing weight. You should also try drinking hot water with lemon or taking some apple cider vinegar before meals for similar results.

10. Exercise Three Times a Week (And Incorporate Sprints!)

Adding exercise into the mix is one way to make sure you'll not only lose excess weight but keep it off in the future! It's no surprise that people who exercise regularly are usually some of the healthiest people walking around. But what's even more important is that exercise burns more calories when you're trying to lose weight. Cardio exercises like walking, running, swimming, or cycling are especially good at burning fat, which makes it a great choice for an after-40 workout routine. You can also try adding in intervals to your cardio workouts using sprints to burn off belly fat even faster!

The article is a great resource for those who are looking to lose weight and belly fat after 40. Hopefully, it will help you find the motivation you need to get started!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. I needed to see this today! Thank you.👌🏾😘

  2. Thank you for this. It is very hard over 40 to loose weight. Change habits….. get moving!!! Needed to hear this. StAy blessed and safe!!!

  3. Thank you! Coming up on 45 and it’s a struggle.

  4. Hello. Thank you for sharing! I needed to listen to this today also. I will be 50 in June, I am an emotional eater and I need to get my health in order. It’s not only about turning 50, its about the days, weeks, months and years after🙏🏾

  5. Good black really does not crack u look great. How tall are u? I am 41, I am having a hard time sleeping & lately I have been craving sugar now that I am changing my eating habits to more Whole Foods & drinking water

  6. This info really helped me, i am going to put in the effort to get things started. Thanks so much.

  7. Me neither😂I can’t stand the movement of my butt and gutt😥

  8. great video, thank you! I’m 46 this year & i’ve struggled with my weight for a long long time… exercising isn’t a problem for me I can easily put in 4/5 days a week… it’s food that’s the problem!🤦🏾‍♀️ lol… i’ve made a list of everything you’ve said, i’m going to put notes all around my kitchen as a distraction from bad habits & learn to develop better habits… i can do this, so can you 😁👌🏾

    • ddotjdotd d what have you struggled with with regards to food?

  9. I am RIGHT HERE. I’m 51 and it was just NEVER this hard to lose weight. Not only that, this belly fat is stubborn AF now. At the weight I am now, my body was different back in the day. The struggle is real; this is helpful.

    • chokolatgurl I agree. I just turned 56 and it’s been crazy!

  10. New subscriber to your channel
    Thank you for the great content i needed the motivation today.
    Its hard with arthritic type pain to excercise properly but you give great tips. Btw you dont look a day over 30 you look fabulous 🌹God bless you

  11. Wait until you get into your 50s!

    • Stacia Davis it’s learning discipline if you are focused enough everything else will fall into place.

    • Yeeeees! Noone tells us about the chaos of hormones during perimenopause & menopause.
      Healing emotional stuff an lastly doing things that get you up moving. At 54 I stopped sugar, eat organic, walking and dancing.

    • Maureen Gannaway we have to educate each other…

    • @So Anesu yes

  12. Thank you for referencing that some of us have health issues or things that make it harder for some of us. I am living with Rheumatoid arthritis, cfs, fibro, several ruptured discs in my neck and back and way more. It is so hard to find anyone that can relate to living in pain 24/7 and yet trying to lose weight.

    • Jennifer Simmons thank you for the suggestions about the bands and exercise ball while in bed! Because I have metal knees I cannot be in a kneeling position either on the floor or in the bed it feels like my knees are being cut up when I do so. Thank you so much.

    • trulyblessedby3 You can sit on a Couch one that support your back and whole body sit up straight roll the ball with your hands back and forth and straight in front of you the count of three ten then start again roll the ball from side to side one side to the other side set of three ten then lift the ball over your head up and down raise it three set of ten then than put you feet while sitting back on your couch on top of the ball bending moving it up down rolling it with your foot back forth into your body any away from your body . Take your time there is no rush until your body adjust to the movement . The core band is what you do while in bed I know having lack of Mobility we must use what we can to get some movement in . These form of Exercise I got in from Therapy many years ago just continue to do them at home never stop because it’s truly as doctor said use your body or lose it completely some movement better then none . Starting any exercise program must be done slowly specially with Arthritis in the knees I was Diagnose with in 2001 but I found that core band lifting my legs at my own pace over time helped my knees and riding the stationary bicycle 10 min and the herbs and medication help with swelling Naproxen moving the knee back forth slowly help move out the pain in my knees . Not moving them cause the swelling get worse and move up my Thighs . We may not be able to move as fast neither longer as other nor bend to a low degree neither stand or walk long but we want give up . We will make the best of the little Yahuah given us till He decide to heal us from all our afflictions . I am trying out testing C BD oil yet no charge only help with getting over due sleep with need pain have you up all night . I going try all the Vitamin B and B12 and BComplex already taken 5000 D3 long with fish oil 3 Zinc Vitamin C to try heal damaged nerves some doctor said this would work we will see.

    • Jennifer Simmons thank you again this is very helpful! Trying it this morning after walking my dog.

    • Look for the Rice Diet or the potato cleansing diet on YouTube. You will loose weight and most probably get back your health…..

      You might also consider leaving out all oil out of your cooking and meat, chicken, fish for a season and watch your weight drop

    • Women and their excuses…lemme guess it’s the fault of men and society isn’t it?

  13. Girl I’m 45 and the struggle IS real!! I love my adult cocktail of diet coke and Henny after work with the hubby🤦🏾‍♀️ Bad habit number one! I’m restarting my journey

  14. Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!!!! As I get older, everything hinges on getting a good night’s sleep! All my other Healthy Habits are affected by sleep

  15. Thank you! Loved the advice, especially the writing of habits! Are the wooden bars for resistance bands?

  16. i’m glad i found you i’m in my fifties and I been struggling for years it’s just getting harder I just want to get under 200 mark I been there a long time tired of carrying this weight I had people say I carry it well but I am not a good weight i’m pretty healthy but I do have stress and don’t sleep well I am starting to cook more and I walk 5 or 6 times a week but I have a bad habit of skipping meals i’m just not hungry but I gain weight because of it cause I love to workout and i’m feeling heavy

    • Try tracking your calories if you haven’t. Myfitness pal helps. I basically eat more veggies and salads. In the morning I try to avoid a huge breakfast. Dinner is usually a small meat, brown rice, veggies. Try to keep it reasonable and set a goal number of calories, the app Myfitness pal will help with that based on your goal weight and your physical activity level. Also make sure your vitamin D levels are normal, physical every year is helpful.

  17. Thanks for being so real!!! I’m 46. As I’m getting older , I appreciate real! Thanks for passing on the info 💕💕 Good luck !

  18. I would love to also see fitness programs an exercises for woman 50 an over women who have struggled with menopause who is in chronic pain who have certain body parts like hips or back it’s a reason that I don’t think that I am capable of doing some of these excersis and I need someone who can gear a program exercise and nutrition to someone and my status

  19. I’ll be 40 next month and I’ve never had to work so hard to take off the weight in my life. My metabolism has hit the wall. And thanks to the quarantine I can’t just get fat burning shots and pills and run in and out of gyms. Didn’t think about how much stress and lack of sleep are hurting me. So glad I discovered your channel. Thank you for the info…

  20. I didn’t hear anything here honestly 😭😭😭, please next time go straight to the point. Not Adam and Eve etccc,

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